tunneled in and out of her with quick, almost manic strokes, while Kir stripped behind them and watched with a savage expression on his face.

'Love you,” she gasped against Logan's lips as he pushed her into a quick and dirty orgasm that left her dripping and wrung out. She felt Kir gently pushing her legs aside, but didn't have the strength to open her eyes. She just smiled dreamily as Logan's strokes slowed down, caressing her still quivering flesh from the inside out.

Logan gasped and tensed. “Kir?'

'A redhead sandwich.” Kir leered at her over Logan's shoulder as he thrust slowly into Logan's ass.


'Oh, shit,” Logan gasped, laughing, as Kir began fucking him from behind. “Why in the hell did you bring lube to rescue me?'

'Didn't you know? He's the ultimate boy scout.'

Logan's strokes began to pick up speed again. “I thought that was Superman.'

'Up, up and away.” Kir bit down on Logan's shoulder, sucking up a mark.

Logan reached between their bodies and began fingering her clit as she began the slow climb to orgasm once more.

Logan came first, shooting inside her with a drawn out moan. She wasn't far behind him, and from the sounds of it, neither was Kir.

They collapsed onto the elevator floor, Logan and Kir gently easing her down, careful of her shoulder.

The sound of applause echoed through the loudspeakers. “I'd give them a nine point five, if I wasn't scarred for life,” Val's voice said.

'Are you kidding? The elevator thing is so cliche.” Travis's voice was full of laughter. “I give them an eight.'

'Ew. Just ... ew.” Magnus's voice sounded disgusted. “I have to go home now and scrape my eyeballs out with a grapefruit spoon. For the love of humanity, put some clothes on, people. And what the hell is wrong with you? Haven't you heard of, oh, beds? Christ, I run to the monitor thinking Grimm has you and get to see Kir and Logan's naked butts. Dumb asses. Don't you people watch horror movies?'

It was very hard to dress a man when he was laughing so hard he started crying, but somehow Jordan and Logan managed it.


A small spider sat, watching in the darkness as the room was cleaned of blood. The janitor knew something had gone down in the room, but hadn't questioned Frigg's directives, thanks to a judicious use of apple juice.

Cold bitch. The others were feeling the full force of her wrath as she took out Baldur's desertion on them.

Inside, Grimm chuckled. He knew they'd think he'd flown out the window when he'd opened it. It meant he'd had time to curl up in a little crack in the cinderblock, giving his body time to heal, completely undetected.

He had a number of things he needed to take care of. Starting with Vali, and ending with Baldur and Loki. And Tyr.

Tyr, perhaps, would be the first to die. Without him, Gungnir would revert back to Grimm. The thought that Tyr might have passed it on briefly crossed his mind, only to be dismissed. Tyr wouldn't give it away lightly, not after he'd just taken it back from Grimm.

Yes. Once Tyr is gone, time will be on my side. After all, I have all of it.

The spider sat in the crack in the wall and spun his plans...

Travis stared down at the bloodied face of the woman he'd pined over for years. He hadn't dared to touch her, not wanting to bring her grandfather's wrath down on her head.

But Grimm had hurt her anyway.

For that alone, the other god would die.

'Travis?” Her voice was broken, barely a pained whisper, but he heard it.

He heard everything she said, whether she knew it or not.

She could barely open her eyes. She looked so small and fragile in the bed, it broke his heart. She licked her lips. “Travis, is that you?'

'I'm here, Jamie.” He took her hand in his and held his rage back by sheer force of will. He wanted so desperately to brush back her hair, but Fenris had seen to it long ago that he couldn't.

He could no longer blame the Wolf for what he'd done. Grimm had been manipulating all of them, even back then. He hoped Logan had succeeded in freeing his child from Grimm's chains.

His attention returned to her as she moaned. “I'm here.'

And you'll never be alone again.

About the Author

Dana Marie Bell wrote her first short story when she was thirteen years old. She attended the High School for Creative and Performing Arts for creative writing, where freedom of expression was the order of the day. When her parents moved out of the city and placed her in a Catholic high school for her senior year she tried desperately to get away, but the nuns held fast, and she graduated with honors despite herself.

Dana has lived primarily in the Northeast (Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, to be precise), with a brief stint on the US Virgin Island of St. Croix. She lives with her soul mate and husband Dusty, their two maniacal children, an evil ice-cream stealing cat and a bull terrier that thinks it's a Pekinese.

You can learn more about Dana at: www.danamariebell.com

Sometimes love knocks softly ... and sometimes it breaks down your door.


© 2009 Anya Bast

Anne's morning starts like any other normal day—and ends in a race for her life. The surprise that

interrupts her regular date with a latte looks a lot like Frankenstein, except this monster is for real. And it chases her straight into the arms of two mouthwatering hunks who whisk her away from everything she knows. That would be Earth.

Suddenly life isn't so normal anymore.

Caleb and Van have been watching Anne for several weeks. Women are scarce in their world, a situation that sometimes forces two or more males to share one wife between them. Anne is their perfect match. Now all they have to do is convince her of that—while trying desperately not to let their intense desire for her scare her away.

Then there's the little matter of protecting her from the Guardians, who want to make sure no match is ever made...

Warning: Contains explicit language, menage a trois sex scenes and big scary monsters Enjoy the following excerpt for Taken:

Van gave a low, throaty laugh that gave her goose bumps. “It's something Caleb and I have done often, shared a woman. You're different, of course, more meaningful to us. All the same, we will take the lead.

And once we've started'—he raised his hand another inch, until his index finger touched her cunt—'you won't

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