“Do you like it? Each charm represents something.” He leaned over me. “See, this one is a heart, because every time I see a heart I think of you. My Chloe Hart. This is a basketball, because that was what I was playing when I first fell for you. Oh! Here’s a little mask for all of the Halloween parties you host. Here’s a paintbrush and palette to represent art class. Here’s a Bible, because I know how much you love church, and here’s—”

I couldn’t help it. I turned and stopped him with a kiss. I had no idea he knew me as well as he did, or remembered all of those things. It was the most thoughtful gift I had ever been given. “Thank you, Taylor. Really, thank you.”

“So you like it?”

“Are you kidding? This is the best gift anyone has ever given me.” Seriously, is there a sweeter guy in the world? 



“Chloe, you look incredible,” Cassidy exclaimed as she walked into my room. Kate had just zipped up my new prom dress. I had told my parents not to worry about buying me a new one—I would just wear my old one from last year. But my dad wouldn’t hear of it. He was adamant that no daughter of his would wear a used dress when she was going on the arm of an Anderson.

“Thanks. I feel incredible.” I smiled as I glanced down at my dark bluish green iridescent gown. The skirt swept out like a princess with multicolored layers of sparkly tulle. In the mirror, I watched my hands as they fingered the smooth sequins that were stitched in a band around my waist, my new charm bracelet sparkling in the mirror. I liked the way the bodice had gathers of tulle that connected to a small band of more sequins that formed the neckline. But my favorite part was the wispy, glittering fairy sleeves that fell daintily over my shoulders and slightly down my arms. Unconsciously, my hand traveled up to play with one of the darker blue wisps of a sleeve. I was so glad my dad convinced me to get the dress. My old dress was pretty, but nowhere near as gorgeous as this one. I spun around so I could admire all of me in the mirror.

Kate sighed. “You do look elegant.”

“Thanks to your talent with hair. This updo is so awesome.” I giggled and watched in the mirror as couple of long, red tendrils brushed against my back.

“Okay, so come on, you two. What do you think of my dress?” Cassidy twirled in front of the door.

“Very pretty,” Kate said.

I smiled at my sister. “Wow. It fits perfectly. I love the pink color, too. You make the perfect birthday girl.”

“Well, of course no one is going to outshine you tonight. But I guess I can accept that fact.” Cassidy grinned and put her arm around my shoulders. “I mean how cool is this? My sister is going to prom with the Taylor Anderson. I still can’t get over it. Just remember me when you’re famous, okay?”

“Oh, please.” Embarrassed, I shrugged her arm off my shoulders. “What am I going to be famous for? Writing a memoir about my boyfriend?”

“There’s an idea!” She laughed. “I know a ton of girls who would love to read it. Heck, I would. Just think, we can all live vicariously through you.”

I shook my head and slipped my feet into my new crystalstudded silver sandals.

“And if you put details of his kisses in there, you’ll be sure to sell out.”

“That is one thing that will never be in any book.” I lifted a secretive eyebrow in my mirror at Cassidy. “I think Taylor’s kisses are definitely something no writing could do justice to. And—” I cut in before Cass could protest “— that’s all I’m going to say about it.” I caught Kate’s grin in the mirror and turned. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I squeezed her. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. Twice now you’ve made me so gorgeous I didn’t even recognize myself.”

“You’re welcome,” she gasped, then giggled as she pulled herself out of my overenthusiastic hug. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m just glad it all worked out for you. Holy cow, I’m at least five years older than Taylor, and even I’d have gone with him had he asked. There is something very charismatic about him, don’t you think?”

“Chloe! Cassidy!” My dad hollered down the hallway. “We’re done. You girls can come in and get photos now.”

Finally. I wasn’t sure if Taylor would actually survive the Dating Ritual. I mean, I had prepped him about being funny, but you never knew what my parents would come up with. Earlier my dad had been cleaning a shotgun he’d borrowed from a guy at work, so I was pretty worried.

I walked behind Cassidy into the family room and saw Taylor there waiting for me. One glance in his eyes and I knew he was mine forever.

Cassidy moved over to Ethan’s side—he’d just gone through the ritual for her—allowing Taylor to get his first full glimpse of me. His mouth fell open, which I swear is the ultimate compliment. Within two strides he was at my side, his arm wrapped possessively around my shoulders.

After a surreptitious look around the room, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Chloe Elizabeth Hart, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

He called me beautiful! I looked up through my eyelashes at him and asked, “Ever? Are you sure—?” I would’ve teased him more but just then his intense gaze nearly took my breath away.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said breathlessly. “I don’t care who’s watching, I’ll kiss you speechless.”

“You couldn’t kiss me speechless if you tried,” I teased back, staring at him through my eyelashes again.

Taylor chuckled and half groaned before pulling me closer in front of him for the pictures. “Smile. And stop looking so— so tempting.”

“Tempting, hmm?” I smiled happily. Flirting with Taylor was so much fun, and I couldn’t wait to spend a million hours teasing him. One thing is for certain . . .

“One thing is for certain—” Taylor echoed my thoughts in my ear “—it will never be boring, will it? You never cease to amaze me, Chloe Hart. And I don’t think you ever will.”

“Oh, I hope not. Taylor Anderson. Your reactions are far too priceless.”

“Smile,” he gritted through his teeth.

I smiled.

Later at the prom, everyone gasped as Taylor and I entered the building. Not that they didn’t know about us already—it was just the first time most of them had actually seen us together. We danced every song, and I have to say Taylor was a pretty good dancer. He definitely didn’t have two left feet, that’s for sure.

Halfway through the night, they announced the prom king and queen. My heart leapt for joy when Ethan’s name was called out as king. I think the whole room went deathly silent before we all broke into applause. I have never seen such a look of shock and terror on anyone’s face as I did on Ethan’s. Cassidy had to practically push him the whole way to the podium. Even then I don’t think he wanted the crown until Taylor—his first attendant—put it on him. Zack was his second attendant. It was the coolest moment to see Taylor, Ethan, and Zack up there on the podium together.

I watched a little jealously as Taylor led the first attendant to the queen out on the floor for the royalty dance. The girl stared right at him the whole time, but Taylor’s eyes rarely left mine, so my jealousy didn’t last long.

After the honor dance was over, I saw Taylor walk over to the deejay—who totally rocked—and ask him something. Taylor was given the thumbs up for whatever it was. Then he smiled and nodded as he accepted a microphone.

Oh my gosh. What is he going to do?

“This next song is for the most beautiful girl I know.” The room stopped at the sound of Taylor’s voice, and then everyone turned and stared at me.

He is so dead.

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