
But I’m confident he won’t harm me, at least not until he’s sure that I mean to cause him trouble. I do think he trusts you more than he trusts me. In that sense, you can deal with him better than I can. He seems to seek your approval. He wants to make you proud. In that respect he seems to be like any other child.”

“But what to do?” said Victor, pacing. “I’m not sure the police would be a lot of help. The best route to go might be via the DEA. I suppose he’s the most vulnerable with the drug stuff.”

Marsha only nodded. Tears sprang to her eyes. She couldn’t believe it had come to this. It was still hard to think of VJ

as anything but her little boy. But there was no question: because of the nature of his genetic manipulation, he’d become a monster. There’d be no reining him in.

“Could we get him committed to a psychiatric hospital?”

Victor asked.

“We’d be hard put to commit him without psychotic behavior, which he hasn’t demonstrated, or without getting him acquitted of murder by reason of insanity. But I doubt we could even get him indicted. I’m sure he was careful not to leave any evidence, especially with such a high-tech crime.

He has a personality disorder, but he’s not crazy. You’re going to have to come up with something better than that. I only wish I could say what.”

“I’ll think of something,” Victor assured her. He smoothed out his coat and ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to comb it. Taking a deep breath, he tried the door.

It was locked. He banged on it with his fist four times.

After some delay the lock clicked and the door swung open.

VJ appeared in the doorway with several of the South Americans backing him.

“I’m ready to talk,” Victor said.

VJ looked from Victor to Marsha. She looked away to avoid his cold stare.

“Alone,” Victor added.

VJ nodded and stepped aside while Victor crossed into the main living quarters. Victor walked directly out into the main lab as he heard VJ locking Marsha in. It was clear that he and Marsha really were prisoners, held by their own son.

“She’s really upset,” Victor said. “Killing David. That was inexcusable.”

“I didn’t have any choice,” VJ said.

“A mother has a hard time dealing with that,” Victor said.

VJ’s eyes didn’t blink.

“I knew we shouldn’t have told Marsha about the lab,” said VJ. “She doesn’t have the same regard for science as we do.”

“You’re right about that,” Victor said. “She was appalled at the artificial wombs. I was astounded by them. I know what an achievement they represent scientifically. The impact they’ll have on the scientific community will be stupendous.

And their commercial potential is enormous.”

“I’m counting on the commercial profits to enable me to dump the cocaine connection,” VJ said.

“That’s a good idea. You’re putting your work in serious jeopardy dabbling in the drug business.”

“I took that into consideration some time ago,” VJ said.

“I have several contingency plans if trouble starts.”

“I bet you do.”

VJ eyed Victor closely. “I think you’d better tell me what your intentions are about my lab and my work.”

“My main goal is to deal with Marsha,” Victor said. “But I think she’ll come around, once the shock of everything wears off.”

“How do you plan to deal with her?”

“I’ll convince her of the importance of your work and your discoveries,” Victor said. “She’ll feel differently once she understands that you’ve done more than any other person in the history of biology, and you are only ten years old.”

VJ seemed to swell with pride. Marsha had been right: like any other kid, he sought his father’s praise. If only he really could be like any other kid, Victor thought ruefully.

But he never will be, thanks to me.

Victor continued. “As soon as possible, I’d like to see a list of the protein growth factors that are involved with the artificial womb.”

“There are over five hundred of them,” VJ said. “I can give you a print-out, but of course it won’t be for publication.”

“I understand,” Victor said. He glanced down at his son and smiled. “Well, I have to get back to work and I’m sure Marsha has patients to see. So I think we’ll be leaving.

We’ll see you at home.”

VJ shook his head. “I think it is too soon for you to leave. I think it will be better if you plan to stay for a few days. I have a phone hookup so you can do your business by phone. Mom will have to reschedule her patients. You’ll find it quite comfortable here.”

Victor laughed a hollow laugh at this suggestion. “But you’re joking, of course. We can’t stay here. Marsha may be able to reschedule her patients, but Chimera can’t be put on hold. I have a lot of work to do. Besides, everyone knows I’m on the grounds. Sooner or later they’d start searching for me.”

VJ considered the situation. “Okay,” he said at last. “You can go. But Mom will have to stay here.”

Victor was impressed that Marsha had been able to anticipate him so correctly. “I’d be with her every minute,”

Victor said, still trying to get them both out.

“One or the other,” VJ said. “It’s not up for discussion.”

“All right, if you insist,” said Victor. “I’ll tell Marsha. Be right back.”

Victor made his way back to the door to VJ’s living quarters. One of the guards had to come and open it with a key. Victor went over to Marsha and whispered, “He’s agreed to let one of us out. Are you sure you don’t want to be the one to go?”

Marsha shook her head no. “Please just contact Jean and tell her I won’t be available until further notice. Tell her to refer emergencies to Dr. Maddox.”

Victor nodded. He kissed Marsha on the cheek, grateful she didn’t recoil. Then he turned to go.

Back in the main lab room VJ was giving instructions to two of the guards.

“This is Jorge,” VJ said, introducing Victor to a smiling South American. He was the same man who’d earlier tried to knife Victor. Apparently there were no hard feelings on his side, because along with the smile, he stuck out his hand for Victor to shake.

“Jorge has offered to accompany you,” VJ said.

“I don’t need a baby-sitter,” Victor said, suppressing his anger.

With a grim smile, VJ said, “I don’t think you understand.

It’s not your choice. Jorge is to stay with you to remind you not to be tempted to talk with anyone who might give me trouble. He will also remind you that Marsha is here with one of Jorge’s friends.” VJ let the threat hang unspoken.

“But I don’t need a guard. And how will I explain him?

Really, VJ, I didn’t expect this of you.”

“I have perfect confidence that you will think of a way to explain him,” VJ said. “Jorge will make us all sleep just a little better. And let me warn you: trouble with the police or other authorities would only be a bother and slow the program, not stop it. Don’t disappoint me, Father. Together we will revolutionize the biotechnology industry.”

Victor swallowed with difficulty. His mouth had gone dry.

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