everything except the irresistible sensations of sensual pleasure that coursed through her nakedly kneeling young body. She wanted to cum! She had to! She would explode with the need for release if she didn't cum soon. Greedily she sucked and pulled on Chico's thickly jerking prick as if, by some sexual osmosis, hastening his cum would also bring on her own. She wriggled her trembling asscheeks backward against Jose's hands, while her mouth pulled at Chico's huge cock like a tiny vacuum cleaner.

And suddenly Chico was there! Groaning feverishly, he released a flood of warm white liquid cum into Nancy's hungrily milking mouth. On and on it came, and she struggled to take it all, down to the last drop. But just as her own cum was about to overwhelm her, only seconds later, Jose withdrew his fingers from the straining young wife's two lustthrobbing holes, leaving her empty and unfulfilled.

She wanted to scream with rage and frustration, and Jose knew it. He smiled to himself. This was the way to break in a woman. He'd tried it before and it never failed. Keep her so hot that before long she'd be begging for it herself. Don't worry, my pretty little slut, he thought.

You'll have many more chances tonight. We haven't even gotten to our destination where the whole gang will be waiting to give you just what you want!

Chapter 8

By the time the car stopped, Nancy had no idea where she was. She knew it was one of the more run-down areas of the city, much like the neighborhood where the deserted house was, but this neighborhood seemed lived in, somehow, though the houses were worn down.

Once inside the Mendosas' house, however, she had no more time to notice her surroundings, for she was immediately confronted by the dark gang leader himself and his gang, and worse still, by his younger brother, Bernardo. The young Cuban had sobered up somewhat, but having been thoroughly chewed out by his irate brother and gang leader for his loose-tongued encounter with Nancy, he was in a rage at Rick Taggart's young wife.

'You fucking cunt,' he hissed as soon as she was inside the door. 'I oughta cut you up in little pieces for pulling that trick!'

Nancy didn't even bother to conceal her contempt for the young Morros lieutenant as he stood before her, his features twisted into a snarl of hate. He was only a punk street kid, that was obvious. There was no point in even bothering to respond when she had other, more formidable foes to deal with in the persons of Salvador and Jose. So she merely glared at him defiantly without answering.

Salvador strolled across the living room until he was face to face with Nancy Taggart. His eyes were narrow as he gazed at the naively stubborn girl who had tried to outsmart him. For a long moment, he stared at her, and then suddenly he slapped her twice, hard across the face.

Nancy gasped and brought her hand to her cheeks, fighting down the tears that rose to her eyes.

'You better be glad you are a woman,' the gang leader snarled, 'because if you were a man I'd break every bone in your body, you lying little cunt. But maybe this way is better. You'll have plenty of time to think about what you have done to the Morros this evening. Plenty of time to make up for what you have done.'

'Hey, Salvador,' Bernardo asked suddenly, grabbing Maria Paloma's arm and shoving her forward into the center of the room. 'Why don't we have a real party? I mean, we don't wanna wear the blonde cunt out before we all get a chance at her, and Maria here's a real juicy piece of ass.

Maybe they could put on a show like.'

Maria's mouth fell open in indignation and fear-tinged surprise as she heard Bernardo's suggestion. The curvaceous brunette was used to his outrageous demands, but this was more than she'd bargained for.

'I don't mind doing a number with the chick,' she said carefully, 'but I ain't lettin' those creeps put their hands on me. I ain't no whore!'

'You'll do what I tell ya, cunt,' Bernardo snarled, 'or you will be one very sorry chica. You dig?'

'I'll be sorry like what? But those creeps don't get near me, and that's that!' Although Maria was outwardly defiant, Bernardo's threat unnerved the girl, for she knew what he would do to her to make her sorry and it would not be good.

'Never mind, Bernardo,' Salvador interrupted smoothly. 'We got enough whore here for everybody even without her. Just a show to get everybody hot, that's all we need.'

'Okay, bitch,' Chico hurled at Maria, his eyes dark with anger at her sudden defiance, 'you beard Salvador. Get your clothes off and start shakin' your ass.'

With apparent unconcern, Maria prepared herself to do as he ordered, waiting until the new arrivals were seated and provided with beers. She didn't want to make Chico too mad, so she thought she'd better make her little act good.

Nancy watched, wide-eyed, while the voluptuous dark-haired girl slowly raised her T-shirt up over her head and took it off. She was wearing a provocative black lace bra that pushed her sensuous titties up and out, and the Morros cheered raucously as she began to disrobe. Throwing the T-shirt aside, she unzipped her jeans and lowered them slowly over her hips, wriggling out of them with an expert twist of her hips. A narrow wisp of bikini panties was all she wore underneath. Reaching behind her, she undid the clasp of her bra, and slowly slipped the straps off her shoulders, finally letting the flimsy garment drop completely to reveal to the eyes of the onlookers her voluptuously trembling titties, tipped with deep cherry-red nipples.

Then she paraded around the room, just out of reach of the lusting gang members, arching her back and jutting her hugely billowing tits forward, and occasionally wriggling her rounded little asscheeks, much to the appreciation of her audience, who called encouragement from the sidelines.

Then, with the skill of a practiced stripper, the brunette lowered her panties slowly, teasingly, first down a few inches, then back up, with her thumbs hooked in the narrow elastic waistband, and lowering them a little further with each movement. Nancy couldn't believe the brazenness of the young girl, and at the same time, she was nervous about what would come next. Just exactly what was expected of her in the little show she and Maria were to put on?

She didn't have to wait long to find out. As soon as Maria was completely naked, one of the gang called out, 'Now get the other one naked too! I want another look at her sweet blonde gringa pussy!'

Striding over to her, Maria began unbuttoning Nancy's raincoat.

Suddenly she felt a rush of sympathy for what the blonde girl, scarcely older than herself, was going to have to endure.

'Don't worry, honey,' she whispered seeing the look of shame and terror in Nancy's eyes. 'Just relax and enjoy it! It's easier that way. And don't let 'em know you're scared!'

Relieved by the girl's encouragement, as though she at least was an ally, however unreliable, Nancy allowed herself to be stripped again, until she too was stark naked before the roomful of the Morros gang.

Following Maria's lead, she walked seductively around the room, trying not to let her feelings of fear and degradation show. Head high and hands on her hips, she strode around in a circle, being careful to stay out of reach of the spectators.

'Man I cast wait to feel my cock inside that pussy,' Esteban and another member of the gang said. 'I could cum all over her just lookin'.'

'Down on the floor, blondie, and show us your pussy!'

'Spread 'em, cunt!'

The cries seemed to come from everywhere at once, and burning with shame, Nancy positioned herself on the floor, her slender white legs spread wide. Of all the things that had happened to her, this was certainly the worst so far – to be forced to… to make love to another woman! It was sick and perverted, and Nancy didn't know how she would get through the ordeal that lay ahead of her, but she steeled herself to do her best.

While the Morros called instructions, and coarse jokes from the sidelines, Maria sat down next to the subjugated young reporter's wife and began lightly stroking her softly billowing tits, and caressing her face and hair. Then to Nancy's shock, the girl drew her face closer and kissed her fully on the mouth. At first the young wife was disgusted, but at the same time she was surprised to realize that there was something not entirely unpleasant in the other girl's caresses. It was strange, yes, but not as terrible as she had expected, and she found she could

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