opening of her cunt; then she pressed down, and with a rollicking laugh exclaimed, 'I have possum now. Oh, how he pokes his head and dances in his hole.'

Both men discharged immediately, as might be expected, but as they found the situation so agreeable, they begged us to remain seated as we were.

Our black driver too enjoyed the sport immensely, and looking back, he displayed no end of white teeth while he chuckled and rolled about as if ready to fall off his box. In the midst of his contortions, his black tool started out through his pantaloons, which did not seem to be much encumbered with buttons.

'Hello,' cried the captain when he observed it. 'Face about, Pompey, and let the ladies see that bald-headed piccanniny you are nursing there in front.'

Pompey slung himself around and said, 'Good massa, and gentle missy, sense dis nigga de flash am too strong for dee spirit in dis chile,' and with a wide grin he projected the shining head of his enormous prick right into the midst of us. Betty caught it in her hand, and as I was nearest, she pushed it against my mouth.

I confess that I have always had a special penchant for a black prick, so I readily took its sleek head round between my lips and ran my fingers up and down over the satin skin that covered its muscular column.

The view of Pompey's prick entering my mouth reanimated all the rest.

The captain's face reddened with delight as Betty worked herself up and down over his lap, making his tool pass rapidly in and out of her slippery sheath and crying out at each downward thump: 'Fuck, fuck, fuck.'

I screwed my bottom between Johnny's thighs and just as I felt his swelling prick inundate the regions below, a gush of glutinous sperm darted into my mouth from the end of Pompey's noble tool. I swallowed every drop while I squeezed his balls with my hand, and compressed my lips round its indented neck as, with rapid jerks, spurt after spurt flowed down my throat.

I received his emission with more than my usual relish, not only because of the great excitement of the moment, but because I found as I had observed before, that the semen of the negro has a more pungent taste and a more aromatic flavour than that of the white man.

Meanwhile the captain's eyes seemed actually starting out of his head with the intensity of his pleasure as he cried: 'Lift a moment, Miss Betty – let me finish in the rear.'

She raised herself while he quickly transferred his moist tool from her cunt to her bottom-hole.

A flush of delight then came over her face as she pressed down and the soft round head passed into her vitals, while the delicate skin of her other entrance rubbed against the grizzled hair that clustered round the root of his manly tool.

It would occupy too much space to describe all that went on in that conveyance, for the whole drive was one continued scene licentious larking and unrestrained enjoyment.

When we reached the inn, we found that Mat and his wife were in their bedroom with the door fastened, so the captain, after listening a moment outside, cried through the keyhole, 'Go it, Mat! How are you getting on, Laura?'

'Oh, uncle, I am nearly dead, Mat is murdering me with his-'

'Don't mind her, St John. She has her bottom over my face, while she is sucking the very life-blood out of my tool.'

'Well, don't kill yourselves quite, or, if you do, make short of it, for we want our supper.'

We soon gathered round an excellent spread and, while the waiters remained, behaved ourselves with as much propriety as we could, thought a good deal of fingering and peeping passed on the sly.

The landlord, Mr Toots, was a fine-looking mulatto and seemed greatly amused at our party and never spoke to any of us without a broad grin on his face.

I think he must have heard something from the driver, for he watched us all evening and seemed resolved some way or other to join our sport.

His portly wife, took, seemed animated with a similar spirit and ogled the captain or Johnny whenever she brought in a fresh supply of liquor.

We could only obtain three bedrooms and the parlour, which was the only public accommodation afforded by the small inn. So it was arranged that Betty and I should have one room between us, the captain and Johnny the other, while the third was left to the bride and bridegroom.

After a nightcap of grog all around, we retired to our respective apartments.

Betty and I found that our room was between that occupied by the landlord and his wife on the one side and Laura's on the other, and the partitions being thin, we heard many curious noises and mutterings on both sides, but I was so tired and so muddled with drink that I could not remain awake. The last thing I was conscious of was Betty fumbling between my thighs.

I must have been some hours asleep when I felt her hand still playing about my cunt. She had uncovered me, and having drawn me to the side of the bed, had lifted my legs and was busy exploring all between them.

'Oh, Betty, let me sleep. There's a good girl,' and I put down my hand to push away her fingers.

She caught it and held it to one side.

'Why, Betty, what a strong hand you have. What is that you are rubbing between my lips? Is it a dildo, Betty? Where did you get it?

Push it in dear: how well you do it. I could almost fancy it was a prick fucking me.'

Here I heard a chuckle that was not quite of a feminine character and putting my other hand suddenly down I felt the warm prick of a very hairy man prodding my cunt and distending its folds to an extraordinary degree.

'Who are you?' I asked, raising my hand to feel his face. the first thing I touched was a smooth round chin with a big tuft of hair in the middle which I knew was not possessed by either the captain or Johnny.

'Get away,' I cried, 'whoever you are I won't let you.' And I tried to slip from under him, but he only seized me firmly by the hips and fucked away as if his life depended on his ramming his great prick into my cunt to the fullest extent possible. His balls banged against my bottom while the room shook with the concussion of his blows. Then a torrent of hot spunk filled my cunt and effectively stopped all further complaints on my part, I even returned his kiss as he lay panting on my bosom.

After discharging, his prick remained soaking in my cunt without any perceptible diminution while our tongues touched and enfolded one another. He did not long continue quiet, however, for moved by the convulsive throbs of the folds of my cunt he placed his hands under me and grasping the cheeks of my bottom he began to shove again. I spread my thighs and jerked my cunt to meet every thrust while I spurred him on by hammering his backside with my heels.

But alas, for earthly bliss, just as the hot pleasure was speeding on to complete enjoyment, we were both startled by an apparition rising up suddenly behind him in the shape of a tall woman in a white dress and nightcap with her long hair streaming over her shoulders.

'Toots, you vagabond,' she screamed, with her eyes ablaze, 'is it here I find you? Not content with your lawful wife, you grope all the maids and even assault the ladies who come into our house. Get out of here, you lascivious beast,' and setting down the lamp she carried, she threw herself on her husband, and with her arms round his loins tried to pull him off.

But Toots held on like grim death, and seemed resolved that come what may, he would finish the job.

Her outcry, however, brought other actors on the scene; the captain and Johnny followed by Betty each, with a candle in hand, rushed into the room.

'Hallo, Hallo,' cried the captain, 'what's the row? Fight fair boys, two against one won't do,' and dragging off Mrs Toots he tumbled with her on the floor. In the struggle somehow her petticoats were tossed up and the jolly captain found himself between her legs. The result of such a position naturally followed and, to use his own expression, 'before one could say Jack Robinson', his ready prick had plunged into her open cunt.

'Toots, Toots, you cowardly villain, will you stay there and see your wife ravaged before your face?'

Toots turned his head and with a sideways leer, said, 'Serve you right, my love,' and quietly renewed his fucking operation.

Meanwhile Betty, ready to burst her sides laughing, threw herself face downward on my bed and whispered in my ear, 'How did it all happen, dear Queenie? You at least have no cause for dissatisfaction.' And I felt her fingers

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