Listening to them talk, Calvin thought: You two dopes don’t know Kit. She’ll jump, damn her! When she’s ready, she’ll jump and she won’t give you a chance to rig a net. This is her idea to make me suffer! I wish I knew if she had really written that letter! If she hasn’t I haven’t a care in the world, but if she has… I’m wasting time just sitting here. With all this fuss going on, I might be able to get out of town. I’d have a twenty-four-hour start on them. But could I get out? The road blocks are still in place. Without Easton to okay me, they’re certain to check the car, and then I’d be sunk.

He felt a sudden, over-powering urge to do something. The past four hours had strained his nerves to breaking point. He just couldn’t continue to sit there for another five hours before it was dark enough for them to try this cockeyed scheme of rigging a net.

He got to his feet. His fleshy face was congested, his eyes were wild.

‘I’m going up again,’ he said. ‘I can’t just sit here. This is driving me crazy.’

‘I don’t think it will serve any useful purpose,’ the doctor said. ‘I’d leave her alone, Mr. Calvin. When it’s dark…’

‘You’re not me!’ Calvin snarled. ‘That’s my future wife up there! I’m going to talk to her again.’

The doctor shrugged his shoulders.

‘Be careful. Standing like that in the hot sun for so long must have imposed a…’

‘Oh, stuff it!’ Calvin said and shouldering his way through the crowd he reached the bucket. The crane driver was still at his post, and as soon as he saw Calvin waving to him, he started the crane engine.

‘Hey! Calvin!’

Calvin turned. Easton, his fat face white, sweat streaming into his collar, came through the crowd and joined him.

‘I heard it on the radio,’ Easton spluttered. ‘I couldn’t believe it. I hopped in the car and here I am.’ He stared up. ‘Jeepers! What’s got into her?’

Calvin’s mind was busy. This was the man he needed to help him get out of Pittsville. He caught hold of Easton’s arm.

‘I’m glad you came,’ he said. ‘She’s gone crazy. She’s been up there four hours now. I’m going up there to see if I can persuade her to come down this time. I’ve already been up, but maybe this time, she’ll come down.’

‘Anything I can do?’ Easton asked, his eyes still rooted with horror at the figure perched far above him.

‘Maybe there is… will you stand by?’ Calvin said. ‘This is cracking me. I’m relying on you. Don’t go away.’

‘Like hell I won’t,’ Easton said, delighted that a guy like Calvin should want him. ‘You take it easy. I’m right with you.’

Calvin got into the bucket and waved to the crane driver. He was hoisted into the air. After what seemed an interminable time he was level with Kit. The sight of her alarmed him. The strain of standing for so long in that perilous position was telling on her. Her face was chalk white and drawn, but there was a hard glitter in her eyes that warned him she had still plenty of resistance left.

‘Hello,’ she said. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’

‘Are you coming down?’ Calvin asked, a snarl in his voice. ‘Haven’t you had enough?’

‘Have you?’

‘Sure: I’ve had more than enough. Cut this out and come down!’

He saw her hesitate, then she said, ‘I don’t think I can. I’ve got cramp. I could use a drink!’ She stared at him. ‘If I come, will you help me?’

‘I’m not getting out onto those rods,’ Calvin said. ‘I wouldn’t trust you not to try to take me with you. I’m not helping you. You got yourself into this jam… get yourself out of it!’

‘I can’t. I’ll come if you’ll help me. I’m so stiff I can scarcely move. If you’ll help me, I’ll marry you and go away with you. I can’t get down without your help.’

Calvin stared suspiciously at her.

‘This is a sudden change of mind, isn’t it? I thought you intended to jump.’

‘I’ve been up here long enough to change my mind. If you’ll reach out, I can catch hold of your hand.’

‘Oh no. You’re not touching me. I’d rather trust a snake than you. I’ll get the police up here. They’ll get you down. I’m not helping you.’

The sudden blaze of hatred that lit up her eyes shocked him. He realised his instinct for danger had saved him.

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