difficult, that his work schedule would be three times that of any ordinary husband, that she herself would be expected to show a perfection that most wives would find impossible, that her own duties would grow as his position in the state and perhaps later in the country grew. Her words in public would always have to be perfectly measured so that they would never reflect poorly upon him, or betray a political stance that was not correct.

'Oh, yes… Tim… I'm up to it!' she'd replied and then later, in his arms, she'd been certain of it, more certain than ever. 'Oh, yes, yes, yes!!' she'd cried as his sweating nakedness glistened against hers, their bodies slipping and sliding against each other, tormenting and fulfilling each lustful request the other had; Tim's rock-hard penis thrusting high into her tightly clenching, smoothly gyrating cunt.

Never once had she envisioned the loss of those carnal joys with her ardent young husband. Never had she thought about what it would be like to have to be perfect and follow all those rigid schedules without the dark tangle of his limbs with hers to bolster each day and give her strength for any task.

She had never suspected that the cool hostility of her 36 year old husband's younger brothers would disturb her so, or that they could be so cruel to the woman that their brother had selected to marry. The frosty exchanges with her mother-in-law might have been tolerable were it not for the fact that her husband in every instance advised her to give in to the older woman, and more than once told her point blank that Thelma was right, and she was wrong. Daily, since the long arduous campaign for Senator had begun, Sylvie had grown more and more disillusioned with the powerful machine that was thrusting her husband into office. The ideals that Tim had seemed to stand for were turning into nothing but political fodder for the machine, and Sylvie herself was sometimes doubtful about her own motivations, or just what her real feelings were on what the newspapers called 'the pertinent issues'.

In private Tim showed a good humor toward his two brothers' blatantly uncaring attitudes toward such issues as the labor movement, the poor, the blacks, and corporate mergers. They planned their campaign for Tim so as to carefully avoid stepping on the wrong toes, and they were willing to wheel and deal at almost any cost to get the votes. Sylvie often had to contain herself as her husband accepted yet another deal that Ron had set up by giving his ruthless brother a pat on the back.

As for Erick, the youngest, he too was a lawyer, or at least had an office in Grandville and his name up on the door with Ron's, but as for practicing, Sylvie had never known him to spend more than a few days a week at the office. The playboy of the family, he was more content with enjoying the privileges of the family money. (Thelma Cassidy had married Jenson Cassidy, the now deceased oil millionaire some 50 years before.) And he made it a point to date some of the prettiest starlets that Hollywood had to offer. Sylvie had met many of them and had been curiously unimpressed by their beautiful faces and their outsized measurements. She had tried to get Tim to ask his little brother Erick to refrain from going into sordid and crude details about his love life with her, but Tim had told her not to be a prude and to humor Erick by listening politely. Nevertheless, Sylvie found the young 23 year old to be the most odious person she had ever met, and she despised the very sight of him, with his casual good looks, his blonde hair, just like his older brother Tim and Ron's difficult to keep combed, always falling attractively in his eyes.

And that horrible way he had of coming up to her from behind and whispering into her ear.

'Know something?' he confided, cheerfully, 'Jill Jamison sucks cock like a real trooper. Had to finally jerk it out of her mouth before there was nothing left of it!'

This was a typical lewd statement, and Sylvie felt a ripple of revulsion as she thought of it and other equally untoward remarks the youngest brother of the 'clan' had made to her in reference to his latest conquest.

Sylvie turned and walked higher onto the dunes, still walking away from the house. She hoped to walk until sundown, when she could at last count the long day as being officially over. The following day she had several appointments and then the day after that, Tim would come back home again.

Chapter 2

Ella began to mindlessly shake her head from side to side as Erick bent over her. Underneath her bare back she could feel the shifting sand grinding into her sensitive skin. She was so frightened that she felt frozen to the spot. How had she ever gotten herself into this? But then his chest was pressing against her nakedly quivering breasts and pushing against her so hard that she was pressed deeper and deeper into the sand. All lucid thoughts were being erased from her mind. This familiar man… one of the brothers of the Cassidy family was really a total stranger to her. She had never once dared to think of him like this, flushed with desire, naked… his nakedness touching her, pushing against her! His mouth crushed against her parted lips, and she had one last thought of her boy friend, off fighting in the war… somewhere in danger at the very moment perhaps while she… Erick's tongue entered her mouth and suddenly she swallowed it hungrily, feeling excitement building inside her shivering body. The young blonde lawyer was breathing hot moist air all over her and then all his weight was on her and Ella knew that within moments she would be penetrated by that fearsome looking instrument she had seen between his legs. When she had been with Johnny that one night she hadn't even seen him… he'd spared her that! But now, she knew, in fact she could already feel its hardness against one of her thighs. Would it ever fit inside her?

'Oh, lord, does he think,' she wondered, 'that I'm some experienced whore?'

His heavy legs were pressing against hers now and he shifted upward letting the fiery pole of his desire- hardened cock pulse against her flat white belly.

'I… I've only done it once before!!!' she blurted out suddenly, and she was startled by his response. At first he looked surprised and then he flung his head back and laughed a few short peals of laughter that made a coughing sound in his throat. Brusquely, he stopped, and his face mirroring his lewd intentions, Erick Cassidy whispered to the girl, 'There's always a second time. You'll like it… you'll see!'

With one sudden movement, Ella's legs were being parted by his leg and the rubbery head of Erick's pulsating cock was sliding inside the narrow cleft of her dark-haired pussy.

'OH!' It moved up and down and back and forth slowly within the moist confines of the young girl's seeping cunt until Ella heard herself moan and call out his name. 'Ooooh… mmmisss… mister Cassidy!' she cried, and the young lawyer in his conceit did not bother to tell her to call him by his first name. It simply wasn't necessary.

Ella's unprotected secret passage began to sense what it could be like to feel that burning, sliding cock rising inside her soft almost unused vagina. She wanted it! she realized with a certainty that alarmed her.

She had finally truly come to the bad end her mother had long ago predicted for her when she was caught up in the attic playing doctor with the neighbor's son. Yes… she wanted it! In spite of all her upbringing and going to church every Sunday and Johnny off fighting in the war. She wanted him so badly that she felt she would scream for him to hurry any moment! His hands were moving, working steadily at her soft naked breasts and they felt raw and swollen. That was all that seemed to exist of her now… her stinging yearning breasts and the moist pussy that accepted the blunt tip of her employer's swollen cock as it rubbed obscenely against her tiny hair-lined slit, creating an unbearably increasing friction.

'Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!' she chanted, squirming down into the shifting sand. She started pushing her hips up higher and higher, trying to get a release from the torment he was creating inside her, but Erick's lust-hardened cock continued to tease the young teenage maid's tormented hair-fringed pussy until wildly, she began to claw at his naked back.

'Oh… please… I can't stand it… I can't stand it!' she cried in a raspy voice that made Erick's hair stand on end.

He was sweating profusely, and every muscle in his eager lean body was tensed toward the moment that was to come. The thick rubbery head of his desire-bloated penis stopped its incessant rubbing between Ella's soft fleshy cunt lips and slid down, poised at the tiny pink entrance to her wide-spread seeping vagina. Hastily, his hands went underneath her legs drawing them up so that they splayed outward and nestled for comfort upon his back, her high heels digging for support.

'Christ!' he exclaimed. 'There was really nothing better on earth than cunt!' he thought, as he let his swollen penis part the sparse black pubic hairs and insinuate itself into the incredible wetness that surrounded the small pussy opening, burrowing, sliding, and at last finding just the right central place.

His muscles started jerking involuntarily as he began to push and push hard against her, feeling the softness of her down there opening up, giving against his driving hardness, the petal-like lips parting as the little hair-fringed

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