the humid lips of her pussy. Quivering at its initial touch, she guided the distended knob into her sensitive vulva, settling her weight gently upon it and letting it slide upward into her foamy oven.

Watching her hairy crotch lower until its fur blended with the bronze feathering of the boy's, Elizabeth sighed happily. Jody's hands came up to rest upon her hips, and she was glad he found her so attractive, joying because she could give him everything he craved, that her body was lush for him, and her cunt hot for him. Lithely, erotically, she rotated her ripe ass, moving his splendid young meat deeply within her soapy sheathing. Jody lay quietly, letting her rock upon his embedded shaft as she pleased, now stroking the cheeks of her ass, now caressing her satin belly.

It would last much longer this time, she thought, rippling her vagina around his strong rod, grinding her crotch into his; unless he had been so excited by watching her hick his brother that he would explode earlier than usual.

But Jody was steady, rolling only a little bit with her, rocking only faintly as her pulsating snatch did tricks for him, nibbling at his burled cockhead with slippery membranes. She started to lean forward, meaning to lock her mouth to his and to crush the aching nipples of her tits into his hairless chest. The boy cupped her breasts instead, and held her more or less upright, and Elizabeth didn't know why, until she caught a blur of whiteness upon the couch arm and saw the pale, slim legs come down.

She stared as Timothy placed his feet carefully so as not to disturb his brother's position, and saw the greasy length of the kid's engorged cock very dose, looming before her eyes so that she could make out even the tiny bumps scattered across the pink velvet head and the seepage that was leaking from the little slot.

Did Timothy mean for her to – to go down on him, while Jody's prick was still locked adoringly within her pussy? The boy reached for her head, and she knew. Jody's hand slid from her breasts then, to give her room, and Elizabeth dropped her head a bit, bracing her hands upon one lover's chest while her mouth sought another cock. The younger boy jerked as her tongue flicked out and encircled his sticky glans, but Jody's shaft surged within her cunt then, and she had no time to simply tease. She drew the flanged bulb into her lips as far as she could take it, feeling the touch of the blunt tip against the soft cup of her throat.

They were locked together then, the two beautiful boys and herself, one into the other, blending and sharing, all of them giving, each of them taking. Elizabeth felt more loved, because she was taking them both.

She sucked blissfully upon Timothy's large shaft, lapping her hot tongue over the enlarged knob and savoring this new flavor, this different taste of semen and warmy, silken flesh, enjoying the way the boy was thrusting gently into her mouth. Dipping her inner cheeks, she pushed with her tongue and blew out, only to drag the thrusting glans deep once more. And she never stopped moving voluptuously upon the other cock buried to the hilt within her well – oiled snatch.

They clung to her, one set of hands upon the cheeks of her swiveling ass, the other pair to her head. She could hear them panting, and feel the twinned surgings of their crotches. Eyes closed, feeling every nerve end of her body glowing, Elizabeth fucked and sucked at the same time.

Somebody moaned, and somebody else gasped, but she wasn't certain which of them cried out, not even of herself. Wrapped onto them and into them, she loved the two passionate boys with all her vital forces, and they were all moving together, hunching and grinding, asses rotating, bellies heaving, hands clutching. It was sweet, wild, lascivious, and Elizabeth gave herself fully to the rhythm, her pussy suctioning as well as her busy mouth.

Timothy dug his fingers into her flowing hair and drove his flexing cockhead deep. His sizzling ejaculation erupted into her mouth, spitting globules of sticky come down her throat, and she swallowed gleefully, pulling for more, letting the juices drain down into her stomach, savoring the taste and thickness, the greasy richness sprayed upward from the boy's convulsing balls.

Elizabeth would never know which of them came first, she or Jody, and it didn't really matter. They churned together in a maddened, spinning ecstasy that welded his spurting prick inside the steaming clench of her saturated vagina, their crotches hammering insanely, their thighs taut and trembling as they reached the very pinnacle of emotion. Maybe she came more than once, in a multiple orgasm, or maybe it was a stretching – out of the magnificent climax. She knew only that wave after wave of blazing rapture swept over and around her and through her.

Carefully, lingeringly, Timothy took his softening prick from her mouth, drawing the sticky head across her lower lip and releasing his grip upon her hair. Elizabeth drew her tongue across her mouth to lap up any dampness the glans might have left behind, and raised herself to a sitting position. Jody's cock was still lovingly embedded within her sloshy cunt, his balls still tucked into the cleft of her mossy ass.

She looked down at the boy's quiet face, at his closed eyes and the mouth gone slack in relaxation. Oh, she adored him, and his horny brother too. She could worship their pricks with the utmost devotion, paying homage to them with lips and tongue and the concentrated heat of her aroused pussy, and she would, she promised herself, she certainly would.

Tenderly disengaging herself, Elizabeth lifted from Jody's shaft, hearing the liquid noise it made when her cunt lips released the dripping head; It was a musical sound that she meant to listen to as often as possible, and its special echo would always turn her on.

Limply, she sat upon the couch with her long legs stretched out, with her feverish pussy still pulsating, and the nipples of her heavy breasts yet enlarged. Leaning her head back, Elizabeth breathed deeply of the love – scented air, and thought that she had traveled a long way since her first orgasm. She couldn't imagine that she had ever resisted screwing Jody; it seemed like a bad dream, that image of her naked body writhing in frantic attempts to get away, while Timothy and Charlene held her down. How could she have been so stupid, so utterly silly?

She opened her eyes as one of the boys thrust an icy glass into her hand, and sat erect to taste the drink they'd mixed for her. It was powerfully laced with bourbon, the coke only a shadow upon her tongue, and she coughed after the first swallow. But she took another, and thanked Jody for bringing it to her.

He said, 'I figured you might need it, after balling the two of us; thought you might be a little weak in the knees.'

'I am,' she smiled, 'but don't ever let that stop you, lover. I think I can screw forever, hour after delicious hour of feeling two fabulous pricks in me at the same time. Oh, I'm so glad you talked me into this, darlings. Please have a little patience with me, if I hesitate again. I – I was wrong for so many years that it's like a bad habit, very difficult to break.'

'You're nothing but wonderful,' Jody said, sitting down beside her, his bare leg touching hers. 'In one way, you've really just started fucking, and already, you're terrific at it.'

'Good as our sister,' Timothy put in. 'Better, in some ways.'

Elizabeth sipped more of her drink, feeling the warmth of the alcohol gathering deep within her belly, where it competed with the heat already there, that lovely pile of embers left over from the fucking she had received, and the semen she had swallowed. Now she knew both these handsome boys equally, having eaten both their hard pricks, having screwed them both. And she began to understand their intense attachment to their passionate little sister, who had also shared their love.

'Does Charlene go down on you, too?' she asked.

'Sure,' Jody answered. 'She's always hot for a prick, anywhere she can get it. Oral sex was one of the first things my mom taught me. She had me eat her first, telling me how to do it every second, and then she ate me. It was kind of standard for us to start out like that, then go on to a good, long fucking, once the edge was off us both.'

Timothy had found a soft drink, and brought the can back to sit on the other side of Elizabeth. He said, 'Mom didn't get around to me for quite awhile; even when she was all boozed up, I guess she thought I was too much of a kid. But one night Jody and I changed places in her bed, and I got some of her good pussy, too. After that, it didn't seem to make much difference to her who she was screwing, just as long as she got the meat from somebody.'

And Jody added, 'It would have been okay, but after awhile, the welfare people started hanging around and asking questions. She was always getting busted for being drunk, and finally they just took us away. I'm glad now, Betsy. I'm really glad.'

Kissing his cheek, Elizabeth said, 'I am, too. You'll never know how much, because without you lovely kids, I would never have been born again, given another chance at life. We'll be so happy here together.'

Thoughtfully, Jody said, 'What about your old man? I mean, even if he isn't around all that much, some day

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