Yanomamo Indians, 16, 42, 203, 280, 297–98, plate 12

food availability, 301, 303

map, 27 fig.

salt intake and blood pressure, 416, 418–19

trade, 65, 67, 73, 74, 75

warfare, 132, 137, 158, 160, 163, 165, 291

Yap Islanders, 62

Yazzie, Robert, 103

Yemenite Jews, 433, 438 table, 449

Yolngu people, 26 fig., 42, 44, 68 table

Yora Indians, 188

youth, American cult of, 225–26

Yupik Inuit, 152

Yupik languages, 397, 398

Zimmet, Paul, 443

Zulu people, 137, 148, 201

Zweig, Stefan, 239

Illustration Credits

Plate 1: Carlo Ottaviano Casana; Plate 2: © Marka/SuperStock; Plate 3: Jacob Maentz/www.jacobimages.com; Plate 4: Olivier Blaise; Plate 5: Brian M. Wood; Plate 6: Romas Vysniauskas; Plate 7: Henrik Stabell; Plate 8: Bonnie Hewlett; Plate 9: © 2012 Jeff Schultz/AlaskaStock.com; Plate 10: Kim Hill; Plate 11: Toninho Muricy; Plate 12: © Art Wolfe/www.artwolfe.com; Plate 13: Photograph by Michael Clark Rockefeller. Courtesy of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 2006.12.178.10.; Plate 14: James Tourtellotte, U.S. Customs & Border Patrol; Plate 15: © Eye Ubiquitous/SuperStock; Plate 16: J. Miles Cary, Knoxville News Sentinel; Plate 17: Afonso Santos; Plate 18: Photo by Carole A. Kosakowski; Plate 19: Russell D. Greaves and Karen Kramer; Plate 20: Bonnie Hewlett; Plate 21: Brian M. Wood; Plate 22: Karen Kramer; Plate 23: Sun xinming/ImagineChina; Plate 24: Sheryl Dawson/Spot-On Marketing, courtesy of Starfish Resources, LLC.; Plate 25: Sisse Brimberg/National Geographic Stock; Plate 26: Bruno Zanzottera/Parallelozero; Plate 27: PunchStock; Plate 28: Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig; Plate 29: Courtesy of the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the Regents of the University of California. (Catalogue No. 15- 5910.); Plate 30: Photo by Michael Leahy, from First Contact by Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson (Viking, New York, 1987) courtesy of the estate of Mrs. Jeannette Leahy; Plate 31: Photo by Michael Leahy, from First Contact by Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson (Viking, New York, 1987) courtesy of the estate of Mrs. Jeannette Leahy; Plate 32: Peter Hallinan; Plate 33: Blend Images/PunchStock; Plate 34: REUTERS/Yuri Maltsev; Plate 35: AP Photo/George Nikitin; Plate 36: Photograph by Karl G. Heider. Courtesy of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. 2006.; Plate 37: Taken by Masami Oki. “Material provided by Hidetsugu Aihara,” donated by Peace Museum of Saitama. Courtesy of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum; Plate 38: Russel D. Greaves and Karen Kramer; Plate 39: Phil Ramey, Ramey Pix; Plate 40: © SuperStock; Plate 41: The Harvard Theatre Collection, Harvard University; Plate 42: USAID; Plate 43: Dr. James Garza; Plate 44: REUTERS/Kyodo News Agency; Plate 45: © Sarah M. J. Welch/The Harvard Crimson; Plate 46: Robert R. Leahey, State Archives of Florida, Florida memory, http://floridamemory.com/items/show/109768; Plate 47: AP Photo/Don Adams.

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Plate 1. A Dani man, from the Baliem Valley of the New Guinea Highlands. Plate 2. An Australian Aboriginal man. Plate 3. An Agta woman, from the mountain forest of Luzon Island in the Philippines. Plate 4. An Andaman Islander, from the Bay of Bengal. Plate 5. A Hadza man, from Tanzania. Plate 6. A !Kung hunter, from Africa’s Kalahari Desert. Plate 7. A Nuer woman, from the Sudan. Plate 8. An Aka father and his child, from Africa’s equatorial forest. Plate 9. An Inuit woman (Inupiaq), from Alaska. Plate 10. An Ache Indian man, from the forests of Paraguay. Plate 11. A Piraha Indian couple and their baby, from the Amazonian rainforest of Brazil. Plate 12. A Yanomamo Indian girl, from the forests of Venezuela. Plate 13. A traditional border between tribes, guarded by a Dani man on a watchtower, from the Baliem Valley of the New Guinea Highlands. (Pages 42 and 123)
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