not even in Wildman County.”

He shrugged.

“You can’t be too careful about these things. You know how powerful talk in town can be. One slipup and that’s all we’ll hear about for years.”

He said it in a joking way, but she heard the resentment deep in his words.

Remi was an Overlook native. Her parents had been born and raised in town, and she and her brothers had been born and raised there, too. It was impossible to keep people from talking in a small town, but when it came to the Nashes it was an entirely different ball game.

After what had happened to the triplets, the family had been become famous. A horrible fame that, as far as she knew, hadn’t gone away despite the years that had passed.

Remi’s coffee showed up at just the right time, and the two of them spent the next half hour talking about the people they’d gone to school with, old friends and annoyances, and what had been going on with their respective families. They hit all the social cues that were expected of a conversation between old acquaintances.

He was sorry to hear about her parents’ divorce, and she was happy to hear about his siblings’ marriages and kids.

He could barely talk around his laughter about Clay Reynolds being arrested for public intoxication after his girlfriend bought him a fake lottery ticket, and she admitted, with much shame, that she’d dated Matthew Shaker for a year after running into him on campus.

He seemed interested in what her stepfather, Dave, did for a living, and she genuinely was excited that Claire’s Café was expanding into the shop next door due to its popularity.

It wasn’t until he excused himself to call about Fiona that Remi realized she didn’t want the conversation to end just yet.

So when he said that a local mechanic couldn’t look at his truck for a few days and would tow it back to Overlook instead, she decided she could take an hour detour back to town.

As long as he’d be with her.

“I don’t want to inconvenience you,” he said at her offer of driving him back. She waved off his concern.

“You’re the one who’s going to listen to me talk about my work dilemma all the way there,” she said. “May I remind you that I’m an accountant so, honestly, you might just want to ride with the tow truck driver.”

Declan smirked.

Hot dog, what a sight.

“I’m always being asked about my job, I’d love to listen to someone else’s for a change.”

They paid their bill, made arrangements for the tow truck and then headed back to the town they’d both had a mind to leave that morning.

Then the rain went from crummy to bad to worse. It was only when they were between Kilwin and Overlook that they admitted defeat and pulled into another parking lot.

This time it was for a surprisingly nice motel.

“Fun fact,” Declan said, pointing in the direction of the vacancy sign. “My sister-in-law is good friends with the woman who owns this place.”

“Then I bet you could get us a good deal on a room, huh?”

Remi had meant it as a joke.

Yet, when she looked at Declan, his cowboy hat on his head and a smirk on his lips, she wasn’t quite sure of her own intentions.

She’d always wondered how a kiss between them would feel.

When Declan’s eyes moved down to her lips, she had a suspicion he was just as curious.

Copyright © 2020 by Tyler Anne Snell

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ISBN-13: 9781488067600

Buried Secrets

Copyright © 2020 by Carol Ericson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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