around. Say you marry somebody who’s married you because she wants-or needs-something she thinks you can give her. Money, say. Security. Kids. Whatever. At the same time, she’s got no idea in the world about what you need, or giving anything back to you. Think you’d be happy?”

Jake gave a distracted snort. He was thinking that the scenario had all too familiar a ring.

“Not that you shouldn’t do for your partner-try to make her happy. I don’t mean that. I just mean, there’s got to be a give and take. You’ve got to take care of each other.” Birdie chuckled. “Margie, now-she’s always worrying about me…harping at me to take my vitamins, wear my vest, keep my feet warm, eat breakfast…yada yada yada. Drives me crazy. But I’ll tell you this-not a day goes by I don’t know she loves me. Not a day goes by I don’t think about how glad I am to be married to her. She’s my mate, my partner, my best friend, and I can’t even imagine not having her around, having her there when I wake up in the morning, crawling into bed beside her at night.” He stopped, gave his nose a quick back-and-forth swipe with his hand and finished gruffly, “As far as I’m concerned, that’s the only reason for marrying somebody. The only good reason, anyway.”

Jake didn’t say anything; he was experiencing some emotions he knew were going to embarrass him and Birdie both if they got out. In need of distraction, he turned back to the monitors.

A moment later he was reaching for the volume control and muttering, “What’s she doing? What the hell’s she got?”

“What is that?” Mirabella asked. “What did you find?”

Summer, on her knees beside the bed, didn’t answer. She stared at the objects in her hands-three smallish shrink-wrapped boxes in a nest of brightly colored wrapping paper.

“You put ‘em away and forgot, I’ll bet,” said Mirabella, coming to her own conclusions. “I’ve done that. Who’s it for?”

Summer rose slowly and sat on the edge of the bed, ignoring paper and scissors and tape dispensers. Discarding the gift wrappings, she held up one of the shrink-wrapped boxes, turned it over so she could read the back. “I did forget,” she said in a shaking voice. “I must have put them under here last summer-this was my room then. Hal brought it just before he…died. It was a present for the children. Computer games, see? I put them away because I didn’t think they were appropriate for kids their age. Damn Hal-he never did have any sense. Way too violent…I don’t know what he was thinking!”

“Let me see that.” Mirabella snatched the box out of her hands, quickly examined it, then reached for another. “Don’t you know what this is?” she whispered excitedly. “It’s what they’ve been looking for. Whatever Hal had, he probably hid it in one of these!”

Summer wiped her eyes with her hands. “I know that’s what Jake thought, at first. But I don’t see how they could be. They obviously haven’t been opened. They’re all shrink-wrapped…”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” said Mirabella impatiently, “anybody can shrink-wrap. You can do it in your kitchen. Here, take one…” She tossed one of the boxes into Summer’s lap and attacked the other with her teeth.

“Shouldn’t we take them to Jake?” Summer was reaching for the scissors.

“What if we’re wrong? Let’s see if there’s anything in here, first.” Mirabella tore away the transparent wrappings.

They both froze as the door suddenly opened.

“Hi, guys, am I missing anything?” Eve chirped, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

Her sisters both slumped with relief. “Shh…get in here,” Mirabella hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the room. She checked abruptly to gape at Eve’s wrist. “Nice watch.”

Eve shook herself free and said with a grimace, “It’s my Christmas present from Sonny.”

Summer and Mirabella exchanged droll looks. Summer murmured, “A diamond Rolex-must be tough…”

“Look, he insisted I wear it. What was I supposed to do, refuse?” She shook off the whole subject impatiently and put the smile back on. The traditions of Christmas were among Eve’s favorites in all the world, and she was determined not to let Sonny and his thugs, hidden evidence, a houseful of video cameras and listening devices and federal agents, not to mention the unnerving presence of Jake up in the attic watching and listening to everything that was said, spoil it for her. “What’re you two up to in here? Can I play?”

“You’re just in time actually.” Summer picked up the third computer game that had been lying in her lap and tossed it to her. “Here-open it.”

Eve arched her eyebrows. “At this point, aren’t we supposed to be wrapping?”

“Not in here,” said Mirabella, sounding disappointed and at the same time breathless with excitement. She tossed the gaudy box onto the bed. “Sumz?”

Summer passed the scissors to Eve. Her hands trembled as she tore the box open and dumped its contents into her lap. “Here, either.” She looked at Mirabella. “It wouldn’t be a CD, would it?”

“More likely a floppy. Evie, get a move on-open yours.”

“Okay, guys…what’s going on?”

“Maybe nothing,” said Mirabella briskly. “We’ll know in a minute. Will…you…hurry…up?

“This is the present Hal brought for the kids,” Summer explained. “Last summer, you know, just before he died? If he did have that evidence-whatever it is Sonny was after him for-when he came, it almost has to be in one of these.”

“Oh…my God.” Eve’s heart was suddenly pounding, her hands shaking. She stabbed at the box’s wrappings with the scissors, then tossed them on the bed and tore at it with her hands. A moment later, she and her sisters stood with their heads together, staring at the flat, black, three-and-a-half-inch square of plastic in her hands. “Oh, God,” she whispered.

Just above their heads, in the attic command post, Jake and Birdie were standing, too, their eyes riveted on the monitor.

“Is that what I think it is?” asked Birdie softly.

“Mmm-hmm…looks like it.” Jake’s calm was all on the surface; inside he was a typhoon.

“Show’s over,” Birdie exhaled through his nose. “That’s all we needed…right?”

Jake looked over at him. “We don’t know what’s on that disk. Suppose it’s a dud? I still think it’d be better if we let Cisneros find it-that way, if nothing else, at least we’ve got a shot at getting some kind of admission on tape.”

“Yeah…guess you’re right.” But Birdie was shaking his head. “You’re not actually thinking of letting Cisneros get his hands on that disk, are you? What if he-” A flurry of movement drew their eyes back to the monitor screen.

Jake felt a shock go through his body, almost as if he’d been hit by a bullet. Through the roaring in his ears he heard his partner mutter, in a voice heavy with foreboding, “Houston, I think we’ve got a problem…”

“Sonny…” The name burst from Eve on a gust of breath, as if she’d been punched in the stomach. She turned to face him, her body a shield between him and her sisters, and the small black disk they held in their hands.

“Hey, babe.” He moved into the room with confidence, smiling his charming, Vegas-strip smile. “Whatcha up to?”

“What? Me? Nothing…” But her voice was breathless and afraid-a dead giveaway.

Sonny jerked in mock surprise. “Keeping secrets from me?”

Behind her, Mirabella said with a brave attempt at scorn, “Duh, it’s Christmas-what do you think?”

“Is that what you got there?” Sonny threw back his head and laughed; a stone in one of his rings caught the light and winked at them as he placed his hand on his chest. “My Christmas present. No kiddin‘.” He came a few steps closer, still smiling. “Maybe I’d like to have my present early. Why don’t you give it to me right now?”

Eve edged backward, shaking her head. His hand snaked out and caught her wrist, the one wearing the diamond Rolex. “Come on, baby-it’s only fair.” And though the voice was soft, the smile was no longer even remotely charming. “I gave you yours early, didn’t I? Now…it’s only fair you do the same for me.” He barely seemed to move, but Eve gave a gasp of pain. “Come on-hand it over.”

Jake was heading for the door when Birdie caught at his sleeve. “Hey-where do you think you’re going? You can‘t-”

“The hell I-” Birdie’s hiss of warning cut him off as he jerked him back to the monitor.

“Don’t…give it to him,” Eve gasped. Above the collar, her face was bone-white.

Summer took a step back; Mirabella moved with her, for once in her life with nothing to say. “It’s mine,”

Вы читаете Eve’s Wedding Knight
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