great problem for me to filch the book, look inside, and put it back. She was supposed to spend the

weekend with a girl friend. The girl was going to come to her house, but a notation in the book says she's not sure the girl will show. In other words, she didn't make any dates with men for this weekend. She'll be home, either alone or with the girl friend. Even if the girl friend does come, she's not scheduled to arrive before tomorrow, Saturday. This'd give us the whole fucking night to do with her whatever we feel is needed to straighten her out.'

'So what the fuck are we supposed to do?' Silo asked.

'We wait until it's dark, then we go to her house. I drove her home the day we fucked, and I had a look at her back door. It's an easy one to unlock.'

'Hey, that's breaking and entering!'

'That's a nice, quiet neighborhood. No one ever gets robbed there, and the cops cruise each street about once every two hours. Since her house is a half-mile from the railroad station, we don't even have to take the car, or if we do, we can park it at the railroad station where it won't be noticed. By the time we're through with her, she'll be begging for more. Then we turn her off, and hold back, letting her beg for two cocks she'll never get again. You game?'

'All the way,' Silo admitted. Orgiurio had brought out the hidden animal in him, and with it came the desire to fuck Mickey, whether she was willing or not.

Physically, Mark Silo was as much a stud as Orgiurio. He was no less insatiable, and the mere thought of banging the slender redhead was giving him a bad case of the hots. He needed some temporary cooling off, and with the lunch hour coming up, he knew just the chick with whom to couple.

Her name was Carol Warner, and oddly enough,

she was the wife of one of the really big wheels at a district branch office of Incidental Insurance. She was short, pert, and very pessimistic about life in general. Not that life had treated her badly, but she had expected so much more out of life. Her husband was doing well, giving her all the little luxuries that helped make living bearable, and yet she was unable to appreciate all this. She felt a woman with her looks and charm should have had a mansion with servants to do. all the work while she kept herself busy looking beautiful.

Her husband had given her two children, a boy and a girl, both of whom were in school until three o'clock, but he hadn't given her much satisfaction in the conception of those kids. For that matter, he hadn't given her much satisfaction any time in bed, and though she was far from being hot blooded, she did have wants and needs, and when her body wasn't gratified, it very naturally became frustrated.

She had met Mark Silo at an Incidental Insurance convention, and at first had paid no attention to him. He was much younger than she. In fact, he seemed totally immature, with his pretty-boy face and youthful mannerisms. Yet she had to admit to herself she enjoyed having a male pay so much attention to her, especially since her own husband was off somewhere running the convention. Before she realized it, she found herself bedded down with Silo in his room, and when she returned to the main ballroom later on, she discovered her husband had never missed her.

What she really remembered was the satisfaction Silo had given her. He had made her feel like a hot bombshell, bringing about six climaxes in her for each one of his. He had come twice, but a dozen climaxes in one night was, for her, something totally unbelievable. Hell, she didn't have a dozen decent climaxes in a year with her own husband. A

dozen? She didn't even have a half-dozen.

Silo had been easy for her to become attracted to, and when she learned his own office wasn't far from her husband's, she gave him her home address. All he had to do was call first, to make certain her husband wasn't home.

The system had worked fine, for a while, but soon Carol not only became frightened of what would happen if her husband found out, but began feeling pangs of guilt. So Silo had to check with her husband's office to make certain he was there, and then he would drive over to the Warner home. And every time Carol saw him, she would try to shut him out of the house. Every time, he managed to make his way inside, and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. He was so good at it, he always made Carol temporarily overcome her remorse, especially when she was experiencing a series of multiple orgasms.

Leaving his office after ascertaining Carol's husband was in his, and would likely remain there at least an hour, Silo drove to Carol's house and parked a block, away. He walked to the house. It was a nice spring day, so he loosened his tie and left it and his jacket in the car before heading for Carol's back door.

He knocked and waited. He knew she was home. Her car was out front. When she opened the door he smiled and said, 'Hi, am I in time for lunch?'

'That depends on what you want to eat,' she replied frostily.

She was angry at him not only because of the guilt he made her feel, but because he seemed to take her for granted every time. At the start he had treated her like the lady she believed herself to be. He had played by the rules, making her feel so satisfyingly superior as he seduced her. But now he no longer seemed to feel seduction was necessary. He had taken her body for granted, basically because he knew the effect he had on her. She was his own personal property, his private fuck, and it irritated her to think he could have such a light regard for her.

'I want to eat you, Carol,' he told her straightforwardly. 'I want to eat that box of yours until you scream for mercy.

He saw her shudder and glance at the kitchen clock.

'My husband might be home any moment,' she said.

'Horseshit,' he replied. 'I checked. He'll be at the office all afternoon.'

'I wish you wouldn't speak to me in that tone of voice!' she snapped. 'You used to respect me.'

'I still respect you,' he assured her. 'If I didn't, I wouldn't be coming back all the time. But it'd be nice if you admitted you still like me so we could stop playing these silly games.

Before she could argue again, he gently pressed his hand against her swollen tit, pushing her back into the kitchen. He followed her in, shutting the door behind him. He looked at her the way a wolf stared at a helpless lamb, grinning an almost fiendish grin.

Carol took a deep breath, gained control of herself for a moment, and said, 'Mark, if you have any regard for whatever it was we had between us, you'll leave. I just don't feel like doing anything with you.'

'Me you trying to tell me your husband has started satisfying you?' Silo asked, knowing better even as the question came out.

Damn, Carol thought to herself. She'd told him too much when they'd shared those intimate hours at the convention. Now he was laughing at her, making fun of her, knowing full well she wasn't receiving the kind of pleasure he had given her.

Aloud, she said, 'Please Mark, I'd rather not discuss it.'

'Jut as I thought,' Silo Smirked. 'He's still doing nothing for you. Hey look, I taught you a whole new bunch of things to do. Did you at least try them out? I mean, they'd be just the thing to wake up a flagging cock.'

'No,' she admitted, sighing, letting her physical need for him start to overpower her common sense once again. 'He's just not interested.'

'You just haven't been doing it right, Carol. If you d applied what I'd taught you, maybe you really wouldn't need me. As it is, you need me for two reasons. You need me to help make you a satisfied woman, and you need me as an instructor, and maybe this time you'll pay attention to the lessons.'

This last sentence came out with such a strong horse laugh behind it, Carol became red with rage. She bunched her fists and began beating against his chest, snarling, 'Get away from me. Don't touch me, you bastard. I don't need you or anyone else.'

Still smiling, Silo grabbed her wrists with one hand and held them to the side while wrapping his other arm around her waist. He held her tightly, pulling her very close to him, looking down into her lovely tanned face, admiring her straight, short nose, her deep brown eyes, and her sensuous lips. Her husband was a real asshole for not being able to appreciate her, and had nobody but himself to blame for her unfaithfulness. Hell, her body was crying out for some kind of relief. Why give her simple relief? Make it an experience well worth remembering, each time.

'Please don't,' she whimpered, her breath hot on his lips. 'Don't shame me. Don't increase the guilt I already feel.'

'Shame you?' he asked, smirking. 'I wouldn't dream of shaming you. The real shame is that someone as lovely

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