Roll a latex condom on him. For all vaginal, anal—and yes, oral activities—insist he wear a condom.

 Use a condom every time. They’re not only inexpensive, they’re effective. Be sure he’s wearing it correctly, too (see page 140).

 Store your condoms wisely. Keep a fresh supply on hand. Don’t leave them in the heat or in a wallet. Never re-use them.And toss‘em after their expiration date. If you open one that looks or feels bad, don’t use it.

 Stay sober. Drinking and recreational drugs weaken your assertiveness, lessen your ability to communicate, and make it tougher to focus on putting on a condom correctly. Know when to say ‘when.’

Condom What If’s

What if either of you is allergic to latex condoms? It may be the latex, or the nonoxynol-9 spermicide already on the condom. Try a condom without this spermicide, or a polyurethane condom instead. But be aware: polyurethane is less elastic, so it breaks more often. Do not use condoms made of lambskin, since they will not block the transmission of STDs (but they do block sperm and work to prevent pregnancy).

What if he’s uncomfortable in condoms? Try a variety—latex condoms are available in different shapes, sizes and thicknesses, from extra large to snugger fit to wider at the tip. Test-drive a few and find a new favorite!

What if he’s uncircumcised? Gently pull back his foreskin, and then unroll the condom to the base of his penis.

What if you want to share a sex toy? Germs can cling to porous toy surfaces, such as latex—so don’t share! But if you do, put new condoms on your toys before each use.

What if you give a handjob without a condom? You’re safe, as long as you don’t have any fresh cuts, open sores or cracks from chapping on your hands.

What if I go down without him wearing a condom? You can catch a STD—even from his pre-come. Be sure he tests clean before taking this risk.

How to Roll-Out a Condom

Put it on him before there is any contact with your mouth, vagina or butt.

 Hold it by the tip to squeeze out the air.

 No reservoir tip? Leave about ? inch of space at the tip for his come.

 Unroll it over his erect penis, all the way to the base.

 After he comes, and before he gets soft, hold the rim of the condom at the base to keep it from slipping off till he is away from you. Then gently remove the condom and flush it, or wrap it in a napkin and toss it in the garbage.

 Use a new condom to have sex again.

Sadie Sez:

When lips meet latex. Pick up a plain, non-lubed condom. Before unrolling it, add a couple of drops of water-based lube inside the tip to create pleasurable friction for him.Then drizzle your favorite flavored lube on the outside for the best taste for you. Or try a flavored condom.

Enjoying Safer Anal Play

 Latex. For the safest finger play, slip into a pair of latex gloves—or try finger cots—!atex finger sleeves. They protect against the spread of germs and can create slipperier, sexier sensations. Always use lube.

 Dental dams. Create a protective layer between you and your guy’s erogenous zone for the safest tongue play. Use plastic wrap from your kitchen, or dental dams—which are rectangular pieces of latex you can buy at fine sex boutiques and online. Hold dental dams flat against the area you’d like to lick and caress and you’re ready to go.

 See Chapter 9 for more safety tips on backdoor play.

Be Clean. Be Safe. Be Happy.

Be sure to include these easy sexplay tips to keep you healthy:

 Wash up. Don’t introduce germs from the outside world onto and into your most sensitive private parts. Before anyone touches anything, wash hands with soap and warm water. If he’s uncircumcised, encourage him to wash under his foreskin—every day.

 Clean your toys. Before and after each use, wash your toys with water and antibacterial soap or an adult toy cleanser. This will help prevent bacterial and yeast infections. You can sterilize silicone and glass dildos in boiling water for five minutes, or wash them on the top rack in your dishwasher. Dry your washed toys completely before storing them, or for the safest results, let them air-dry.

 Examine your toys. Check your toys carefully for sharp edges that can scrape, or splits that can hide bacteria. If you improvise your toys, double check that they’re sturdy and won’t break off inside either of you.

 Clean your room. Toss all towels you use for after-sex wash-up right into the laundry, or simply use tissues. Wash all bedsheets after you’ve messed them up, too.


Congratulations! You’re on the verge of graduating from Penis School. Just one more little detail before you can receive your Penis PhD…

Ravish your guy’s penis.

Select an evening this week to spring your sexy surprise. Rivet his attention back on you. Revel in his rising passion. Rejoice till the very last drop.

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