In a total unconsciousness, consecutive with the wild blows, the young woman no longer defended herself.

Then the man grew calmer as a cold sweat broke out on his temples, and he possessed her violently with all the fury of his exaltation.

She suddenly arched and uttered a long moan! Her blood was circulating faster and her insatiable body clung to this enchanted rivet which held her under the thrust of passion!

The two bodies remained entwined for a long time. She could no longer repulse this big man who fucked her so violently.

He was at the height of his pleasure while he moved gently, then from time to time returned brutally, caressing her everywhere, introducing his finger into her ass, caressing her nipples with his hand which he replaced by his tongue then by his entire warm mouth.

Soon they were moving in unison. Their asses were undulating majestically and their hands left no places untouched. The erect beast squandered his semen without worrying for a moment about where it would end up. What he was searching for was the satisfaction of the desire that had come from the depths of his being, engulfing the nervous afflux of the genetic instinct under its magnetic wave.

And could it have been otherwise? Could the two bodies have been able to delay this outpouring of their fluids, not demand this union necessary to their survival?

We have to experience pleasure. We can't live in ivory towers where the unintelligent individual wastes away and lacks respect for nature.

For the moment, after submitting to an atrociously violent attack and still feeling the effects, the young woman seemed totally exhausted.

Patrick had slid gently along the woman's buttocks and his cock, which had returned to an alarming state, was touching that warm skin which had opened to receive it.

They rested finally, but continued to caress each other. Their intimate parts still had movements of impatience, like little jumps of revolt which indicated that their seed had not been completely used up.

It was very late. They could hear the steps of a few passersby in the street now, hurrying to their homes.

“Do you think that your pleasure equalled mine, darling?” asked Patrick. “I experienced something absolutely divine!”

“Oh, at first I was afraid that you were going to profit by the circumstance to give me an undeserved beating. But I assure you that when you hit me, I immediately felt a desire I've never known before! It's almost as though you knew my nature to have made me come with that dose of sadism!”

The man smiled and said:

“No, I didn't know you, but I didn't doubt that your apparent coldness hid an intense joy that asked only to be externalized. I thought that perhaps you had never had occasion to be beaten. Then I thought: 'If I hit her, she'll be sure to enjoy it.' Was I right?”

“You're a bastard, but I don't hate you for it! Yes, when you took me that way it made me suffer, I wanted to bite you, to tear your flesh, but…”

“Yes,” he continued, “when you felt my prick between your thighs, you stopped reacting and I realized that I had just made you experience a different thing. No one has ever hit you before, have they?”

“No, no one! I have an old man who kneels in front of me so I can take his cock in my hands to caress it…”

“Oh! You have an old man?”

“Yes. He's the one who pays when I need it!”

“Yes, I understand! The lady is being kept! Well, after all, you're right. There are enough 'tricks' around to allow that!”

They weren't moving. Stretched out side by side, the two silent forms had discovered their true selves. Those two bodies owed each other the joy of a wonderful night, of that magnificent spasm that had made them tremble and moan deliciously.

They had had nothing but the thirst of their beings, a thirst that is never quenched, and before the jeers of the unconscious masses, under the hateful eyes of too fertile mothers, the ardent female and the intoxicated male stood in a nudity ready to be welded together to let the excess of their vitality escape.

Soon the hour of separation approached.

“Danielle, we must see each other again! Can I meet you tomorrow? We must pursue our physical ecstasies for I'm certain that we'll be able to give each other every possible pleasure. I promise you that I won't hit you again! Once was enough.”

“I'll see you tomorrow, Patrick,” she said. “I'll be passionate. Anyway,” she added, showing him her cunt bathed in a wonderful liquid, “this belongs to you! Do you want it?”

“Yes, I want it!”

And the man put his lips against the orifice to the garden of delights and breathed a puff of warmth.

During this time, his companion was caressing his cock with an expert hand. But the morning had bathed the windows of the room with its pale light and made them part until their next meeting.

Life was gradually putting its marks on the beautiful girl's body.


The days that followed were not too different for the young woman.

Patrick, “her Patrick,” as she thought of him, had come to her little apartment.

They had possessed each other like the first time, but he had not repeated his act of sadism, seeing the state of passion his partner was in. Then, one foggy night, he disappeared without a word, perhaps having found a more passionate woman.

She was totally discouraged. Thus, after they had filled her with their semen, used her with all their sexual youth, one after another of her lovers disappeared and left her alone with that need to be possessed which penetrated every pore of her skin! Oh, yes. She still had one male left!

And, thinking of him, she had a desire to throw up that made her put her hand on her stomach.

The bastard! The old pig who brought her the residue of his senility, perhaps believing himself unique, was coming soon, because this was his day to caress her woman's flesh with his big, clumsy hands.

She had had enough of this ridiculous game!

She needed a solid man, proud of his cock, to penetrate her deeply while uttering words of love. But that old satyr with his face like a diarrheic rabbit, his silly ears, and his lips opened like a piece of decomposing meat… no! That was too much!

Anyway, she had made her decision! She would get rid of the old man under any pretext.

And as she was thinking this, sitting on the bed, she suddenly heard someone knocking at the door.

“Dear God!” she shouted, looking at herself in the mirror, “there's that pig, Edward!”

“Hello my little pet, how are you? Still in shape? And how are those beautiful little buns?”

As he uttered these little phrases, he put his hand out to touch the fleshy curves which seemed to call him. He heard her answer:

“Mine, bastard! Everything is mine! Don't come to bury your dirty tongue in my sacred places anymore! I've had enough, do you hear, enough!”

The old accountant, already imagining the pleasure this charming body would give him, didn't understand at first.

“But what's wrong with you? A little tired? Yes that's it! Come here and kiss me…”

“Kiss you? You've got a lot of gall! Put my lips on your filthy beak? Oh! That makes me laugh!”

Edward didn't seem to understand any of these words and he was already removing his shirt. He was going to take off the rest of his clothes when she shouted:

“Put your prick away! Don't count on me to make it work any longer! Go back to your old bag again. She'll give you some!”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I mean that I'm sick of your old body, your wrinkled belly, your rough tongue, of… of… of everything that makes up your… bookkeeping…!”

Вы читаете Danielle and Uncle Armand
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