herself in doing the job as best she could alone. She worked a second job, kept her house clean, and spent as much time with her children as she could.

Nights were the worst time for her. Tim had been her world, she’d never been with another man. Sharon had adored the feel of his hands on her body, and he had been a very physical man. He was always caressing her, always kissing her, there had never been a day in their life that wasn’t dominated by his touch. Late at night when she couldn’t sleep she missed the feel of him most. She could close her eyes and feel his hands on her breasts, her thighs, on her belly. She would shiver as she remembered his hard penis straining against her. She longed to once again be able to take it in her mouth. She hadn’t really cared for that, but it really didn’t bother her either…and she knew Tim loved it. Once she had even kept her mouth on him when he came. The taste was kind of salty and bland, like cream of tartar. Often she could stand it no longer, her hands seeking out the secret places Tim had known so well. She always came, but she always felt a little ashamed.

Sharon had experienced the worst sort of day. She was late for her first job because the car broke down. When she left to go to her second job it was raining, and she had worked soaking wet for several hours…and to make it worse she was certain her pervert of a boss had been staring at her breasts beneath her rain-soaked blouse. She dropped an empty platter taking it to the kitchen and it broke. She had been given the platter by Tim’s mother after they were married. The stress of working two jobs, maintaining a home, and caring for four teenagers had been building since Tim’s death and she simply sat on the floor in the middle of shattered bits of porcelain and began to cry. Her oldest daughter Kate, helping with the dishes, had rushed to her and held her, knowing she didn’t have the words her mother needed to hear.

“We’ve got to do something nice for Mom, she’s wearing pretty thin” Kate said to her siblings. Donna, the next oldest nodded her agreement. Ashley, the youngest daughter, screwed up her face in concentration “What could we do for her that she won’t do for herself?” “She needs to get laid” twelve year old Thomas said laconically. The girls stared at him in shock, and then rushed him as a group. “How could you say such a thing” Donna hissed at him as she slapped at the back of his head, “ Mom would whack you if she heard you even talking like that!” “She doesn’t even date” Thomas said, “she doesn’t have any friends, and she’s jumpy as a cat.” The girls remained a bit huffy as they turned to ignore their brother, but somewhere in Kate’s brain a little light bulb had come on.

“Come on, Mom, you have to do this, it’s all arranged” Kate said, “ You don’t even have to drive down to the Spa. We’re all going to see that new movie we’ve been waiting for. All you have to do is stay home and have a nice quiet soak, and relax. You get a massage from a professional right in your own home, and don’t have any of the hassle of going out! Besides, we got a special two for one deal and we can’t get our money back!” Sharon closed her eyes and imagined it, a whole evening to herself. She could light aromatic candles and take an hour long soak in her favorite jasmine scented bubble bath. She would meet Brunhilde the Bold or some similarly muscled woman at the door in her robe, and be treated to a royal massage. She smiled sweetly at her eldest child. “Thank you” she said, “just be careful at the theater, you’re old enough to know how boys are.” Kate kissed her mother on the cheek and wisely kept her silence.

Sharon sighed as she sifted through the bubbles in the tub, making designs in them, but carefully avoiding touching her most sensitive areas. Thoughts of Tim and her in this same tub came flooding back unbidden, and though she had finally come to terms with the reality of his death, she still missed the feel of his hands on her. “You’d better stop” she thought to herself, “you don’t want Brunhilde to find you all sticky when you get your massage.” Blushing at her own thoughts, she almost didn’t hear the doorbell ring.

She opened the door and said “Come in…” but the rest of the sentence died in her throat. She had expected some Viking of a woman, but somehow they must have gotten it all wrong. “Hi Ma’am, my name is Brian and I’m here for your massage.” He asked where she wanted him to set up, and she reluctantly told him. She was too embarrassed to even argue with him. She knew she should tell him to go back and send whatever version of Brunhilde they had on duty, but she couldn’t. This man was beautiful! He was very tall, with curly black hair and sea green eyes. His face was sharp featured and tan, and he had bright white teeth covered by full sensuous lips. His hard muscles rippled through the skin tight white tee shirt he wore, and he had a firm muscled butt covered with tight white pants. She began to blush furiously. The images racing through her head had absolutely no place in her life. She was resolved to remain chaste in memory of Tim and as an example to her children. She managed to regain some semblance of her dignity and decided to treat this experience for what it was, a pleasant gift she had received from her children. Nothing more.

He’d set up his wide sturdy table in the living room as she’d instructed. He handed her a fluffy white towel to cover herself with and had turned modestly to face the wall as she removed her terry cloth robe and wrapped the towel around her. She lay back on the table and ordered herself to relax. It was just a professional massage and nothing else.

Brian asked her if she preferred sandalwood or jasmine oil, as he had brought both. She selected the jasmine in a businesslike manner, unable to summon an imperious manner. After all, she was lying almost naked in her deserted home about to have her body massaged by an Adonis years younger than she was. Her blush returned. Brian poured the oil over his hands and rubbed them in his best professional manner. He was going to have to be very careful with this customer. Most of the housewives he worked for were very flirtatious, and many of them were pretty free with their hands as he worked. This one seemed to be sort of shy, and he didn’t need any complaints… but she was really pretty.

He began as always, with her hands. He rubbed them softly and thoroughly, paying attention to the taut muscles under her thumbs. Sharon marveled at the release of tension from muscles she never consciously thought about. His hands travelled slowly up her arms, leaving a tingly warmth in their wake, along with blissful relaxation. Sharon forgot about her almost nudity and gave herself up to the experience. This had been a great idea! His hands stopped at her shoulders and moved down to begin at her toes. He found more tense muscles that she never thought about, but the relaxation he induced was incredible. She moaned with pleasure. Brian kept up a steady stream of soft chatter, practiced to lull his more nervous clients. Her moan of pleasure caught his attention and he looked up at her closed eyes. The blush she had on her face earlier had been replaced by a hot flush, and her face wore a big smile. He doubted that she realized it, but her body had shifted involuntarily to give him greater access to her feet, and her legs had spread wide enough to allow him a glance at the shadowed blonde bush between her legs.

He leaned forward quickly to hide the hard on forming in his tight white pants. Sharon’s tongue was poking out through her lips, and her breathing was a bit uneven. He massaged her ankles, calves and knees, and her legs widened further. His strong hands kneaded the muscles of her thighs, and as he kneaded higher, her legs opened far enough that the towel began to part, exposing more of her slender body to his eyes. His face was very near her barely covered pelvis, and her hips had begun to move very slightly beneath the towel.

Sharon could feel his hot breath on her skin beneath the towel. She was aware that the towel had exposed more of her than she wanted to show, but she was unable to refuse the sensations running through her belly. She was mortified…she knew she should cover herself, maybe ask for a drink and cool down a bit. She couldn’t bring herself to stop him, she wanted him to see the moisture forming between the lips of her pussy. She wanted to feel his hands reach beneath the towel and touch her in places only Tim had touched. She was shocked.

Brian saved them both by adjusting the towel and asking her to roll over on her belly. He worked the back of her body as slowly and thoroughly as he had massaged her front. He opened the back of the towel and slid it down til the cleft of her butt showed, and firmly began to stroke her back. She pressed her hips down on the table’s surface, gaining some release from the fire that had been generated in her middle.

She felt his hands grazing the sides of her breasts, consciously willing him to reach further down and touch more of her. Her hips had begun to hunch against the table surface slowly. She tried to will herself to stop moving, but she only succeeded in raising her chest slightly off the table, encouraging his hands to touch more of her breasts. She began to whimper, her pelvis rotating, sending waves of pleasure throughout her midsection. Her hips twitched and the towel fell to the floor.

Her spread legs exposed her damp twitching pussy to his gaze. She was embarrassed. She was ashamed. She was hot! She rolled to her back, staring at the beautiful sweating man. She slowly spread her legs wide, heels up on the table. She reached for him, pulling him to her by his tight tee shirt. Sharon, now wallowing in physical sensations she had been missing for two years, held his curly dark hair and kissed his full sweet lips. Her probing tongue took it’s time exploring his perfect teeth.

Her passion, untapped for so long, flowered inside her until she was consumed. She reached for the shrouded

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