“I missed this,” he admitted. “I was away too long.”

“Do you go east often?”

“Every couple of years. I have business interests there.”

“I’ve been to New York,” she said, then wondered if she shouldn’t have.

Zeke stretched out, leaning back on his elbows. “With Wesley?”

She nodded, not wanting to say it had been on their honeymoon. “Baltimore is large and growing, but it is nothing compared to New York. Still, I prefer Titanville.”

“Why? I would think you would enjoy the culture and entertainments available in a big city.”

“I have plenty here to keep me entertained. Have you seen when one of the horses gets away from Big John and races through the center of town? Or how the children run home on Friday, eager to be done with school?” She smiled. “I don’t take their enthusiasm personally. I know they enjoy their time with me.”

She drew in a breath. “The storms are so much more exciting than any I’d seen in Baltimore. The wind blows and the thunder is so loud, but everyone is home safe and cozy. I like that I know nearly everyone’s name and a baby’s birth is a celebration for all. I belong here. I’ve never belonged anywhere before.”

She smiled at him. Until that moment, Zeke hadn’t realized how beautiful she was. He’d known she was pretty and appealing, but he hadn’t felt her beauty down to his soul. Now, as he took in the curve of her cheek, the shape of her mouth, he found himself wondering what she would look like large with child. Or in fifteen or twenty years, with a touch of gray in her hair.

He wanted to sit across from her, in front of a fire, reading and then talking about their books. He wanted to go to sleep with her in his arms and then wake up next to her in the morning.

“I’m too enthusiastic,” she said, glancing away.

“Why? Shouldn’t you enjoy where you live?”

She leaned toward him. “It is more than that. There is so much potential here. So many possibilities. I’ve made friends here that I never expected to have. And they value my opinions. It’s…inspiring to be around children and adults who seem to enjoy learning.”

“I’m not sure we need more educated members of your sex.”

“Are you afraid of the challenge?” she asked with a smile.

“Me and every other man.”

“I won’t even pretend surprise.”

He captured her hand in his, noticing how easily her fingers slid between his.

“I’m thinking of building a house,” he said abruptly, not sure where the words had come from.

She studied him with interest. “For yourself?”

He nodded. “A big house with a wide porch and cattle.”

“I’m not sure cattle in a house are a good idea.”

He grinned. “They’ll be outside.”

“Are you sure? Because that’s not what you said. You said you wanted a wide porch and cattle. I must say, Mr. Titan, you should speak more clearly.”

Her green eyes danced with amusement.

“Are you laughing at me?” he demanded.

“No. Why would you ask such a question? A mere woman finding humor in a man such as yourself? So powerful and well traveled? I find myself trembling in your presence.”

Now she was laughing. He turned quickly, reaching for her. She tried to scramble away, but he was too quick. He caught her around the waist and pulled her against him. Then he was above her, staring into her wide eyes, knowing this was the best view in the world.

“Alethea,” he murmured right before he kissed her.

Alethea didn’t even pretend to resist. She gave herself over to the feel of Zeke’s mouth on her own. His lips were firm yet gentle, moving slowly as if giving her time to get used to his attentions. She raised her arms to wrap them around his neck, then let her eyes sink closed.

He kissed her deliberately, as if they had all the time in the world. When his tongue touched her lower lip, she parted for him. Perhaps she should have resisted, but she longed to feel the heat filling her body, the ache that she remembered from her time in the marriage bed. Even telling herself that Zeke was doing his best to seduce her didn’t make her want to turn away.

He swept into her mouth, claiming her. She lay on the blanket, the ground hard beneath her, yet she didn’t want to move. Not when his tongue moved against hers so deliciously.

He put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. Her hips were against his belly and that part lower. She longed to know if he was aroused, but couldn’t tell through the layers of her skirt and petticoats.

He moved his hand from her waist to her rib cage, then higher still. The path was deliberate and she found herself catching her breath in anticipation.

He settled on her breast, his palm a light weight, his fingers moving back and forth, teasing her nipple into a tight knot. With each stroke, she felt a distinct tug between her legs, a powerful need that made her squirm to get closer.

She told herself to stop, that he was doing this on purpose. That if she let him continue he would win and she would be forced to leave town. But she couldn’t seem to resist, not even when he moved his hand back down her body, toward her most secret place.

He continued to kiss her, as if distracting her, but she was aware of him pulling up her skirts. He slipped his hand under the yards of fabric and settled it on her thigh. There was only the thinnest layer of delicate cotton between his skin and hers. Between his fingers and her very center.

She had to know. That was her weakness, the need to discover if what had happened that single night so long ago had been real or merely a trick of her imagination. Was her body truly capable of the erotic pleasure that had made her scream into her pillow? If anyone could help her find the answer, it was Zeke.

His fingers drifted across her thigh, then slowly, oh, so slowly, moved between her legs. Still kissing her, he dipped in deeper, as if searching for something. As if-

He brushed against a place that sent fire burning all through her. Her breath caught as he rubbed that spot again, then circled it.

Wanting poured through her. Her clothes were too tight and there were too many of them. She longed to rip herself free and be bare before him. To feel more, to spread her legs wide.

Instead, she kept her eyes closed and continued to kiss him as if he wasn’t really touching her there and pushing her closer and closer toward a place she didn’t understand.

Zeke touched her with a sureness that allowed her to relax into all he was doing. He moved faster, taking control of her until she had to drop her head back and concentrate only on what he was doing.

Around and around until she was flung off the edge of the earth and falling into a surging, wonderful world of sensation. She clung to him, not sure exactly what was happening but never wanting it to stop.

And then everything righted itself. She was back on the blanket, in Zeke’s arms, his hand smoothing down her skirts. Blushing, she forced herself to open her eyes.

She’d thought he would be smiling or giving her that look of male superiority that she found so annoying. Instead, his expression was serious and maybe a little tender.

“My Alethea,” he whispered.

She swallowed. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Then we will be quiet together.”

“But we…you…”

“Shh.” He brushed her hair off her forehead. “Nothing happened. You are as you were.”

She supposed that was true. They hadn’t lain together as married people did. But what’d he’d done to her had been so intimate. So perfect.

Why had he done it? Because he had wanted to? Could she trust him?

Did it matter? If she’d already given her heart to him, then it was a little late to be worried about something like trust.

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