about Sandino.

“Kareem called and asked if I could pick up Payton because he had something to do and you were out of town. Is something wrong?” Lydia asked.

“No, it’s just that Kareem was supposed to be watching her, that’s all.” Skye wondered what Kareem had to do that was so important. She also tried to keep her cool in order not to offend her former babysitter. “I can’t believe you drove all the way out here.”

“Well, when Kareem called, I jumped at the opportunity to see my little princess. It’s been so long,” Lydia said, poking Payton in her stomach. Payton grinned and put her hands over her eyes acting bashful. “You know I never mind babysitting Payton. She’s always been such a good baby. I miss you all so much. It doesn’t feel the same without you being my neighbor anymore.”

“We miss you too, but I had to get away from all that madness, we needed a fresh start.”

“I can understand that, by the way, how is Jordan doing in Spanish 2 this year?” Lydia asked.

“Well, school just started last month, but he’s doing well so far, and I owe that all to you,” Skye proudly stated, giving her a hug.

“No problem. I loved tutoring Jordan, he’s a smart boy and loves to learn.” Lydia looked at her watch. “I was just about to take Payton to Chucky Cheese for a little while if that’s okay with you. I want to spend a little time with her.”

Skye was a little hesitant, but decided that she probably would’ve been overreacting if she told Lydia that wasn’t a good idea. “No, of course I don’t mind, she loves that place,” Skye said, kissing Payton once more before putting her down.

“I won’t have her out too long. We should be back by 8:30,” Lydia replied, grabbing Payton by the hand.

“That’s fine. Bye my sweetie pie,” Skye said, waving.

Payton waved her little hand backwards. “Bye…bye…bye.”

Skye loved her daughter, but the extended break from the one year old little terror was appreciated. Ever since she’d started walking, Payton got into everything and had been wearing everybody out. The only person she had wrapped around her little finger was Cruze. Payton could do no wrong in his eyes.

Lydia suddenly turned around. “Oh yeah, before I forget. There was some man knocking on your old apartment door not too long after you moved. He then started walking around the neighborhood asking questions.”

Skye stood wondering who it could’ve possibly been. Then again there were so many reporters coming up to her door after the incident, it could’ve been anyone.

“See, this is one of the main reasons why I moved. Did he say who he was? Skye asked. “Was he from some news station?”

“I don’t think so, and when I asked him his name he didn’t answer. He just asked if I knew where you moved and I told him no. Even if I had known where you all were moving I would’ve never given him the information.”

Skye shook her head. “I know, and I thank you for that.”

“I tried to call and tell you, but you never answered any of my calls.”

“I’m sorry, Lydia. It’s just that after all that happened, I kinda went into a little funk. I really didn’t want to talk to anybody.”

“Don’t worry. I understand.”

“If you see him again, let me know though.”

“Will do, he was really cute, too,” Lydia joked.

After saying goodbye one last time, Skye finally headed inside wondering who the mystery man was. Another thing to add to my worries, she thought.

She entered her apartment and dropped her keys and purse on the console table in her small foyer. When she heard the T.V. in the living room playing really loud she instantly became irritated. It was a never ending battle with her sons when it came to leaving the T.V. on whenever they weren’t watching it. Skye knew it was a hard habit for them to break since they’d grown up with Ms. Petra always doing everything for them. At that moment, she wondered again what Kareem had to do that was so important.

“It’s not like his lazy ass has a job,” she said to herself.

Deciding to deal with him later, Skye kicked off her shoes and glanced at The Wendy Williams show and caught herself saying, “How you doin’?”

Turning the volume down a bit, she walked to her bedroom to throw on a pair of leggings along with a big t- shirt to get comfortable. She’d been in the same tight jeans for ten long hours. However, when Skye turned the corner her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw Kareem sitting on her bed with his head tilted back and a female down on his knees giving him head. She immediately became enraged.

“What the fuck? Have you lost your damn mind, Kareem?” she yelled.

The woman turned around, wiped her mouth and stood up looking at Skye with a smirk. Kareem quickly pulled his pants up and tried to apologize.

“Oh shit…my bad, Ma. Things got a little hot and heavy and we couldn’t make it to my room.”

“What? Hot and heavy my ass, get the hell out of my damn room. Is this what you had to do that was so important? Who the hell is this woman?” Skye pointed. “You know I don’t want any strangers in my house!”

“Ma, calm down. This is Le Le. She’s not a stranger,” Kareem replied.

“So, this is your mother,” Le Le said with a long stare.

“And you’re the infamous Le Le,” Skye replied while looking the woman up and down.

Le Le’s long, jet black weave was all over the place from Kareem rubbing his hands threw it. She took her fingers and attempted to try and comb it out of her face. After hearing Kareem talk about her for the past few weeks, Skye was shocked to see how old the woman seemed to be. With a name like Le Le, Skye thought she was Kareem’s age. However, she couldn’t hate on the woman’s skin, which was absolutely flawless.

“You should’ve had more class about yourself. Having sex in my bedroom is tacky and a little juvenile don’t you think?” Skye said to her.

“Look, I’m sorry, but your son was the one who invited me over here. How the hell was I supposed to know it was your room? You better fall the fuck back,” she shot back with an attitude.

“Who the fuck are you telling to fall back?” Skye asked walking up on her. “Bitch, you’re in my house!”

Kareem walked over and stood in front of the woman. “Ma, chill out.”

“Kareem, let’s go before this shit gets out of hand!” Le Le stated with authority, then walked towards the door.

“Kareem, you’re not going anywhere. Now, this bossy bitch can get the fuck out, but you’re not leaving!” Skye yelled. She looked at Le Le. “Did you know he was only seventeen?”

Kareem quickly stepped in before things got escalated. “Ma, why you trippin? How you gonna tell me how to live my life or who I should be with when you keep switching up men. You got yet another man living up in here. I like Cruze and all, but you got this nigga up in here acting like he run shit now. You so weak, you can’t even be alone without a man telling you what to do. Now you trying to judge Le Le and you don’t even know her.”

Le Le put her hand on hip and smiled. She was impressed that Kareem was standing up for her.

“I don’t want to know her,” Skye responded.

Le Le frowned. “And I don’t want to know you either!”

“Now you see why I don’t tell you nothing that’s going on in my life cause you so negative,” Kareem continued.

“Don’t try and flip this shit on me,” Skye replied. “I know a conniving bitch when I see one. And she has the nerve to be disrespectful!”

“I’m not gonna be too many more bitches,” Le Le fired back.

All of a sudden, Kareem’s bad temper quickly emerged as he picked up a lamp and threw it across the room.

Skye’s eyes lit up once again. “Kareem, are you crazy? Throw something else and see what the fuck happens. Don’t let me embarrass you in front of this broad. Just because your ass has a little mustache now doesn’t make you grown.”

Le Le who was obviously startled by Kareem’s behavior picked up her purse and headed out of the room. “I’ll be in the car Kareem, so don’t keep me waiting. We can pick up where we left off at my place,” she said, giving Skye an evil look.

“I’m right behind you,” Kareem responded.

Вы читаете Life After A Balla
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