Kellen studied Cate’s face. It was like porcelain, except for the small crease forming between her eyes. She was worried about Marty… more than she was about herself.

“Maybe there’s something really bad going down, and you need more protection than this dog. Maybe you need a former cop to spend the night,” Kellen said.

“Nice try,” Cate said. “I appreciate the offer, but it’s time for you to leave. I’m having a party here tonight.

“And I’m not invited?”

“It’s girls only.”

There was a lot of loud knocking on the door, and Cate let Sharon and Julie into the condo. Beast immediately rushed over and knocked Julie down and sat on her.

“I swear this ole dawg jest loves me,” Julie said. “I had a boyfriend once used to do the very same thing. His name was Euclid. Can you believe that? What the heck kind of name is Euclid? But I tell you he could smooch, and he had nice big paws on him like Beast.”

Kellen scooped Julie up off the floor, and Julie’s eyes got wide.

“It’s you!” Julie said, staring at Kellen. “You’re Mr. Yummy.”

Kellen looked over at Cate and gave her raised eyebrows. “What?” he mouthed.

“Julie saw us walking Beast this afternoon,” Cate said. “And she calls everyone Mr. Yummy.”

“I was observin’ humanity,” Julie said. “I was watchin’ the world turn.”

Sharon was standing to the side holding a bottle of champagne in each hand. “Are you new to the neighborhood?” she asked Kellen. “Do you need a realtor?”

“Yes and no,” Kellen said.

“Okay then,” Cate said to Kellen. “I know you’re on a tight schedule and need to get out of here.”

“So, are you gonna be a boyfriend?” Julie asked Kellen.

“I’m trying,” Kellen said.

Sharon gave him the once-over. “I hope you have good intentions.”

“Yeah,” Julie said. “Just exactly what do you intend?”

“I thought I might intend to take Cate out to dinner,” Kellen said.

“I gotta give him, he’s fast on his feet,” Julie said.

“When?” Sharon asked.

“Tomorrow,” Kellen said, smiling, looking at Cate. “Dinner tomorrow?”

“Can’t,” Cate said. “Previous engagement.”

“What previous engagement?” Julie wanted to know.

“I’m having dinner with my parents,” Cate said.

“Oh honey, it’s your day off. You don’t want to waste it havin’ dinner with your momma.”

“I promised,” Cate said. “It’s a special occasion.”

Tuesday is a special occasion for your family,” Sharon said. “I’ve never seen a family do so much celebrating.”

“You could take Mr. Yummy with you,” Julie said.

Cate’s heart stopped in her chest. “No way!”

“Sounds like fun,” Kellen said to Cate. “What time should I pick you up?”

“No, no, no, no, no,” Cate said. “It doesn’t sound like fun. It would make the Spanish Inquisition look like child’s play.”

“Your momma would jest love it,” Julie said. “When’s the last time you brought a boyfriend home? I bet it was ages. Mommas always love that kind a thing. Next thing they’re buying bride magazines at the Piggly Wiggly and lookin’ at weddin’ dresses.”

“Julie might have a decent idea here,” Sharon said. “If your mother thinks you have a boyfriend she’ll stop fixing you up with bridge trolls.”

This caught Cate’s attention. She bit into her lower lip and cut her eyes to Kellen. Her mother would love him. He was big and Irish. And he used to be a cop, so he was probably good at managing loud, crazy people like her family. Problem was she sort of liked him, but after a meal with the Madigans she was afraid he’d head for the hills, never to be seen again.

Julie and Sharon were standing hands on hips, waiting for Cate to make a decision, and Kellen was rocked back on his heels, hands in his pockets, smiling.

“An intelligent man wouldn’t be smiling about this,” Cate said to Kellen.

“I figure I haven’t got anything to lose. If your family is nice to me I’ve got my foot in the door. If the dinner is a disaster I might qualify for combat compensation.”

“You’re starting to sound like Pugg,” Cate said.

“At some level all men are the same,” Julie said. “So whenever possible go with the one who’s hot- lookin’.”

“Okay, fine,” Cate said. “Dinner is at six in Brookline.”

“I’ll pick you up at five thirty,” Kellen said. “Do you want me to walk Beast before I leave tonight?”

Everyone looked to Beast. He was sprawled on the black leather couch, sound asleep.

“Thanks, but I think he’s good for the night,” Cate said.

Chapter SEVEN

Cate absentmindedly swiped a spatula across the surface of the cake, spreading icing, automatically styling it into swirls. It was a spice cake with mocha icing. And this time the cake was scratch. It was midmorning, and Cate was working her way through her feelings for Kellen McBride. Did she like him? Yes. Did she trust him? Not entirely. Was he a hottie? For sure.

She hadn’t told Sharon and Julie about the break-in. And she hadn’t reported it to the police. Why? Because the more she thought about it, the more doubts she had that it actually took place. Okay, the door was unlocked. That could have been a lapse on her part. And the couch imprints didn’t match up, but she hadn’t vacuumed in days. Maybe the couch had been moved days ago, and she just hadn’t noticed. It wasn’t as if something had been stolen. It wasn’t as if the condo had been ransacked by gorillas. Truth was, if it hadn’t been for Kellen she wouldn’t have noticed anything amiss, other than the unlocked door.

“So what do you think?” she asked Beast. “Do you think someone broke in here?”

Beast wagged his tail and panted. Beast wanted cake.

“Here’s the thing,” Cate said to Beast. “I’ve always felt safe here. I know Marty has an out-of-the-ordinary job, but he’s really very stable. I can’t imagine him mixed up in something unsavory.” Cate scattered multicolored sprinkles on the top of the cake and added a yellow bow made from icing. “I just have this feeling there’s a simple explanation for the odd phone calls Marty was receiving and the sudden guard dog purchase.” Cate fondled the top of Beast’s head. “I have to admit I wasn’t overjoyed when you arrived, but I’m liking you a lot. You make the house feel homey. And you were a good boy today when we went for a walk. You only knocked down one old lady.”

The doorbell rang and Beast followed Cate out of the kitchen. Cate looked through the security peephole and grimaced. Kitty Bergman.

“Well?” Kitty said when Cate opened the door.

“Well what?”

“Have you heard from him?”

“Marty? No.”

“I see you still have the dog.”

Beast turned tail and ran into the bedroom.

“He’s shy,” Cate said. “He’s very sensitive.”

Kitty Bergman had wormed her way into the living room and was looking around.

“Marty isn’t here,” Cate said.

“Just making sure.” Kitty walked into the kitchen. “Who’s getting the cake?”

“My family.”

“Party tonight?”

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