She rose to her feet. 'I can't count on you to support us. Baseball's uncertain. Look at Damian. He hasn't played in weeks. You can't know what's going to happen.'

Carter knew her past and fear of living on welfare were behind her words, not a deliberate desire to hurt him. 'I've learned that life doesn't come with guarantees. But I can promise to try and do my best by you both. And I will.'

A tear dripped down her cheek. 'You've become a really good guy. You deserve so much better than me.'

'I'm the same guy who called the press about your pregnancy, remember? Don't go painting me with some angelic brush, okay? We're alike. We'll be fine.'

'This baby could have been Damian's ' she reminded him and turned away, obviously not wanting to face him.

He grabbed her arm gently and turned her around. 'That was the past. We're looking to the future now. And I love you.'

She shook her head. 'You're the dad, Carter. Let's not push our luck and try to make ourselves into some big love story, okay? Neither one of us has done anything to deserve a happily-ever-after.'

Rick cupped her cheek in his hand. 'That's where you're wrong. We created this baby. That's the beginning of a new life. Hers…and ours.'

But even as he spoke, Carter knew Carole was far from believing in him, in them or in their future.

NOT HIS KID. What had been the sole focus of Damian's life for weeks now suddenly had nothing to do with him. Damian wasn't sure how long he spent on the streets of Manhattan, dazed and confused by the news. Considering how fortunate he'd been in life up until now, he sure as hell hadn't expected to be sitting under a horseshoe when the test results had come in. He'd gotten lucky.

So why didn't he one hundred percent feel that way? Instead of the pure elation he should have been experiencing, Damian felt empty, almost as if a void existed where fear had once lived and breathed. Damned if he understood his reaction and he walked miles to sort through his emotions.

He glanced up at the familiar face of the building he stood in front of. Somehow during his walking and reflecting, he found himself outside the Hot Zone offices. Micki had been ducking his calls since before the charity event and he'd deliberately given her space after. He hoped with the baby mess behind him, they could go back to being…what? Friends? Lovers? Damian shook his head. Like everything else right now, he figured the answers would come.

A glance at his watch told him Micki would be at work and he headed inside to share the news. He bypassed the receptionist and headed to her office, stopping at her secretary's desk.

'How's it going?' he asked the woman who'd come to know him pretty well from his visits.

'See for yourself.' She gestured toward the partially open door.

He glanced inside but didn't let Micki know he was watching.

'Come.' Micki pulled on the dog's leash but the pooch remained stubbornly committed to her current position.

The dog lay on her back, spread-eagle on the floor.

'You spoiled, pampered mutt!' Micki growled in frustration. 'I will not rub your belly every time I want you to listen to me. It took me fifteen minutes of massaging just to get you out of the apartment to poop this morning and another twenty to get you to leave with me to go to work!'

Damian chuckled. 'Isn't that just like a lady? Give a hand and next time she'll take the whole arm.'

Micki glanced up, startled. Once the shock evaporated, a warm glow of appreciation spread across her face.

It was definitely a look that said it's nice to see you, Damian thought. The feeling was definitely mutual.

'Apparently Noodle's from the upper, spoiled class.'

He chuckled. 'Either that or she's just missing your uncle.'

Micki raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 'He's crotchety and cranky and that's on a good day. Oh and did I mention he lied? The dog is not trained to help people. She flunked doggy school.'

'But she loves your uncle for who he is.'

Micki laughed, a light, appealing and definitely arousing sound. He hadn't realized how much he needed to see her-see her happy and enjoying life-until right now.

'You've got a good point. And I'm going to ignore her until she starts doing things my way. Either that or I’ll have to say-to hell with the rules and deposit the dog at the rehab facility because I can't take much more of this.' She walked back toward her desk, motioning for Damian to come inside. 'So what are you doing in my neck of the woods?' she asked lightly.

Too lightly, Damian thought In fact, for a woman who'd ducked out on him two weeks ago, she was acting awfully pleased to see him now. And that was the key word, Damian thought. Acting. The distance she'd been deliberately placing between them was more real than the smile on her face at the moment.

'I'm here to share some news.' He lowered himself into a large chair across from her desk. He was disturbed that he didn't feel as emotionally free as he should and wished he understood the heaviness still in his heart.

Micki took in Damian's conflicted expression. 'What's going on?' she asked, suddenly on guard.

Micki had been counting the days even if she wouldn't admit it aloud and she knew it was time. There'd only be one piece of news Damian could possibly want to share.

'The test results are in and…'

Micki leaned over her desk, her heart racing, her throat dry. 'And?'

'It's not mine,' he said, obviously still in shock. 'All this time and energy, all this fear and anticipation and the baby isn't mine '

'That's fantastic!' she said, rising and coming around the desk before she could stop herself. 'Damian, this is the best news!' She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight because not only did she think he needed the support and physical contact, but because she knew she needed it even more.

'Yeah, it is.' His hugged her back, his face buried in her neck, his scruffy half beard rubbing her skin.

God, he turned her on, she thought, wishing they could act on the feelings instead of having the all important discussion that was necessary. The one they'd been destined to have once he finally received the test results.

She stepped back and leaned against her desk. 'You know I had no doubt you'd have made a great father if it came to that.'

His lips turned up in a grim smile. 'That was probably the one thing that got me through. Your faith in me when I had none in myself.'

She shrugged, embarrassed her feelings about him were so obvious. 'I'm glad to have helped. I'm also glad it turned out the way you wanted it to.'

'Yeah. Funny thing about that,' he began.

'Wait, okay? There's something more I have to say.'

He shifted in his seat, getting more comfortable. 'Okay. Shoot.'

Micki drew a deep breath. 'First I just want to make sure you realize we need to schedule a press conference of sorts or release a statement and get your words out there first. We want this story to end with your spin on it, nobody else's.'

He nodded. 'That's fine. PR is your area. I'll do whatever you say.'

'Good ' she said. 'Good.' Easy clients were the best ones. Now for the harder part. She reached back and grabbed a pencil, grateful for something to hold on to, and she rolled it between her palms. “When you speak to reporters, whenever that is, they're going to ask about your future plans. You may think they mean baseball, but they'll be talking about your personal life.”

Damian burst out laughing. 'At this point, I have nothing to hide.'

'All you need to remember is that you learned from the experience, you realize you are a role model to your fans, you're sorry if you disappointed anyone and you intend to go on from here.'

'I'm sure I can handle that,' he said soberly.

The situation with Carole had obviously scarred him but Micki had no doubt his relief would give way as he reacclimatized himself to his life. She vividly remembered his words back on the island, a time that felt so long ago, she might have been a different person. You need to know that any partner I've ever been with knows

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