'Gee, Nash, the sex was really great, but I never planned to pay you for it.”

“That's not what I meant.' She shimmied close. 'But now that we're on thesubject, I think I'm good enough that you should pay me.' He laughed and hauled her onto his lap. 'Do you?'

“Uh-huh.' She straddled him, her heat pressing against his suddenly hard arousal. She rocked back and forth, teasing them both.

“That feels nice,' she said. 'And big. Is all that for little of me?' Her voice was a soft purr. 'Think you can handle it?'

“There's nothing I want to do more than handle all of you. Let's go inside and get naked.' Her words set him on fire. While he wanted to take her at her word, he couldn't help holding back long enough to kiss her. Her mouth parted instantly and he plunged inside her. She stroked against him, then clamped her lips around his tongue and sucked until he thought he might lose it right there. So much for having control.

He shifted her off his lap and scrambled to his feet. When he'd pulled her into a standing position, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted until her feet were dangling. She wrapped her legs around his hips and hung on. He started toward the front door.

“I want to tell you that I can walk,' she murmured between kisses, 'but this is so much more exciting.'

“For me, too.' He cupped her rear, holding her firmly against his erection. 'Besides, doesn't every woman want to be swept away?'

“Honey, you're doing that in spades.' Under any other circumstances, Stephanie would have assumed that breaking into song while dusting the main parlor was reason to think about seeing a mental health professional. It was the middle of the afternoon and she wasn't even listening to the radio. But she decided to cut herself some slack. After all, she hadn't slept the previous night. Instead of wasting seven or eight hours with her eyes closed, she'd spent them in Nash's arms where she discovered that women did indeed hit their sexual peak in their thirties. While she was more than a little tired, she figured she could catch up on her rest when Nash was gone. Far better to take advantage of his proximity, interest and skill while he was in town.

She stretched up to dust the top of a lamp and the muscles in her back pulled slightly. She smiled as she remembered the shower they'd taken that morning. How she'd gripped the shower door frame to keep from falling as he'd knelt between her legs. The hot water had poured over both of them as he'd used his tongue to make her scream and shudder and go all weak at the knees…literally.

Still humming a somewhat embarrassing medley of tunes from cartoons, she finished in the parlor and walked toward the kitchen. She had to figure out what they were having for dinner. Then maybe they'd all head over to the video store and rent a couple of movies. School was out tomorrow and none of the boys had any homework. They could The sound of voices interrupted her thoughts. She paused to figure out where they were coming from. She recognized Nash's low rumble and the twins, but where on earth could they be? She tilted her head. The utility room? Following the sound, she walked through to therear of the house. Sure enough, Nash crouched in front of Adam and Jason in the laundry. Between them sat an overflowing laundry basket.

Stephanie knew exactly what was going on. She'd told the twins to take the laundry upstairs and fold it. For the most part they were willing to do their chores, but laundry was the one thing all three of the boys hated more than just about anything.

No one noticed her standing in the doorway. As she watched, Nash touched each boy on the shoulder.

“You have a responsibility to your family,' he said. 'Your mom works hard to provide for you. In return, you go to school and help out when asked. Do you understand?' Both boys nodded.

Nash smiled. 'Good. If you work together as a team, the job will go that much quicker. Agreed?' Two more nods, followed by Jason saying, 'But Adam's gotta fold the laundry. I did it last time.' Adam turned on his twin. 'You did not. I did it. It's your turn. You're always trying to get me to do your chores and I'm not gonna do this one.'

“So this is an ongoing dispute,' Nash said calmly. 'How do you keep track of whose turn it is?' Jason drew his eyebrows together. 'It's his turn.”

“Is not.'

“So there's nothing in writing,' Nash said.

Both boys shook their head. Their mouths were set in straight, stubborn lines and they had their arms folded over their chests.

“Why don't we talk about negotiating a system that would be fair to both of you,' Nash said reasonably.

Stephanie held in a laugh. It all sounded really good, but these were eight-year-olds. If Nash didn't come to his senses, he was going to be talking for the next three days and would probably end up folding the laundry himself out of self defense.

She stepped into the room and pointed at the laundry basket.

“Take that upstairs,' she said firmly. 'Now. You each fold half the clothes in that basket. If there is an uneven number of clothes, leave the last one on your bed. If you don't start upstairs right this instant, there will be no dessert for either of you.' Jason opened his mouth to protest. She stopped him with a shake of her head.

“Not one word,' she said. 'One word means you're in bed ten minutes early. Two words means twenty minutes early. If you understand and agree, then nod slowly.' Both boys looked at her, then at each other. They sighed heavily and nodded.

“Good.' She stepped back to give them room to carry out the basket. 'Come let me know when you're done.' They each grabbed a handle and carried the basket into the hallway. Nash watched them go. 'I'm a professional,' he said.

“You work with criminals. These are young boys. I'm going to guess that criminals are a lot more rational.'

“You think?' She smiled. 'I would put money on it. But thanks for helping. I really liked what you said about themhaving responsibilities. I'm not sure it sunk in, but maybe next time.' He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 'You're saying I stink at parenting.'

“I'm saying you're a sweetie to try.' He tugged on a strand of her hair, then released her. 'Give me your car keys.'

“They're upstairs on the table by the door to our apartment. Why? Is your rental acting up?'

“No. I want to put gas in your car. Mind if I go get the keys?' She nodded because it was suddenly too difficult to speak. Okay, in the scheme of things, Nash putting gas in her car was no big deal. But the unexpected thoughtfulness made her throat get all tight and her eyes burn. As he walked to the stairs, she found herself wishing just for a second-that he wasn't leaving in a week or so. That his stay in Glenwood might be a little more permanent.

“Crazy dreams,' she whispered. 'You know better.' The phone rang, offering a welcome interruption. She headed for the kitchen and grabbed the receiver. 'Serenity House. This is Stephanie.'

“Hi, Stephanie. It's Rebecca Lucas. We met at that pizza dinner a couple of nights ago. I don't know if you remember me. There were so many people there.' Stephanie pictured a tall, slender woman with long, dark curly hair. 'Yes, of course I remember. How are you?'

“Good. The reason I'm calling is Jill just called me. Craig-he's the oldest Haynes' brother-got the evening off. His kids are out of school today.

They're in a different school district. Anyway, we're celebrating with an impromptu barbecue here tonight. I think all of Nash's brothers will be coming and I wanted to invite him.' She laughed. 'Actually I want to invite you and your boys, as well, if that's all right.' Stephanie knew Nash didn't have any plans and she was pretty sure he wouldn't mind the invitation. She hesitated before accepting for all of them. Was that too presumptuous? Then she remembered his request that she help him out with his family.

“I'm sure it is, but let me double-check with him. Hold on just a sec.' She put the phone on the counter and moved toward the stairs. She met Nash as he was coming down and explained about Rebecca's phone call.

“You want to go?' he asked.

“Yes, but they're your family. Do you want to go?'

“As long as you're coming, sure.'

“Good. I know the boys will enjoy the evening.' She took a step back, but couldn't seem to look away from Nash's dark gaze. Just being close to him was enough to get her heart all fluttery and her toes curling. Attraction crackled between them and she swayed slightly.

“Yeah,' he said. 'Me, too. Now go back to your phone call. Going out will make the evening go faster. When we

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