Brent looked at his feet in the silence that followed.

'Well, listen, Kirk. I got to be going. My mother's waiting for me.'

'Yeah, sure.'

'I'll be back down to see how you're doing in another day or so. Okay?'

'Yeah, sure. Anytime. It looks like I'm not going anywhere. It's great to see you up and around.'

'Oh, thanks. Be seeing you.'

'Right. Take care now. Don't knock up any chick at the swimming club, now.'

'Don't sweat it. I couldn't get out of the back brace fast enough.'

Brent's mother appeared in the doorway. She lifted Brent's suitcase.

'I'll be waiting in the hall when you're ready,' she said.

'I mean it now, Kirk. I'll be seeing you in a few days.'

'You be careful of that old back now, you hear? I don't want to hear about you falling through any more trapdoors. Grace you ain't got,' Kirk said and lit a cigarette.

'Yeah. Right. See you, Kirk.'

'See you, Brent.'

Brent left. He felt like crying, but he waited until he got home.


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