His lips plucked her nub, his tongue toying with it's base, plumping it up in his mouth. It throbbed with the gentle touch, making her crave more.

From behind, he thrust a finger inside her soaked channel, pumping into her vagina as he flicked a rapid staccato across her swollen nub.

He'd suckled her reservations away, at least for a little while. Now all she wanted was to enjoy him, revel in the moment that might not come again.

He groaned into her mound, lapping up her juices as if dying of thirst. She whimpered, her arousal growing each second. Her knuckles ached from her grip on the headboard. Her thighs burned from the effort not to tighten around his face when every muscle in her body wanted to curl, curl around the pleasure and keep it deep inside.

He forced another finger inside her, stretching her to the point of pain, unrelenting, working her toward that bright bliss that she so longed for.

She felt herself hovering near release. She closed her mind to it, holding it at bay so that she could enjoy the feel of his mouth only a little longer, just a little longer.

Abruptly, it burst inside of her blindingly, wracking her body with spasms of pleasure and wringing helpless cries of ecstasy from her throat. Her muscles contracted on the plunge of his fingers, gripping him as if she would float away without the anchor of his hand and mouth clinging to her.

On and on it rolled, sizzling along her nerves, zipping like lightning in her veins. She shuddered, trembling from the impact, pressing her forehead to the wall as she succumbed to her orgasm and rode it as he wrung pleasure from every twitching nerve.

Weak, she fell off of him, rolling onto her back as her heart rhythm and breathing returned to normal.

He moved over her then, dropping down to kiss her belly. Normally, she would never allow it, but tonight she felt freer, eager for him to explore her, and eager to explore him.

He kissed a trail up her stomach, his hand cupping her mound, toying in the damp thatch of hair there.

He elicited fresh tremors from her sated body, and as his mouth moved over her, higher and higher, she felt the beginnings of renewed need.

To her surprise and dismay, he stopped abruptly. Pulling away, he sat up and withdrew something from his pants. She heard a small buzz, recognized it as a beeper or phone.

She wasn't in doubt long.

'Blake here,” Danior said into the phone, clearing his throat of its huskiness as he paused to listen. He knew who'd called him. He'd only given his cell number to one person, Raheem, his second in command.

'The Nesani are coming for you. They've already dealt with Zane.'

Danior's gut clenched at the news Raheem delivered. He glanced at the windows in the room, as if he could see through the curtains and boards to find the hunters coming for them. They only had an hour before dawn. They were safe at the moment, but he had no doubt that once night fell, the Nesani would come for them full force.

He had no one he could ask to back him up. Anyone aiding him would be killed.

He had only today to make arrangements to leave the country, and getting to a ship before the Nesani caught their tails would be a close feat.

'You risk your life warning me, Raheem,” he said finally.

Raheem grunted. “Just returning one last favor. Take care man. And good-bye.'

Maggie had turned on her side and was watching him worriedly when he put the phone away. He studied her for several moments and finally sighed. She wasn't going to like it, but there was no choice.

They would die if they stayed.

He would not leave her.

'We must go, and do so quickly.'

Her eyes widened in confusion. “I don't understand. Isn't this supposed to be a safe place?'

He lay down beside her, stroking the soft skin of her cheek, and then her shoulder. “There are laws. I have broken them—the punishment is death. Raheem called to warn me. Even now the Nesani hunt.'

Fear filled her eyes then. “What have you done that is so terrible?'

He skated his hand down her arm and took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips and kissing her fingers. “I have ... taken something for myself that was forbidden.'

'What?” Maggie asked breathlessly, as much from the fear as the heated currents traveling from his lips and up her arm.

He sucked one of her fingers into his mouth, curled his tongue around. She was so sweet, it filled him with indescribable yearnings. He could live a thousand years more and never find another half so sweet as his Maggie. “You, chere.'

He felt an incredible sense of urgency now, to find peace in her arms before it was too late. He couldn't die not knowing what it would be like to make love to her. She wasn't ready for him. Her feelings were in turmoil. Danior knew it was too soon to press her, but he couldn't contain his desires any longer.

Her lids grew heavy, giving her a half-lidded, seductive look as she watched him suck her fingers and kiss the sensitive pads. He kissed her palm, brushing his lips over the inside of her wrist, tasting the rapid pulse there with his tongue. “I want to make love to you,” he whispered, holding her steady when she flinched.

He looked up at her then, away from the delicacy of her skin.

Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Her pain made him ache. “I ... I don't know you, Danior. I know nothing about you except that you're willing to risk your life for a stranger.'

'Isn't that enough?” He rubbed his thumb in her curled palm, watching her steadily, holding her gaze with his own. “Do you think explaining myself would make you understand?'

'It would go a long way,” she said as she pulled her hand free and twisted the covers in her lap. The flickering flames from the fireplace caused shadows to dance across her worried face. She looked down at her lap. He found her shyness unbelievably enticing.

He had to tear his mind away from mentally disrobing her, to her words. How could he explain when he didn't understand it himself? For the first time in longer than he could remember, he was uncertain of himself. He'd never felt so awkward. He'd never had a seduction go so foully, but then, this meeting had never been a game. It had always been about life and death.

Precious few hours remained for them, hours of safety. When night fell, he didn't know what would happen to them.

'I know I'm not the kind of person a man like you would be interested in under ordinary circumstances.'

She was being serious. Without mental probing, he knew she referred to her weight. “There is nothing ordinary about this, nor about my attraction to you.” He lowered his voice, saying softly, “I want you as you are now, Maggie. I wouldn't change you.'

She looked up at him in surprise, but her eyes turned wary. “It's hard for me to trust men.'

He watched her a long moment. She was shielding something, some secret. He knew it lay at the root of her problems. “Tell me why.'

She looked away, her face blushing with shame. “I don't know. It happened a long time ago. I ... I don't remember all of it.'

She was lying. Slowly, as if trying to capture a wild creature, he lifted his hand and cupped her cheek, meeting her eyes steadily. “Will you let me inside? I want to understand,” he said softly.

A tear slid from the corner of one eye. She shuddered, taking a deep breath. “You'll hate me. Everyone does....'

'No,” he said, rubbing a thumb against her cheek. “I won't. Give me your trust. I want to understand.'

'Yes,” she whispered, closing her eyes.

He touched her temple, strengthening his connection to her as he poured himself into her mind past the walls blocking her innermost memories.

* * *

'I want to make love to you,” Danny said softly, cupping her jaw, rubbing his thumb across her bottom lip.

Maggie fought the urge to turn her face away from his grasp. She shivered, unbidden pleasure coursing over her skin. She wasn't used to dating. No one had ever been interested in her before. She still couldn't believe

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