All the resources accurately noted,

Together with the maxims to be followed,

And all the treaties which they should conclude.

The plan is fiendish, but 'tis no less splendid.


The deep, designing traitor!


And, moreover,

There is allusion made, in these same letters,

To some mysterious conference the prince

Must with his mother hold upon the eve

Preceding his departure.


That must be

This very day.


At midnight. But for this

I have already taken proper steps.

You see the case is pressing. Not a moment

Is to be lost. Open the monarch's chamber.


Impossible! All entrance is forbidden.


I'll open then myself; the increasing danger

Must justify my boldness.

[As he is on the point of approaching the door it opens,

and the KING comes out.


'Tis himself.


The KING. The preceding.

All are alarmed at his appearance, fall back, and let him

pass through them. He appears to be in a waking dream, like a

sleep-walker. His dress and figure indicate the disorder caused

by his late fainting. With slow steps he walks past the GRANDEES

and looks at each with a fixed eye, but without recognizing any of

them. At last he stands still, wrapped in thought, his eyes fixed

on the ground, till the emotions of his mind gradually express

themselves in words.


Restore me back the dead! Yes, I must have him.

DOMINGO (whispering to ALVA).

Speak to him, duke.


He died despising me!

Have him again I must, and make him think

More nobly of me.

ALVA (approaching with fear).


KING (looking round the circle).

Who speaks to me!

Have you forgotten who I am? Why not

Upon your knees, before your king, ye creatures!

Am I not still your king? I must command

Submission from you. Do you all then slight me

Because one man despised me?


Gracious king!

No more of him: a new and mightier foe

Arises in the bosom of your realm.


Prince Carlos--


Had a friend who died for him;

For him! With me he might have shared an empire.

How he looked down upon me! From the throne

Kings look not down so proudly. It was plain

How vain his conquest made him. His keen sorrow

Confessed how great his loss. Man weeps not so

For aught that's perishable. Oh, that he might

But live again! I'd give my Indies for it!

Omnipotence! thou bring'st no comfort to me:

Thou canst not stretch thine arm into the grave

To rectify one little act, committed

With hasty rashness, 'gainst the life of man.

The dead return no more. Who dare affirm

That I am happy? In the tomb he dwells,

Who scorned to flatter me. What care I now

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