“So,” Woody continued, “the ME was here last night

in the ICU before Joe was moved upstairs. We’d begun

to put together some theories of our own.”

That’s who I saw in the ICU?” Judith cried. “The


“Probably,” Joe said. “He couldn’t get here until

late, and I had to stay down there until he showed up.

Bringing him to a ward would have raised a lot of

questions. Or so Sister Jacqueline felt.”

“Is that why some of Joe’s medical records were

shredded?” Judith asked. “For security reasons?”

Woody nodded. “Apparently Mrs. Van Boeck felt it

was necessary to keep Joe’s real condition a secret.

Maybe—and I’m guessing—she had a hunch the murderer was on the premises, or at least in the immediate

area. If Joe’s life was already in jeopardy, Jim Randall—or whoever—might not bother to finish him off.

Remember, Jim had undoubtedly seen Joe around the

hospital. Jim may have learned he was a former detective and now a private investigator. Apparently, Jim

never did figure out that Harold Abernethy—Mr.

Mummy—was also on the case, but from a different


“Wait a minute,” Judith said, narrowing her eyes at

Joe. “Are you trying to tell me you weren’t at death’s


“Well . . .” Joe began, but avoided his wife’s incensed gaze. “I wanted to tell that redheaded nurse I

saw in the elevator because she was getting off on your

floor . . .”

“Corinne,” Judith breathed, and glanced at Renie.

“That’s where she saw Joe. Couldn’t she tell me he

wasn’t in extremis?”

“He wasn’t in good shape,” Woody put in. “Really.”


Mary Daheim

“But not fifty-fifty?” Judith demanded. “Not critical?”

“More like seventy-thirty,” Joe said, grinning

weakly. “And ‘critical’ covers a broad range these


“Joe.” Judith folded her arms across her breast. “You

can’t imagine how upset I was.”

“It couldn’t be helped,” Joe said, wincing a bit.


“I don’t care,” Judith asserted. “I’m mad at you.”

She turned to Woody. “Well? Are you going to check

Jim Randall’s clothes or sit here and watch me ream

your ex-partner?”

Woody appeared more than willing to do Judith’s

bidding. “I really should be going. Great to see you all

again. Get well, ladies, Joe. Nice work with the dogs,

Bill. Take care of your mother, Mike. Bye.”

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