'The kid's father. He was a couple blocks away at the car wash.'

'Talk to him yet?'

'Not too much. He usually gives the kid a ride home from school, but he and his friends were taking the bus to the mall.'


When Darcy shakes his head, Frank realizes how long his hair is.

'Doesn't appear to be a banger.'

'Darcy, am I your fucking mother? Can't you get ever get a haircut without me telling you to?'

Darcy stares at Frank. Then he spits tobacco just far enough from Frank's feet to keep it from splattering on her very expensive shoes. He's not supposed to be chewing at a crime scene.

'Sure,' he answers without taking his eyes from hers.

Frank wants to bitch-slap him but has sense enough to know she's already stepped out of line. She also knows her team's been carrying her lately. And because they're good at what they do, she usually cuts them slack. Her job is to field the heat from upstairs so her detectives can do their job, not ride them about chickenshit details like haircuts and chew.

'Jesus on a fucking pony,' she relents. 'What about the suspect? Does he claim?'

'Rollin' Forties.'

'Okay, what else?'

'According to the kid's friends, the shooter's seventeen. Goes to school at Crenshaw, lives near there.'


Frank nods and steps to the tape. She gives the reporters a brief rundown, withholding specifics about the shooter and ending with the assurance that there will be more details issued from the Media Relations Section. Done with that, she tracks down the rest of the nine-three squad and calls them in. Lewis and Diego are assigned to run Miller through the databases. Johnnie and Jill help Darcy and Bobby collect statements while memories are fresh.

At 8:00 pm, Frank and her two primaries sit in Clyde Payson's living room. His family is gathered around. They can't understand this. Clyde is a straight-A student at Crenshaw High. He's already prepping to get into UCLA, where his mother went. He's not a banger. He's a star on the basketball team. He wants to play for the NBA. He has a cell phone and uses it to let his parents know where he is, what he's doing and when he'll be home. He was just going to the mall to get new clothes for a trip to Georgia. The family is leaving in less than a week to visit relatives Clyde's never met. He and his youngest sister haven't flown before and can't wait to get on the plane. Now Clyde's on a refrigerated tray in the coroner's office. The family's going to a funeral instead of Atlanta. They did everything right. They don't understand why Clyde was killed.

Frank's been doing this almost twenty years and still doesn't understand. She knows the family never will either. Sense can't be made of the nonsensical. Like a triage surgeon, all she can do is stem the blood flow, one suspect at a time. Frank and her crew work through the night and into the morning. Harlan Miller is in the wind but Payson's murder snaps the community from its apathy.

Almost twenty-four hours after Clyde Payson is gunned down, an anonymous caller drops a dime on Miller, a.k.a. BKilla. The tipster says he's at the home of another Rollin' 40s member. Frank organizes backup and they converge on an apartment complex in Crip turf. They bust in on a startled Miller and two homes dripping forty- ouncers at a kitchen table. The three of them scatter like roaches under a light. Given their positions when they walked in, Frank is the first to peel after Miller. Gun drawn, she chases him down a hall into a shaded bedroom. Miller is crawling halfway through a window and Frank yanks him back by his waistband. He thrashes against the windowsill. Afraid she'll lose him if he slips out of his pants, she holsters the Beretta and wrestles him back through the window. Bobby and Darcy catch up and grab Miller on either side. Panting, Frank lets her boys have him. Miller curses and struggles as they cuff him. While the detectives are catching their breath, he hawks a spitball at Frank. It lands on her leg.

'Oh, that wasn't nice,' she says, pulling her trouser leg away from her shin and examining the wad. 'Or smart. That's assaulting an officer, you crab asshole.'

'Kiss my blue Crip ass,' he challenges. Then adds, 'Bulldyke bitch.'

'Oh-h-h. That wasn't smart either,' Frank says.

'Whachu gonna do?' he snarls, dancing from foot to foot. 'Hit me? Pull out your big sticks and beat on me?'

'Don't tempt me,' Frank says. 'Let's go.'

She starts to clear a path through a cluster of women who have gathered in the bedroom. They chatter like magpies for the cops to leave their house, and Miller calls over their angry voices, 'Suck my Crip dick, fucking five- oh cunt.'

Frank hears the commotion and turns in time to see Darcy shove Miller against the wall. She should have turned around and kept walking out of the room. Instead she joins Darcy. Flapping a hand at the women, she tells Bobby, 'Get 'em outta here.'

'Aw, come on, Frank. Let's just go.'

She whirls on Bobby, ordering. 'I said get 'em out!'

Her vehemence surprises him as much as it does her. Frank is stepping over a line and knows it, but it feels too good to stop. She's a runaway train gathering steam. Crossing the room, she plants herself in front of Miller.

'Uncuff him,' she tells Darcy.

Darcy does, grinning. Miller rubs his wrists.

'Hey, punk-ass bitch. You got something to say to me? Hm? I can't hear you.' When he is silent she smirks. 'Not so mouthy now, are you?'

He spits over his shoulder, mumbling into it.

Frank glances around the room. Seeing Bobby's cleared it, she steps into Miller's face. 'If you're gonna say something, be man enough to say it loud enough so I can hear. Or ain't you got the balls?'

'I got 'em,' he says, hefting his crotch. 'Right here. More than your dyke ass can handle.'

'That's right,' Frank agrees. 'You're too much man for me. That's why I had to get wit' your baby sister last night. You know she shaves her pussy smooth like a little girl's? Got a little mole on the right inside lip. Did you know that? Hm? You ever get some of that? I'ma tell you what—that bitch is a tasty piece a ass, n'mean?'

Miller bounces from foot to foot. He chews on his lip, killing Frank with his eyes. She pushes him, licking her lips, singsonging, 'Yeah, I ate her up like she was a piece a chocolate cake. Then I went and saw yo mama. She went down on me like she was a vulcha. That bitch be old, but she can suck a marble through a straw. She ever do you like—'

'Shut the fuck up!'

Miller feigns a lunge, and Frank steps back, laughing. 'Wait a minute, little man. I ain't even finished. Lemme tell you what I done to yo mama with my fo-fo. I put the barrel in her ho-ho.' She makes a twisting motion with her wrist, chuckling. 'Turned it nice and slo-slo. Had the bitch beggin' for mo-mo, screamin' on the flo-flo. Yeah! Tadow!'

Frank laughs and Miller breaks for her with a wild roundhouse. Frank's ready and sidesteps while slamming him into the wall. With her forearm against his Adam's apple she jams her Beretta between his teeth. In a hot rush she envisions pulling the trigger and leaving nothing of his face but neck bone and a wall stain.

'I could kill you right now,' she hisses in his ear. 'Call it self-defense and not lose a second's sleep over you. In fact, I'd sleep better. I been cleaning up after shit-scum like you my entire life. Why shouldn't I blow one more motherfuckin' puke outta this world? Huh?'

She shoves the barrel farther down his throat and he gags.

'You throw up on me you punk-ass son-of-a-bitch and I swear I'll pull this fucking trigger. How do you like being on this end of the gun, baby killer? Still feel like a big man? You think Clyde Payson liked it? Huh? Huh? Answer me, motherfucker!'

She bounces his head into the wall and he sputters blood with a garbled response.

'That's right, you fucking coward, he probably didn't like staring into your four-four any more than you like sucking on this Beretta. Or do you like it? I can't tell. I think you like it, you cock-sucking bitch.'

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