If he looked in the paper bag she'd set down in there he'd know it was his daughter fucking his own brother. But there'd be no reason for him to be so snoopy. Wade wouldn't let him anyway. After a while she heard the door slam and Wade came to the bedroom.

'He's gone baby, you can come back out.'

'I thought I might pee on the floor,' she hissed, blushing when she realized how familiar she was getting with her uncle. He grinned and pinched her bottom. As he watched Brenda squirmed into the red dress.

'You sure you should wear that home? Your old man was pretty interested in it. If he saw you with it on.'

'You're right.' She pulled it off and dug her baggy shirt from the paper bag. At least the jeans fit her tight. They were the only tight ones she had. 'But I'm going to take it home with me. I love it.' She hugged the red dress to her breasts. 'It was the start of something special today, wasn't it?'

'You're damned right baby,' Wade said, hugging her and the dress. 'But it looks like I might be out of town for a couple of weeks. Your old man wants me to run up to Dawsonville and check out some antique auctions there.' Wade shrugged. 'Wish I could take you with me.'

'Oh, I'd love to go!' Brenda bit her lip. 'Isn't there some way we could do it?'

'You mean ask your dad if you could go with me?' Wade rubbed his chin. 'I wonder if he'd suspect anything? God, I don't, know. He's one suspicious bastard.'

'Oh surely not. You and me? I mean I've been a virtual nun for twenty-one years. How would he ever suspect that I might climb in bed with my uncle?' Brenda giggled and rubbed her bare tits against her uncle's chest. He felt them gently and they kissed. She could tell that he already had a fresh hard-on.

'We can think about it. I'll be into the store tomorrow baby. Wait for me there.'

Brenda finished dressing, put her new dress in the bag and left. She sang all the way back to the store. Her feet had hardly touched the sidewalk as she skipped along. But when she went in her father's store he was there behind the counter. He gave her a strange look.

'When did you start wearing your hair down?' he asked, eyes narrowed.

'I thought it looked nice,' Brenda said, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. But she felt like a whore with his accusing eyes on her. She imagined that he could even smell the perfumey musk of her afternoon fuck.

'I prefer it the other way,' he said, turning back to the receipts he was recording. 'You look cheap the way you've got it now. Been shopping have you?'

'Yes, I got a little something for myself.' Her voice trembled. It scared her to know that only the paper bag hid the red dress her father would surely recognize if he saw it again. But he kept fooling with his paperwork and she went back to hide it among the junk in the other room. She couldn't ask her father about going with Uncle Wade on his trip to Dawsonville. Not yet anyway.


Tight jeans were in order far a hayride. But Annie decided to slip hers on without panties. She didn't know why, it was just a feeling. She had to go with her lame cousin Jerry and if that wasn't enough of a bummer, her dad was talking about her getting in by eleven. She thought of this as she forced the skin-tight Levi's up over her naked pubes. No one would know. Except maybe Gil. But she still didn't see how they were going to spend any time together. Bobbie Ann Smith wasn't about to let Gil slip out of her claws. And Annie was stuck with Jerry the jerk. But she could dress sexy anyway.

Maybe it would make her feel better.

Jeaned but still bare breasted, Annie looked at herself in the mirror. Her firm, flat belly, her white flesh, her small pink-tipped breasts. She wished she could go just like that! But even the thought made her blush a little. It was her father's restrictions that were getting her so crazy. She turned to examine the way her jeans fit her ass. They fit nice, the faded denim snugged up between the cheeks of her bottom so tight that each plump swell was easily discernable. She knew that the boys would be getting eyefuls of her tonight. If only she could get out of the house without her father noticing how alluring she looked.

Annie picked a cowboy blouse to go with her jeans. Of course she had no intention of wearing a bra. She slipped into the sexy blouse and tucked it into her jeans. She added a belt with a brass buckle and a tiny pair of turquoise ear rings.

'Jerry's here,' her mother called from outside the door.

Annie brushed her hair and slipped a sweater over her sexy, silk top. That way her father would never suspect how beautifully she'd draped her pubescent breasts. He'd never know that she meant to take the sweater off as soon as she was out of the house so that the boys at the hayride would be able to see the budding curves of her young body. And maybe if one of them was lucky, a little tit too.

'I want you to bring her home at eleven,' her dad started in as soon as she went over to say hello to Jerry.

'Aw Dad, none of the other kids will have to be home that early.'

'Maybe eleven-thirty then. But I want it to be understood…'

Jerry nodded obediently as Annie listened to her father drone on and on. Then they were out the door. Jerry's car was parked at the curb, his father's car.

'I got the Lincoln tonight,' he said proudly, opening the door for her. Annie scooted across the seat. It was the biggest car she'd ever seen! Pretty classy for getting to a hayride in. She softened a little towards Jerry. He was trying anyway. And he looked really neat except for his cowlick.

Annie stripped her sweater off over her head and threw it in the back seat. Jerry had already started the car but before he slipped into gear he took a long look at her breasts poked pertly out against the little shirt.

'What's wrong?' she asked, confused by the dazed expression on his face.

'Nuh-nuh-nuthin! Nothing at all Annie, you look really nice tonight.'

'God, you're acting strange,' she said, frowning at him.

'It's just that you're so pretty tonight. I always thought of you as my cousin, you know.'

'That's all we are,' she replied. Annie was thinking of Gil again. Would he be as eager to see her as she was to see him?

The hayride started with a lot of fooling around and hay-fights. But when everyone was settled into the straw, singing and making out as the wagon was pulled along the country road. Annie saw right away that Bobbie Ann Smith wasn't just fooling around. She looked every bit as devastating as Annie did. And she had bigger tits too. Whenever Gil so much as glanced in Annie's direction, Bobbie Ann would run her fingers up his thigh and start kissing on him and that would be the end of that.

As time went on there was less horseplay and more making out. The ride was quieter now with only the horse's hooves adding an easy rhythm to the sound of girls being excited by male hands. Annie heard the low moans, the sighs, the gasps for breath. And it made her that much more uneasy to know that she was there with her own first cousin. Jerry felt uneasy too.

'Hey,' he said at last, reaching into his hip pocket. 'I brought something along.' He flipped the top and shoved the silver flask put at her. 'It's my dad's but I figured he wouldn't miss it for one night. It's his booze too.'

Annie didn't want to seem out-of-it. She took the flask, touched it to her lips and tilted some of the liquor into her mouth. It wasn't half as bad as she'd thought. She swallowed more and handed the flask back to her cousin, he took a huge slug and nestled the thing between his knees. Annie felt the booze working on her immediately. She didn't worry so much about appearances now. She felt relaxed and easy.

'Hey that was good,' she said. Jerry put an arm around her shoulders and she snuggled into his embrace. Maybe they weren't kissing cousins but at least she could lean against him, couldn't she? He held the flask out to her and she grabbed it eagerly. The liquor went down even easier than before.

'It's my dad's best brandy. Costs a mint.' Jerry chuckled. He sounded a little loaded. Annie giggled back. She was getting loaded. And it felt neat.

'You're the prettiest girl here,' Jerry told her. He had his fingers against her shoulder and the squeeze he gave made Annie quiver all over. She'd undone the top three buttons of her top to try and lure Gil's attention. Jerry was snatching glimpses himself now. But with the booze inside her Annie didn't care. She pushed her shoulders back

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