were the guys like? I love your shoes - Where’d you get them?”

Nadia appeared to take it in stride, as if she was used to throngs of loyal fans showering her with compliments and occasionally offering up their first born if she’d pose for a picture.

“San Diego,” she responded flippantly, “but the guys were worthless. Only good for one thing.” She winked and I thought Lexi was going to offer her a BFF heart necklace right then and there.

“Oh my God. I know exactly what you mean!” she exclaimed, crossing her arms in contempt. Maya’s clear blue eyes began to darken considerably as she glared at them both.

“So Stasia, what are you doing for Fall Break?” Lyric asked loudly, attempting to drown out Nadia and Lexi’s self-involved chatter. Tomorrow marked the beginning of Fall Break, but I remembered Fall Breaks extending much longer at my high school in Atlanta. Classes had been cancelled Friday and Monday, but would resume on Tuesday. They really should consider calling it Fall ‘Long-Weekend’ instead. Fall ‘Break’ was definitely false advertising.

“Just staying here. By the time I’d get home, I’d have to turn right back around and come back.” I shrugged my shoulders, hoping she wouldn’t ask me anything about ‘home’. My adoptive parents, Dee and Charles Whitman, had requested that I come home for Fall Break; but after explaining how short a time I would be able to spend back in Atlanta, they agreed it would be better to wait until Thanksgiving.

“Everyone I’ve talked to is staying here, too. Plus, the weather’s supposed to be good. I definitely see some sun, sand, and a good book in my future,” Maya grinned dreamily.

“Speaking of reading, we need to talk about our paper,” Lyric frowned at Lexi and Nadia. “I think having another member of the group will give us an added advantage.” As we brought Nadia up to speed on our research, I realized I hadn’t seen a trace anywhere on her body. And with so much of it showing, I found that to be a little odd. But then again, it could be anywhere. I also couldn’t help but wonder which order she belonged to. She was beautiful but she didn’t quite fit into the Siren category. Being that she was a girl, it only left the Tydes. I shuddered at the possibility. Since that fateful weekend of the Cimmerian Shade Ball last month, I knew my life would never be the same.

But what I hadn’t expected was the intense pride and sense of protectiveness I would feel for the Order of Tydes. I had a greater understanding of what being a descendent of the Nereids truly meant. Not only had I found my original home on the Fortunate Isle, I had found my true destiny as well. As the only child of Thetis, I was the Chosen future leader of the Tydes, which included Sirens (which they were not too happy about).

My whole world had immediately shifted; aligning my heart and soul with the new path I must walk. As terrified as I was at that prospect, it didn’t hold a candle to how I had felt about returning to school that following Monday. The rumor mill had been working overtime as it twisted and mangled the truth about what had happened that night on the Isle. Thankfully, I had three incredible roommates who had helped me wade through the litany of accusations and whispers.

Depending upon the Order of the person, I could receive anything from an icy glare to a joyful hug.

Most Sirens shunned my very presence, while the Tydes and Sons sent loving praise my way. It was an awful divide that seemed to foreshadow something larger to come.

Isadora’s death was covered up by a fabricated ‘car accident’ on the mainland that same weekend. It didn’t fool anyone, but it kept them from asking too many questions. The former teacher at Lorelei had been replaced the very next day. Kira had been completely healed by the water of the Lagoon and Priscilla had stayed away from me for the most part. As the Maven, or high mistress of Lorelei, she could easily keep an eye on me without my knowing. She was fully aware of my upcoming journey and I expected some sort of retribution at any time. I tried to lose myself in my school work as well as retrieve any sense of normalcy to my life, no matter how remote. I knew what I had to do. I knew what my future held. And I would face it head on. But until then, I just wanted to be Stasia for a little while longer.


“Huh?” I snapped out of my thoughts.

“We need something to, um, ‘show and tell’ as it relates to Thetis, so we were kind of well… we were hoping…” Maya asked shyly.

“Oh! Sure, yea, not a problem,” I assured her with a smile as soon as I realized what she was asking. As if on cue, the temperature in the air around me plummeted and I felt a precise pain between my eyes. I automatically met Nadia’s piercing stare. Images began to flood my mind with the ferocity of a freight train. Vivid flashes of faces, landscapes, and colors whirled before me, throwing off my equilibrium. The last image I saw was a massive tree teeming with activity. It appeared to be lit by an inner glow, giving it an otherworldly quality. I became entranced in its beauty until the image was ripped away. In true Stasia fashion, I had fallen out of my chair.

“Stasia! Are you okay?” Maya and Lyric were instantly at my side, helping me up. I tried to regain my balance and stop the world from spinning, but it was the venom in Nadia’s voice that forced me to find my center once again.

“Violate my mind again and I will end you.” Her eyes sparked with fury, reminding me of a bolt of lightning. “I’m the last person you want to mess with.” Amidst a cloud of swirling smoke only I could see, she vanished out the door and out of sight.

“What did you do to her?” Lexi shot me an accusing glare. I was too stunned to react to her hostile tone.

“I didn’t do anything to her,” I claimed, although I was fast becoming the one that needed convincing.

“Whatever,” she dismissed me as I tried to wrap my mind around what had just happened. It was exactly like seeing the sea turtle’s memories that first weekend at Lorelei. But, this had to be different…right? I had an affinity for sea animals, not people. But I couldn’t deny what I had seen.

Had I unknowingly reached into Nadia’s mind and seen her memories? Did I hurt her? How did I do it? My frantic thoughts were halted once I noticed Nadia’s work of art still burned into the top of her desk. It was only one word.

Penance Claiming sickness, I was granted permission to skip the rest of my classes that afternoon. I texted the most amazing guy on earth (who also happened to me my boyfriend, Finn) to let him know I wouldn’t be in last period, and walked towards Maren Hall in a hurry. I had to do some serious thinking and clear my head. Literally.

Chapter 2

“’Trophy Wife’, ‘Come to Bed Red’, or ‘No Prenup’?” Phoebe asked, as she placed three small bottles on the coffee table in front of her.

“I still think you should go with ‘Fishnet Stockings’” Carmen suggested, glancing up from her homework.

“What happened to normal colors like ‘Baby Pink’ or ‘Red No. 5’?” Willow wrinkled her button nose at the bottles and settled onto the couch beside Carmen.

“Who wants to paint ‘Baby Pink’ on their nails when you can paint ‘Take Him to the Cleaners’ on them instead?” Carmen disputed, reading the bottom of a bottle with a grin.

“Nothing says ‘I’m girlfriend material’ like the color ‘Call Me Irresponsible’” I added, after inspecting several of the already rejected colors of polish. Phoebe had a habit of repainting her nails to match her outfit, shoes, or favorite candy of the week. She had more nail polish in her collection than you could find at any one store. It was impressive. Her most recent revision was in preparation for her date with Ian. After asking her to the Ball last

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