up, eagerly stroking their huge, pulsing cocks to rigid readiness.

In a sudden move, Bernardo was on top of her, and without warning, he screwed his massively throbbing prick deep into her passion-drenched pussy, fucking into her immediately with brutal ramrod strokes, so that the ravaged young wife's body was jerked up off the floor from the force of it. Yet once she had adjusted to her cunt- filled state, her body began to throb wildly with a renewed savage passion, and she slowly was transformed again into a creature of total animal lust.

'Oh yesssss! Yeeeesssssss!' she cried, nearly incoherent with mounting rapture as her wetly quaking pussy reached cum after cum. 'Yessssss!

Fuck me! All of you, fuck me goood!'

Maria, meanwhile, unnoticed by the others, had quietly retrieved her clothes and hid in the shadows by the door. She watched the depraved scene on the floor with eyes flashing deep contempt for the men assaulting Nancy's hungrily receptive body.

You will not get away with this, this time. You bastards, you have used me once too often and I will get my revenge!

The sex-ravaged young brunette ran hastily down the long corridor leading from the living room to the kitchen of the Morros home. Her curvaceous body was trembling with anger and she could feel a gnawing, nauseous sensation begin to churn in the pit of her belly. Her mind reeled with thoughts of revenge, revenge on the whole crew of merciless gang members who had treated her so badly and reduced her to nothing more than a battered cunt, and yet these thoughts were mixed with the deep anxiety and physical distress of her always unsatisfied need for more cock. The brunette was barely looking where she was going, as she stumbled down the hall, and she did not see the figure that stood in the doorway of one of the bedrooms.

'Maria!' she heard a weak voice cry out. 'Maria, stop!'

The girl stopped suddenly, for through her now blurring vision she suddenly saw that it was Seсor Mendosa, Salvador's invalid father, the founder of the Morros gang, in the doorway. He was dressed in a tattered robe, his face ravaged with illness, and he leaned against the doorjamb for support. Maria gasped when she saw the sickly older man, for the young girl had never before seen him leave the bedroom. The sight of Leonardo Mendosa no longer propped up in his bed startled her, and she gasped with alarm.

'Seсor Mendosa! What… what are you doing out of bed?'

The wan-faced man stared down at the trembling abused girl, his eyes as sharp as two stilettos and burning with anger.

'What's going on in my house, Maria?' he asked in a thin but determined voice. 'You tell me what's going on in there!'

'Nothing… nothing, I swear it. The gang is just playin', talkin' and drinkin' – that's all.'

'You're lying to me, Maria,' Leonardo Mendosa said, his voice shrill and harsh. 'I know you're lying to me. Just like my boys have been lying to me.' He took a step toward her, and Maria knew that each step was costing the old man precious energy, yet she was herself in no condition to protest or even talk.

'Seсor Mendosa,' she stammered nervously, 'you got to go back to bed.

Salvador and Bernardo wouldn't like it if they knew you was comin' downstairs.'

'I don't care. I want to know what's going on here tonight with the gang. For years I have not said a word, have not asked a question, but no more! Something is happening here tonight, I feel it in my heart, and I must know what it is. Is Bernardo there with them? Are both of my sons in there? Answer me!'

Leonardo was face to face with Maria Paloma now, and his eyes were watery with bitter tears. Maria's first instinct was to run, to run away from the house as fast as possible and find a fix. Salvador and the others would be furious if they knew that their father was out of his room, and she knew her life wouldn't be worth two cents if she helped the sickly old man, or told him what was going on in the living room. Yet, in the next moment, her need for revenge came surging into her brain. Why shouldn't I tell him, she thought to herself, after the way those bastards have treated me?

'They're… they're in the living room,' she murmured finally. 'But you mustn't go in there, Seсor Mendosa, you mustn't.'

Leonardo gazed steadily into the girl's eyes, and at once he understood the heartache and trouble the young Spanish girl had experienced in her short life. Many of the young Latin women had hard lives here in the barrio. Many times harder than that of the men. When he was young, he had not understood this but as he had grown older and more ill, he had had the time to sit back and look at the world around him. He had seen much that he had not noticed before. Weakly the old man raised his gnarled hand and tenderly touched the young brunette's face.

'I must go in there, Maria… I have been quiet for too long. I am the man who started the Morros but I did not start it for bad things, only for a means of survival.' But his son and the other gang members were abusing the power he had set up. They must now be stopped. 'You go home, niсa. If they know you have helped me they will kill you, I know that. Let me do this myself… go…'

'But Seсor, you should be in bed…'

'Yes… perhaps… but it would be better for me to die than to go on being silent. It isn't for me I do this. It is for my sons. I will not have them sin like this; they will ruin their lives. I will not have it… you must go now… please…'

'All… all right… but promise me you'll be careful… please.'

'I am an old man, Maria, and sick, but I still have some strength left.

Don't worry about me. You go now… and if you can… get out..

. get out and leave here forever.'

'Maybe I'll do that, Seсor Mendosa.'

'Good. Now go. I must see what is happening. I must know what is happening now with the Morros.'

At the end of the hall in the living room, Nancy Taggart, the young reporter's wife, lay on the carpet, her naked body throbbing with galvanic sexual excitement and her glistening skin damp with perspiration. She had been mercilessly fucked by everyone in the room now – everyone, that is, but Salvador Mendosa. Despite her humiliation, she had experienced several explosive cums from the relentless attacks of the obscene Morros members, and she was now barely conscious, her brain reeling with excitement and too numb to reason. Rick's young wife had totally surrendered to the gang now, for there was no way she could resist them. The stinging pain that still lingered in her cheek was a vivid, reminder that the Cubans would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. She was trapped, and not only was she being systematically raped by all of them, but she knew that she in a sick sense was enjoying their cocks as much as they had enjoyed her cunt. Hot tears began to stream down her cheeks as she lay helpless and ravaged on the floor. But it really didn't matter how much she liked it. She was still their slave, their helpless slave.

Suddenly Salvador strode toward her nakedly throbbing form, his face split with a cruel smile. Bending over the captive blonde, he reached down roughly and began to squeeze the hotly quaking mounds of her huge tits.

'Now that's what I'd call a nice pair of tits, Bernardo, wouldn't you say?'

'Yeah, she's a real nice piece of ass, Salvador,' Bernardo answered eagerly, his muscular body surging with renewed desire. After he had screwed her, he had watched each of the other Morros fucking the young blonde and now he wanted to fuck her again. 'I want to screw that cunt again, Salvador.'

'In a minute, Bernardo, in a minute,' his older brother answered, as he began to strip himself of his own clothing. 'Her pussy should be nice and slippery now, real good fucking for a young stud like you.'

Nancy closed her eyes, trying to blot out the depraved conversation from her mind, trying to close her ears to the foul language they used in discussing her as though she were a piece of meat.

Salvador was completely naked now, his legs straddling her milk-white hips as he knelt, bending down so that his lips closed around first one softly throbbing nipple then the other. He sucked and bit at the tender flesh, while the other Morros laughed crudely, made obscene remarks, and continued to drink. After a few moments, the gang leader pulled away and stood up, leaving Nancy's tiny budlike nipples swollen and red from his vicious sucking.

'Bernardo,' he called to his eagerly expectant brother. Turn the bitch over. I'm gonna give her a special treat.'

Obediently, Bernardo bent down and gripped the captive reporter's wife's hips with his hands, forcing her to

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