and he is going to fuck us some more. You too ought to try to be free – available, that is to say – when we are gravid once more. That way we will be fucked alternately.

There you have our story. And now you know more about the man with the tail. I shall simply add that, when Monsieur Fysistere was not fucking us, we nevertheless did have desires to be fucked, and we satisfied them by resorting to my father, my uncle, and the stalwart Guac as well as to the solicitor and my first beau. They furbished us indiscriminately, Guac spilling his seed in our mouths, the others moistening our cunts. However, we all wanted Guac when the first pangs of labor began: his prick, as bulky as an infant, opened up the passage and his fuck greased it.

After childbirth, we besought my father to hunt us up some pretty little boys not yet at the age of puberty, but capable of stout little erections, who would be able to keep our cunts from getting rusty. These youngsters were located. We used to oil their little members. They' d not discharge, but were able to keep us as clean as a whistle.

The twelve women were greatly aroused by this narration and some of them got up and went forthwith to have Fysistere give their cunts a polishing. He was greatly surprised by their eagerness and fell to with a right good will. He used his tail as well as his prick, thus handling two at a time, one on top of him, the other beneath. When this storm had blown over Fysistere returned to his three tried and true women. But it was not long before they were all pregnant. Whereupon he requested them, and Madame Linars too, to find him three or four new companions while his original three remained hors de combat. Madame Guac managed all by herself to procure three for him: one was Tetonnette, a childhood friend; the others were two sisters: Bienouverte, tall and blond, and Dardenbouche, a pretty brunette, very affectionate and given to discharging like a fire hydrant. Tetonnette was one of those dark- haired but fair- skinned girls who are always found to have splendid breasts. Fysistere signed over twelve hundred pounds a year to each of Madame Guac' s three discoveries, took upon himself the responsibility for their maintenance during the period of their fecundity, laid them side by side in the capacious bed and depucelated each eight times the first night. He began things with Dardenbouche, the youngest. She was so amourous, although a maid, that she replied to the initial prick- thrust with a veteran heave of her flanks. It was with nothing less than heroical courage she sustained the eight successive assaults. Next, Fysistere turned to Bienouverte. Her behavour was more reserved; she wept and exclaimed, although not very narrowly cunted, because, not discharging from the outset, he only mildly wetted her cunt. Nevertheless, she was a maid and acted like one. Despite her languor, she was fucked the standard eight times – Fysistere would have been mortified had he failed even by one to live up to his lights. After Bienouverte came Tetonnette. She was less readily penetrated than the former, but so deliciously did she go into the dance, her bubs were so appetizing, her cuntlet fitted so snugly, that she gave him quite as much pleasure as had Dardenbouche.

His two dozen attacks completed, Fysistere let his new wives sleep. Early the next morning, three menservants entered to receive his orders. He was awake but feigned still to be asleep, his mouth fastened upon one of Tetonnette' s nipples and a hand on one of the breasts of the others. ' Look ye at the bugger,' murmured one servant. ' He looks peaceful and contented, don' t he?'

' Aye,' replied the other and they fell to frigging themselves.

Whereupon Fysistere pretended suddenly to awake and said to the pair, ' I heard you two rascals. You' ll not encunt them, no, by God. I want them to be pregnant thanks exclusively to me, but turn two of them over on their bellies and embugger them both, if you' d do me a favor.' He had scarcely concluded his sentence when the three sleeping beauties uttered simultaneous cries motivated by the three pricks burrowing into their assholes. Fysistere exhorted them to be patient and to think of all the encuntments they regularly had to every embuggerment. Moreover, he assured them that the two servants and himself were going to eject their seed upon the floor. They were won over by these arguments and vied with one another in giving furious motion to their asses. A superior diplomat, the man with the tail!'

Everyone' s reaction to this long story was the same: ' What indeed are we but puny operators compared with those fuckers and fuckeresses! But we do make the most of our limited abilities, don' t we? A pity ' tis not tomorrow, wouldst that we could put our small wits to work!'

' Now don' t start frigging yourselves, my friends,' I warned them. ' Save what little you have.'

' Never fear; our fuck is not our own. It belongs to these lovely creatures.' Who was surprised to hear us converse thus in my daughter' s presence? Monsieur Brideconin and his good dame. But they were to have an even greater earful and see yet more.

It was Sunday. A fine dinner was prepared and served in the storeroom. Apart from the bed and the old sofa, I had had a third comfortable piece of fucking furniture brought down there: I' d chanced across it in a locksmith' s shop in the rue de la Parcheminerie. The locksmith had bought it merely for the steel and iron at an auction of a certain duke' s belongings. I related the history of this object to the society.

' This armchair you see before you has unusual properties. It is more than at first glance it appears to be. The locksmith one evening shortly after acquiring it was about to sit down in it, for he had noticed it has an interior mechanism. The plump young wife of his old neighbor, the wigmaker Aupetit, arrived in his shop. All out of breath, the pretty woman sat down wearily in that devilish contraption; her arms were pinioned upon the spot, a spring mechanism drew up her skirts, another spread her thighs, a third forced her cunt forward, and a fourth made it oscillate. ' Eh, what the devil sort of a thingumabob is this?' she cried.

'' I' ve not the faintest idea,' the honest lockmaker answered. ' I was getting ready to try it out myself when you came in. Apparently it' s what the Duc de Fronsac used to employ when dealing with recalcitrant girls sold to him by unwise parents. If you like, neighbor, I' ll deal a little with you.'

'' Come, my good man! Is a woman ever to be raped against her wishes? I' ll bite, I warn you.' The locksmith removes his breeches and gets aboard her. The lady attempts to bite him and a gentle but irresistible device forces her mouth open and, exerting pressure, compels her to stick forth her tongue. Vulcan' s minion takes full advantage of all that and nips into the wigmaker' s wife, who' s powerless to prevent it and even unable to scream. The operation completed, the spring and gear mechanism in the chair unwound and Madame Aupetit was released. ' Twas then she began to weep and sniffle, to complain about how she' d been used – ' twas as though she were in the depths of despair.'

'' Why, you' re a great silly,' said the smith. ' I managed so well you' re certain to become pregnant. You' ll have a baby the likes of which your old scoundrel of a husband would never have given you. But you' ve got to be clever. Tell him today that you' ve been doing penance or something of the sort, that you' ve got to go to the church tonight to receive some kind of a blessing, and, when the cure gives it to you, stir your ass, say a few things to warm him up, and, when he discharges in you, make as though you' re swooning and tell him he' s shot to your gullet.' Madame Aupetit left the shop with her head full of these instructions and she followed them to the letter; the armchair was sold to me the next day.

' Having seen me passing in the street, the locksmith called me in, showed me his prize, praised it and explained its use to me. I bought it upon condition I obtained satisfaction from the apparatus. We' ll use it on prudes should we find any in the course of our orgies. We' ll not have anyone sit in it until the proper time comes, otherwise the charm of its secret will be spoiled.'

We were four at dinner: Madame Poilsoyeux, a pretty hatmaker from the rue Bordet or Bordel whom Trait- d' Amour had brought with him and whose name was Tendrelys, and myself. In petto, I decided to try the mechanical chair on the attractive Tendrelys, who was still a virgin although Trait- d' Amour had made a steady practice of sodomizing her and had upon several occasions discharged between her thighs. Or, if the hat- maker proved docile and complaint, I' d use it on Rose- Mauve or on her blonde sister Rosalie, or again on our landlady, for I was eager to initiate Madame Brideconin into our mysteries and her husband too, wishing to cuckold him in his own presence. We dined royally well, but avoided eating and drinking too much. Furthermore, we were served fowl and other readily digested things. The reader will soon see how I put my plans into execution.

Chapter Twelve

As we rose from table, Trait- d' Amour said to us: ' All week long I' ve had the idea in my head to render the cunt of Madame Conquette Ingenue Poilsoyeux what it ought to be, that is to say, loose, for I' m dead certain that

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