Читать книгу The Valley of Creation
The Valley of Creation
Hamilton Edmond
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Beasts, Men…Or Aliens? In that hidden valley, land of strangely forbidding beauty, Eric Nelson, soldier of fortune, faced a battle stranger than any he had ever encountered. He was hired to fight for humanity, against beings that seemed to be both more and less than human. The weapons of the enemy seemed to include centuries-old powers hinted at in tales of magic and superstition, but he fought on… even when helplessly trapped in the body of a savage wolf. Then came the climactic test of his allegiance, the knowledge that more than just humanity was at stake… and the final mind-shattering discovery of the alien secret that lay buried in the Cavern of...

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The Valley of Creation :
Beasts, Men…Or Aliens? In that hidden valley, land of strangely forbidding beauty, Eric Nelson, soldier of fortune, faced a battle stranger than any he had ever encountered. He was hired to fight for humanity, against beings that seemed to be both more and less than human. The weapons of the enemy seemed to include centuries-old powers hinted at in tales of magic and superstition, but he fought on… even when helplessly trapped in the body of a savage wolf. Then came the climactic test of his allegiance, the knowledge that more than just humanity was at stake… and the final mind-shattering discovery of the alien secret that lay buried in the Cavern of Creation!
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