door. Winston was put in charge of household maintenance, a job he took very seriously along with a budding flirtation with Stephen's housekeeper.

And now, after all the waiting, all the sleepless nights lying alone in his huge bed, his body tense and aching, his wait was finally over. Tomorrow Hayley would be his wife. Tonight was the last damn night he'd ever have to spend without her. Propping his boots on an ottoman, he closed his eyes, leaned his head against the chair back, and heaved a contented sigh.

'You seem quite pleased with yourself,' Gregory said, entering the room. He settled himself in a wing chair opposite Stephen.

'Indeed I am,' Stephen agreed without hesitation. He eyed his brother up and down. The last three months had wrought a huge change in Gregory. Ever since the horrible episode with Melissa, Gregory had taken stock of his life and had made some drastic improvements. He was much more serious and responsible now, and for the first time was showing an interest in something other than himself. He'd quit gambling and drinking to excess. At Hayley's suggestion, Stephen had handed over to him the running of two small estates. If you show your brother that you have faith and confidence in him, I'm positive he will live up to your trust. Stephen had been highly skeptical of her advice, but to his surprise, she was right. Gregory was doing an admirable job.

Gregory raised his snifter in salute. 'Here's to your last night as a bachelor,' he said with a half-grin.

'Amen,' Stephen said fervently. After three months of celibacy, he felt like he was going to explode.

They sat in silence for several minutes, sipping brandy and watching the dancing flames. Finally Gregory broke the quiet.

'I, ah, want you to know-' he began, then broke off awkwardly.

Stephen turned to look at him and was surprised to see a red flush staining his brother's face. 'Yes?'

'I want you to know, over the past several months…' Gregory cleared his throat. 'I appreciate your confidence in me, Stephen. I realize we were never close growing up, and after what happened with Melissa-'

'What happened with Melissa was in no way your fault, Gregory,' Stephen said quietly.

'I suppose not, but I still cannot help but feel somewhat responsible.'

'Don't. It's over. And it's not necessary for you to thank me. You've proven yourself to me by your hard work and good business sense.'

Silence settled again, the only sound in the room the crackling of the fire.

'I like Hayley very much,' Gregory said several minutes later. 'She's like a breath of fresh air.'

'She is indeed.' Rose-scented fresh air.

'Mother has grown very fond of her, and Victoria absolutely loves her,' Gregory continued. 'But most amazing of all is Father's reaction to her.'

Stephen chuckled. 'Yes, that is miraculous, is it not?'

'I believe Father has quite fallen under some sort of spell.'

'Indeed,' Stephen agreed. 'His warmth toward Hayley is nothing short of staggering. But in a way I'm not surprised. The first time I saw Callie I remember her telling me that I was going to love Hayley-that everyone loves Hayley.'

'Smart little girl,' Gregory said with a smile.

'Very smart.'

'Too bad Hayley doesn't have another sister,' Gregory said in a wistful voice. 'Pamela is already married, and Callie is much too young.'

'There's always Aunt Olivia,' Stephen reminded his brother with an arch look. 'I believe you have replaced me in her affections.'

Gregory laughed. 'She's quite a character. This morning I dropped my handkerchief on the drawing room rug. Aunt Olivia breezed in and asked what I was doing. I said, 'I dropped something on the rug.' She blushed, said, 'Well, if you insist,' and treated me to a bone-rattling hug. Then she shook her finger at me and called me a shameless rake.'

A grin pulled at Stephen's lips. 'Yes, I've inherited quite a colorful bunch.'

'You're forgetting about the dogs,' Gregory reminded him. 'You know-the Three Hellhounds of Mayfair?'

Stephen groaned. 'Don't remind me.'

'At least you need not worry about anyone breaking into your home with those beasts about.'

'Ifeel perfectly safe,' Stephen agreed. 'I fear the porcelain stands to suffer the most.'

'They'll chew up every piece of furniture you own,' Gregory warned with a laugh.

A sudden image of Hayley-laughing and playing with her huge dogs-flashed in Stephen's mind. 'No doubt. But it's worth it, Gregory. Believe me, it's worth it.'

* * *

The wedding took place the next day at ten in the morning at St. Paul's Cathedral. Stephen stood at the altar next to Gregory and waited with barely concealed impatience for Hayley to walk down the long aisle.

Callie came down the aisle first, smiling shyly, scattering rose petals. When she saw Stephen, she cast a surreptitious glance in both directions then puckered her lips and blew him a kiss. In return, he cast a quick look around him then sent her a broad wink that made her giggle.

Pamela came second, lovely in a pale peach gown. She smiled at Stephen as she took her place at the front of the church. Stephen smiled in return, then froze as he caught sight of Hayley. She glided slowly down the aisle, her gloved hand resting lightly on Andrew's sleeve.

Stephen's breath caught and his heart stalled. Clad in a simple, elegant ivory satin gown with a short train, she was the most exquisite creature he'd ever seen. Long strands of aquamarines and diamonds wound through her chestnut curls, twinkling as they caught the sunlight pouring through the stain-glassed windows.

But it was her eyes that captured Stephen and held him prisoner. Her beautiful aqua eyes steadily gazed at him, luminous, shining, and filled with such obvious love, Stephen was humbled. He wasn't sure what he'd done to deserve the love of this beautiful angel, but he was going to accept it gratefully and thank God for it every day.

The ceremony took a mere quarter hour, and at the end of it Stephen tucked his wife's, hiswife's, hand in his arm and triumphantly led her from the church.

Back at his town house, a sumptuous wedding feast was served, but Stephen barely swallowed a bite. The only thing he could concentrate on was Hayley. On her glowing smile, her shining eyes, and the beguiling blush that colored her cheeks every time he met her gaze across the table.

He couldn't wait to get her all to himself, and mentally congratulated himself on his brilliant plan of departing on the first leg of their wedding trip immediately after the meal. He had no intention of spending his wedding night in a town house filled with people, no matter how fond of them he was. They would travel this afternoon to his country estate, where they'd spend a week before continuing on to France. He cast a surreptitious glance at the mantel clock and tried to hide his impatience to leave. Soon. Very soon.

After two hours that felt more like two years, Stephen finally helped Hayley into his elegant black coach. She leaned out the window and threw her bouquet of roses and pansies. Stephen's very startled housekeeper caught the flowers.

He settled himself across from Hayley and signaled the driver to depart. The onlookers waved at the departing couple, and Hayley waved back until she could no longer see anyone behind her.

Stephen watched her, his heart hammering in his chest, his pulses galloping out of control. She was his. Finally.

She smiled at him, her eyes glowing, and his breath stalled. There were so many things he wanted, needed, to say to her, yet he couldn't seem to find his voice.

'The ceremony was lovely, was it not?' she asked.

He swallowed and nodded.

'And the luncheon was delicious. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves…'Her voice trailed off and she frowned. 'Stephen? Is something wrong?'

He cleared his dry throat. 'Everything is perfect.'

'Are you certain? You seem-'

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