Moments later, Le Le made her way toward the front door. As soon as Kareem heard the door close, he directed his attention right back to his mother.

“I can’t believe you just disrespected me in front of that lady. How old is she anyway?” Skye questioned.

“What difference does it make? Why don’t you go pop one of those pills and chill out. I love Le Le and she’s not going anywhere so you might as well learn to like her.”

“Love? How the hell can you love somebody you just fucking met? How long have you known her about three…maybe four weeks? I thought you were seeing some young girl, not some old ass cougar.”

“You need to stop talking about my girl like that. Do you see me around here talking about your third man that way? Where is he anyway? Any other time he’s right up under you,” Kareem shot back.

All Skye could think about was the fact that she was so tired of being disrespected. The more Kareem continued to argue back, the madder she became. “I’m sick of your damn mouth, Kareem!” Rage consumed her and she hauled off and slapped him as hard as she could.

He stepped back absolutely shocked holding his face. As much as it hurt Skye to strike him, a good slap across the face was the only way she could get her point across that she would no longer tolerate his lack of respect.

A few seconds later, Kareem formed a fist. “I advise you not to do that again or…” he tried to threaten.

Skye’s jaws tightened as she walked up in her son’s face ready for a battle. “Or what? I wish you would hit me. You know what, you act just like your damn…” Skye paused. They hadn’t mentioned Sandino’s name since the night he was shot.

“Go ahead, say it, just like my father? I’ll never be like him and I’ll never marry a weak ass woman like you either!” he yelled, slamming the door.


Forty minutes later, Kareem and Le Le entered her five bedroom home in Dunwoody. While she put her purse down and kicked off her shoes to get comfortable, Kareem was in his own little world still mad about the fight with his mother.

“I can’t believe she disrespected you like that,” he said, pacing back and forth.

Deciding not to respond, Le Le went into the kitchen and poured him a shot of peach Ciroc to calm his nerves. When she returned to the living room, he was still pacing the floor talking to himself.

“Here you go baby, maybe this will calm you down.”

Kareem took the glass out of her hand and immediately turned it up taking it to the head. He then slammed the glass down on the table and continued to mumble under his breath.

“She doesn’t want me to start talking about that murder.”

Le Le’s body instantly stiffened, and her eyes narrowed. “What did you just say? A murder?”

Suddenly, Kareem snapped out of it and looked over at her realizing he was talking too much. “What? Why you all up in my mouth? I didn’t say shit about no murder.”

Le Le looked at him funny. She didn’t like his tone and she knew what she’d heard “Yes, the hell you did.”

Kareem tried his best to play it off. “You tripping.”

“Look, I’m too old to be dealing with some dumb shit. If you’re some type of drug dealer or gang banger, then you need to roll. I can take your ass back right now.”

“I didn’t say shit about no murder!” Kareem reiterated. As he continued to pace, Le Le decided to let it go for now and sat down on the couch. “My mother needs to let me live my life. She’s always so hard on me, but treats my damn brother like a king. I guess she thinks he’s gonna be a pro balla or something,” Kareem said, sitting down beside her. He propped his feet up on her leather ottoman and threw his head back.

Le Le knew the argument had him pissed and she’d never seen him so upset before. But she was also glad he’d finally put his controlling mother in her place. She was sick of Skye always calling Kareem every hour on the hour asking where he was like he was a child. So when Skye walked in on them having oral sex in her bedroom, Le Le got a bit of enjoyment out of seeing her upset. Besides, she hated momma’s boys.

Le Le watched as Kareem sat with a somber look on his face looking off into space. She was at lost for words because she’d never seen this side of him and didn’t want to say the wrong thing. In his daze, Kareem wondered what was really going on with his mother. The way she’d flipped out on him just didn’t make sense. He knew her well enough to know something else was bothering her. However, he also knew that she’d never steered him wrong when it came to advice either.

“I wanna apologize for putting you through that. My mother thinks anybody who comes around that she doesn’t know is either shady or wants something from us.”

“Well, after learning who your father is I can’t say that I blame her for that. It’s some crazy people out here,” she replied.

“Yeah, but that obviously doesn’t stop her from getting a new boyfriend. I hate that she always gotta have a nigga up in her bed.”

“Damn, you make it seem like she’s had a thousand of them. How many was it before Cruze,” Le Le continued to pry.

“Just one.”

“Oh really. How long did he last?” she questioned.

Kareem paused for a second. “Man, I don’t wanna talk about my mother anymore.” He looked over at his girl. “What I wanna know is why are you with me, Le Le? I mean you definitely got your shit together. Look at how you dress and the way you live. I can’t buy you shit like this. You could have any man you want. Like a man your own age.” He glanced around the room, secretly wondering how she could afford such a nice house by herself.

“I guess it was just fate, Kareem. When we met that day at Perimeter Mall and we started talking, I felt an instant connection with you. That has never happened to me before. And once we started spending time together, I really started feeling you. To me, age ain’t nothing but a number, baby. All I know is your mother might as well get over it because I’m not going anywhere.”

“Yeah, we did hit it off. Talking to you that day was like talking to an old friend instead of a stranger. The conversation was so good I stayed too long on my break and got fired that day,” Kareem said with a smirk.

“You didn’t need that bullshit ass job at Chick-fil-A anyway. Don’t I give you whatever you need? By the way, I didn’t forget that you want those new Jordan’s. We can go to the mall and get them tomorrow if you want,” Le Le said, blowing him a kiss.

“Okay, thanks baby, you do hold me down,” he replied.

“I’m here for you. Feel free to talk to me about anything. I can tell it’s a lot going on inside that head of yours. And you told me you’ve been through a lot. I’ll just be glad when you feel comfortable enough to open up more and share some of it with me.”

Kareem stared at his girl. He had it bad for her. She was a grown woman who knew how to make a man feel good, physically, mentally and financially. He also enjoyed spending time with her, not to mention she was a huge sports fan. She earned major brownie points for that.

“I’ll let you in when you let me in,” Kareem told her. “I still don’t know a lot about you either. Like, what do you do for a living?”

“I don’t want to talk about that now. I wanna do this.”

Suddenly Le Le stood up then slid her Twisted Heart velour sweat pants down revealing her sexy lace underwear. She placed her hands inside her panties and started fingering herself; then removed one of her hands and licked her fingers while continuing to rub on her clit with the other hand. As Kareem’s dick began to throb, Le Le did a little dance while stepping out of her panties reveling a cleanly shaved pussy.

“Let me cheer you up,” she said in a sexy voice.

Kareem watched closely as she made her way over toward him. As Le Le removed her t-shirt and rubbed on her nice big breasts, Kareem’s dick rose instantly. Even at age thirty-three, Le Le was a very attractive woman with high cheek bones, bronze skin and a deep set of dimples. She definitely could’ve passed for the actress Gabrielle Union. Her body was perfectly toned and flawless. She didn’t look at all her age and Kareem wondered how his mother could tell she was that much older than him.

Le Le dropped down to her knees and unbuttoned Kareem’s jeans. Unable to contain the anticipation, Kareem

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