
With Miko’s help, James gets up and makes his way along the path over to where Jiron is being held.

When he sees them emerge from the swamp, a big smile breaks across his bloodied face. “Thought that might’ve been your handiwork,” he says to James when they get closer.

“Couldn’t leave you to be their dinner, now could I?” James asks as he begins to unlock the cage.

Getting a whiff of the bug repellent, he goes, “Gah! What did you guys fall into?”

“Pretty bad, isn’t it?” Miko says. “It may smell bad, but it keeps the bugs off,” he explains. “James did it.”

“Got any more?” Jiron asks as he kills yet another mosquito who’d tried to make a meal of him.

Nodding, James concentrates and the mist appears. Jiron’s nose wrinkles as it begins settling in upon him.

When James sees his reaction to the smell, he smiles and says, “You get use to it.”

“I sure hope so,” he says.

“We better get out of here before they come back and bring friends,” James tells them. “I doubt if this is the only village in the swamp.” He gazes around the island at the many paths leading away.

“Which way?” Miko asks when he sees him considering their choices.

“We came from the south,” he says, “nothing there but beach. The villagers took the paths toward the east, so maybe we should follow the one to the northwest.” He points to a well used path that leads in that direction.

“As good as any,” Jiron says as he goes over to the mat on the ground near the cage where his knives had been placed. Strapping them on, he turns to leave and notices James’ leg for the first time. “What happened to you?” he asks.

“Big lizard came and took a bite out of him,” Miko replies for him. “But we took care of it,” he says as he glances to James. “Didn’t we?”

Giving him a slight smile, James says, “We sure did.”

Hobbling, James continues to use the stick to aid him in walking as he and the others leave the island on the northwest path.

Chapter Four

Leaving the island behind, they set out upon the trail as they keep an eye out for any warriors who may return, seeking retribution for the death of their witch doctor. On Miko’s mind however, are the rhino-lizards who seem to pop out from the trees with little or no warning.

A couple of times they observed one of the natives moving among the trees off in the distance, but none ever came close enough to pose a threat.

“They must be keeping an eye on us,” assumes James.

“As long as that’s all they want to do,” Miko says as he continuously scans the sides of the trail, as well as behind them, for natives and rhino-lizards.

“Think they’ll attack?” Jiron asks.

Shrugging, James replies, “Who knows? I wouldn’t think so since we took out their most powerful person. Though, you never know.”

“They may be out there preparing to attack us at any minute!” asserts Miko.

“If it happens, it happens,” James tells him, annoyed at his negativity. “But until it does, there’s not much we could do in anticipation anyway, so relax.”

Miko is anything but relaxed as he continues to jump at every noise coming out of the swamp.

The trail suddenly begins to run along the banks of a larger waterway that’s moving very slowly, almost like it’s standing still. Large creatures can be seen out in it, cow-like creatures that act an awful lot like hippos, though they sure don’t resemble them very much. They seem harmless, only lifting their heads when James and the others pass by on the trail.

“The fish aren’t eating them,” observes Jiron.

“No, they’re not,” says James. Taking a closer look at the water, he continues, “It doesn’t look as if those fish are in these waters. Maybe they prefer the stagnant water in still ponds.”

“Hopefully we’ll not have to put it to the test,” Jiron says.

“Yeah,” agrees Miko as they continue alongside the waterway.

The trail slowly becomes less distinct the further from the island they go, until it all but disappears. “Did we go the wrong way?” asks Jiron when all traces of the trail finally disappears.

“The fact the trail ended would suggest the natives don’t go into these parts,” reasons James. “Of course that could either be a good or bad thing.”

“What do you mean?” asks Miko.

“Well, it’s good in that we’re unlikely to run across any band of native warriors,” he says to which Miko sighs and smiles.

“However, it would stand to reason that there may be a reason why they don’t go here,” he explains further and watches the smile disappear from his face.

“Why, uh, what would keep them from coming here?” he asks, a touch of nervousness entering his voice.

“I don’t know,” James tells him. “But relax, it could be as simple as it is far away from their village.”

“I hope so,” he says.

“Where should we go now?” Jiron asks as he takes in their surroundings.

James pauses a moment and considers their options before saying, “Going back the way we came is out, I think we can all agree on that.”

Miko nods his head in agreement.

“Then lets try to maintain a northerly direction, staying on as firm a ground as we can,” he suggests.

“Sounds reasonable,” Jiron says a he studies the ground ahead of them and then heads out, leading the way.

James goes next, still hobbling with his stick. His leg continues to throb and he’s beginning to feel weak and tired from the loss of blood, not to mention the magical exertions during the battle with the witch doctor.

“Ahhhh!” Miko screams from behind them.

Turning quickly, they see him staring at a little furry creature sitting at eye level in one of the trees close to the road. It’s just sitting there, staring at him as he stares back at it.

To James it looks like a little monkey, similar in nature to the one that had enthralled Miko back in Willimet. “It’s a monkey,” he tells him.

Turning red in embarrassment, Miko turns a sheepish look to James and says, “A monkey, I knew that.”

“Leave it alone and let’s get going,” Jiron tells him as he resumes trying to find a halfway decent way through the swamp.

As Miko catches up to them, he says, “It just popped out of nowhere and startled me is all.”

“I know, we’re all on edge,” replies James as he pats him on the back, trying to reassure him.

They continue for a while, at times having to force themselves through the dense, tangled undergrowth. The stench of decay and stagnant air is at times almost overwhelming, but they cover their noses and press on.

It starts getting dark and that’s when Miko begins to realize that they’re going to have to spend the night here. The thought of being here in the dark totally terrifies him, thoughts of rhino-lizards having him for a midnight snack keep running through his mind.

Jiron brings them to an area that will do for a campsite. It’s not very large, but it’s on dry ground and wide enough to accommodate them.

As he goes out to try to get some food, James and Miko clear a spot for a fire and begin gathering wood. “Let’s make sure we get enough to last the night,” James tells him as he brings in a load. “Try to find the driest pieces you can.”

“It’s all soaked from the rain,” complains Miko, “but I’ll do what I can.” He continues gathering wood and

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