man. Ralph was a good man, if a little old-fashioned, and his son Marcus had been working for the family business for three years, since leaving university with a 1.1. in Economics. Marcus was now twenty four, and had never had a girlfriend. His father considered him to be something of a ‘Mommy’s boy’, and he was making him work hard in the office, rather than handing it all to him on a plate.

“Well, that meeting went rather well” said Adrian, to Seb, as they called into the wine bar on their way back from seeing the Exceutive Manager at Nat West Bank. Seb was the twenty eight year old assistant manager, working alongside Adrian. He was very muscled, and attended the gym every day, taking great pride in his appearance. He too was ruthless and self-obsessed, and had no problems with lying or cheating to make his way in the corporate world.

“So what do you think of that Francesca?” Seb asked Adrian. “Gorgeous tits and face, I wouldn’t mind giving her one, how about you? Mind you, for an older woman Sara is a bit of ok too. Wouldn’t kick her out of bed; could easily imagine having a tit-wank off her.”

Adrian then took great delight in filling Seb in on the details of his and Francesca’s encounter that morning.

“You lucky fucking bastard” exclaimed Seb. “How about having a re-run, with me there as well?”

“Just so happens, I was already planning that for this afternoon” smirked Adrian. He could quite easily see lots of his own traits in Seb, which would make him the perfect, perverted participant and partner-in-crime. Adrian was already planning in his head what he was going to do to Francesca, and this time it involved more than a blow- job. He couldn’t wait to see how tight her pussy was, and if she would be up for a bit of ass-fucking. He relayed his thoughts to Seb as they exited the wine bar, and Seb’s eyes lit up with anticipation. “I always knew we would be a good team, mate” he laughed, and shook Adrian’s hand. “Roll on this afternoon” he giggled, and headed towards his own desk. “Give us a shout when you need me boss” he called to Adrian. “I know we have an important task ahead of us!”

Just then Sara and Francesca were gossiping in the restroom, and Sara was having a go at men in general and Adrian in particular. “You don’t really know Adrian” defended Francesca. “He can be really nice, and don’t you think he’s really good-looking?”

“Huh”, said Sara derisively. “He would only be nice if he wanted something, the same as all men. In fact, I have thought recently that I may be better off with another woman. I’m sure a woman wouldn’t treat me as badly as men have”.

“What, you mean having sex and everything?” queried Francesca. (Despite her misgivings, she had often thought about it herself and what it would be like).

“Yes, I mean everything” said Sara. “I did try it once, years ago, and it was really good”.

“Well, as we’re exchanging confidences, I’ve got something to tell you about Adrian” replied Francesca. “You know when he called me into the office this morning? Well I gave him a blow-job!”

“Really? snorted Sara, “and I suppose you enjoyed it as it was the wonderful Adrian?”.

“Actually, I did” replied Francesca, “and I can’t wait for the next time. He said he’s going to make me his PA, so I will do whatever it takes to get there”.

“Well, you wouldn’t catch me doing it with Adrian. Now if his wife was better looking, I might just consider her”, and they both strolled back to their desks.

A while later, Adrian called Seb into his office. “Close the door Seb, and come and see what I’ve got”, he said, indicating two lines of coke neatly lined up on the desk, and with a ready-rolled twenty pound note in his hand. “Fancy a toot?”

“Fuck me, you’re taking a bit of a chance aren’t you, what with Fergie on the prowl”.

“Don’t worry” replied Adrian, “he’s out of the country for a couple of days.

They both snorted the lines of coke, and Seb rubbed the left-over bit left onto his gums. “I had forgotten how horny coke makes me” he said, as he felt an immediate rush. “Now what were you saying about Francesca?”

“I’m just about to call her in” Adrian replied, picking up the internal phone. He covered the mouthpiece with his hand, and whispered to Seb “Do you fancy making an afternoon of it, and getting Sara in as well?”.

“Try and stop me” Seb laughed. “I really fancy getting my hands on Sara’s tits now”.

Adrian dialled Francesca’s number and ordered her to get both Sara and herself into his office for an ‘important job’. “Tell everyone else to have an early finish; we’ve already hit this months’ target”.

The rest of the staff couldn’t believe their luck, and didn’t question what Francesca told them. It wasn’t often Adrian gave them any time off, so they hastily made their way out. The only one who was slightly peeved was Marcus. “Why couldn’t Adrian ask me to do his important job?” he thought to himself. “I could do much better than those two women.” Marcus flounced out of the office, muttering to himself. The only company he would have now was Mummy, and he was getting mighty fed up of her whinging attitude. She was always harping on about him getting a girlfriend, and making her a grandmother. For all she knew, he might not want a woman! As he strode towards the underground, he was in a happy little daydream about Adrian making him his PA, and how good it would be to work close to him. (He had not even acknowledged to himself that he was gay, but spent many a happy night wanking furiously over the small picture of Adrian from the company magazine.) His father would freak if he knew: one of his favourite phrases was “I have no time for those limp-wristed freaks! They just need a good woman to set them on the right track.” Consequently, Marcus was petrified of ever letting his father know how he felt.

Back at the office, Sara and Francesca were seated behind the desk, wondering what the ‘important job’ was going to be. They had been surprised to see Seb in there as well, and he was currently straddling an office chair backwards.

“Well girls, I have a very important task for you two today……….today we are going to see how good you are at fucking” announced Adrian. He nodded to Seb who immediately got up and locked the door, pocketing the key.

Sara felt a flutter of panic in her chest, Francesca just felt herself get wet; he was so masterful. “You don’t understand” stammered Sara, “I haven’t done anything like that since my divorce. Besides, what would you want with me when you have a beautiful young thing like Francesca here?”

“If you want that pay rise so you can afford your mortgage, you will do as you are told” commanded Adrian. “Besides, Seb here thinks you are very attractive. In fact, he can’t wait to get his hands on your tits, can you Seb?”

Seb rubbed his hands together, whether in anticipation, or to warm them up, Sara wasn’t sure. “Actually, I want to get more than my hands on your tits, I think you should give me a tit-wank” he said, while undoing his zip. “Now come here.”

“But I don’t even like men anymore”. By now, Sara was almost begging.

“Well, first you can give him a tit-wank, and then I want to watch you and Sara. That way, we can all have the best of both worlds” announced Adrian. He turned to the window, and closed the blinds.

Sara and Francesca looked at each other silently. Sara was scared but Francesca had a strange glint in her eye. “Well, you said you wanted to try it with a woman, now’s your chance.”

Seb was already stepping out of his trousers, followed swiftly by his pants. He walked over to Sara, stroking his cock. Sara, still unsure, looked at him warily. “Don’t forget about your mortgage” whispered Seb. “Nobody is going to know, why not just relax and enjoy yourself?”

Sara considered for a moment, and then thought to herself how useful some extra money would be. Unbuttoning her top, she said “Oh what the hell, I may as well get on with it”, and removed her top.

Seb turned her around and cupped her magnificent tits from behind, squeezing gently. He could already feel her nipples sticking out proudly. He undid her bra and gasped when he felt the weight of her breasts. She had wonderfully soft skin, with large brown nipples. As Seb began to gently pinch her nipples between his finger and thumb he was pleased to hear a gentle moan from her.

“See, I told you that you would enjoy it” he said; by now his huge erection pressing against her clothed ass.

“Turn around and get on your knees” he commanded.

Sara did as he said, cupping her beautiful tits in her hands. “You want these, don’t you?” she said, gazing up into Seb’s eyes. She then lifted one breast up to her own mouth and began sucking her nipple avidly.

By now Seb was stroking his cock, with a glazed look in his eye. “Come here, quickly” he said. “I promise this isn’t going to take long”.

Adrian and Francesca were standing, watching. “Get your clothes off, I want to make you so wet, you will be

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