Bill made her promise to see a doctor later.

At 7:30 a.m. from his office phone, Bill called Judy, America’s “MD #1.” By 8:00, she was in his conference room.

“What’s the gestation period of the kind of influenza we are going to get hit with this season?”

“Thirty-six to forty-eight hours from the time of infection, depending on the antibodies and general health of the exposed.”

“Ever hear of HD Complex 33?”

“Whoa. Yes. Very nasty, a super-strain on steroids. Helped along by synthetic technology. And unfortunately that genie is out of the bottle. We couldn’t stop the propagation of the synthesis process because it was Chinese- Soviet research initially. When the Soviet Union went down the papers got out.”

“So why isn’t this more of a concern? I mean, I just learned of it.” Hiccock asked as he tapped the printed out email in front of him.

“The only good thing is it is very unstable outside the host and not easily transported. Can I ask why you brought it up?”

“What would the gestation period of Complex 33 be?”

“Again it’s supercharged; maybe twenty minutes.”

“So how long would it take before our public health system was alerted to any spikes in influenza with a normal virus?”

“I know you are going to tell me why you are asking me, but three to four days is the generally accepted timeframe for confirmation of a major event.”

“Roughly twice the gestation time. So if we were hit with Complex 33, the confirmation time would be forty minutes?”

“I see where you’re going, but let me call in the boys at CDC. They have some epidemiological data sprays on stuff like this.” She picked up the phone and dialed. “You know, if you think this agent is in play, you are duty bound by law to inform my office.”

“I assure you all of this is just speculation, a big what-if.”

She nodded to the computer. “Is this an exercise in your SCIAD group?”

“Yep. Just egghead stuff. For now.”

“Let’s hope it stays that way.” She drew her attention toward the phone. “Hello George, Judy. Can you flash- net over to Mr. Hiccock’s office the first three tiers of the EP study you ran for me last week? Oh and George one more thing, does Complex 33 have a dormant quotient? Uh hum. I see. Okay, get back to me fast.”

She hung up the phone. “You better hope it stays an exercise, Bill. Complex 33 has a dormant quotient.”

“Which means?”

“It can lie dormant inside the host for up to seventy-two hours before any signs occur. Yet unlike natural viral structures, it remains infectious while it’s napping.”

“So that means we have a stealth weapon, a biological time bomb, which spreads silently before going off.”

Judy nodded solemnly. “That makes us blind to an attack for the first three days at least. Then hundreds of thousands of cases start overloading the system.”

Bill shook his head at the concept. “Infectious diseases were so much more fun when we left them to nature.”

“How real is this exercise, Bill?”

“I swear it’s just that.”

Angela D’Martino adjusted her brand new plunge demi-bra so the neckline of her new sweater showed just the right amount of cleavage. She made a face like she suddenly had fangs to check that the Revlon Killer Red lipstick was not smudged all over her new caps. $12,000 dollars worth of dental work, free! That was just one of the benefits of boinking her Jewish dentist. Here was a man who noticed a woman and all the little things she did. Her husband, the “schmoe,” never noticed anything about her anymore. Including her frequent nights out with the “girls.”

Angela checked her watch as she grabbed the car keys. Harvey was going to meet her at 8:30 at “the place.” As she opened her front door, she called out to the blob on the couch. “I left sausage and peppers in the Tupperware. Just heat it up for a minute in the microwave. Didja hear me? The sausage and peppers!”

“Yeah, microwave, right,” was the rumble from the living room. He was in for the night; Saturday night no less.

As Angela drove down the Van Wyck Expressway, she felt excited, young even, feeling the warm flush of impending sex. It would go just like the other times. She’d wait in the motel parking lot inside her car, wearing her sunglasses in spite of the night. He’d pull up, go in, get the room key, and then come out and escort her inside.

Harvey Edelstein, DDS was a good lover and didn’t mind the oral thing. Her husband, on the other hand, thought it was beneath his manhood to please a woman that way. His loss.

She arrived at the Starlight Motor Inn at 8:25. Even had she not been lost in her sweaty reverie, she would have never noticed the dark sedan that entered the lot with her, parked, and killed its lights.

A few minutes later, Harvey’s BMW pulled in. He parked next to her, and came round and gave her a peck on the cheek through her driver’s side window.

“Be right back. Oooo, you smell good,” DDS Edelstein said. It was that kind of comment — noticing the little things — that made her want to fuck his brains out.


“Short stay as usual?” the night manager behind the bulletproof glass asked the face he’d seen a few times in the last month or so.

“Yes. Something on the ground floor, around back.”

“No can do, chief. Got a big block of rooms signed out. All I got left is 108 out front to the left.” The manager was telling a half-truth as he slid the registration card under the glass with a pen. Dr. Edelstein signed as Josh Cohen, after a schmuck he hated in college, He used this alias whenever he didn’t want anyone to know his real name. He laid $45 in cash into the little tray slot below the bulletproof glass and didn’t ask for a receipt.


From the sedan, Wallace watched the doctor — whose picture he’d shown to the clown behind the front desk along with a new crisp $100 dollar bill — collect his girlfriend and go to room 108. Wallace made the deal sweeter for the guy at the desk by also booking that room for the entire night for $129. That meant the clerk could keep the short stay fee for the doc’s three hours of humping. Having the room from 4:00 until noon the next day, Wallace was able to wire it up and could retrieve his valuable equipment in no rush after they left. He’d also get some semen samples, hair, and whatever else might be of use to his client.

If Wallace had not been so focused watching the video feeds on his laptop, he would have noticed the unusual number of men going into room 107.

One thing about Angela, she has a great rack, Wallace thought as he watched her peel off her top as the doctor threw her down on the bed. It was amazing. He’d done this kind of surveillance hundreds of times and everybody started on the bedspread. Some never got to the sheets at all. The sick thing was that the bedspread was never changed in these joints. So this doctor, who probably uses a mask when he drills teeth not to catch aids or some shit, is slamming his genitals all over a bedspread that’s got more spunk, junk, and crud on it than a toilet seat at the Port Authority. That alone should be reason enough for his client, the doctor’s wife, to be granted her divorce, her kids, the house and every penny this dentist fuck had.

As Wallace focused on his LCD screens and Angela’s magnificent breasts rocking as she got pounded, he missed a man entering the room next door with a large case of cold cream.

When the main event was over, the two lay in silence. Wallace’s equipment started picking up sounds from the next room, some kind of chanting or prayer. He turned up the gain on his microphone. Yes, it was some kind of chant or prayer…BRUMP… BRUMP… BRUMP. Suddenly the sound was interrupted by a thumping noise, which at this level of audio gain obliterated the sound with every thump. Then he heard a very distorted, “Angela! You fucking whore,” as the sound ripped into Wallace’s headphones. The three shots that

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