prong and started running her hand almost worshipfully up and down it. Her blue eyes took on a glassy sheen as she stared in total enthrallment at the vulgar act which her sinful hand was so shamelessly engaged in. Her gaze remained riveted to the plumlike crown as she covered it and uncovered it again and again.

At first she stroked him slowly and sensually. Then, as the excitement of the forbidden act doubled and redoubled, she began pumping his prick faster and faster. Her breath became labored and her heart raced out of control. Sue was in a lustful daze now. Although she knew how immorally she was behaving, she didn't want to stop, not until she made the slimy semen spurt up out of his big fat dick.

She could tell he was near to coming and she could hardly wait to see the sticky white stuff jetting out of him. But Hub had ideas of his own, ideas that Sue as yet knew nothing about.

Suddenly his hamlike hand swallowed hers – the one she was using to masturbate him with – and stopped her hand from moving. For a moment he held her hand entrapped at about the center of his fleshy club, then he pushed it all the way down to the bottom until she could feel with her fingers the coarse wild hairs growing from the lower two inches or so of it. This stretched the thick outer skin of his penis and laid completely bare its blood- filled glans.

Setting his beer on the lamp table, he cupped the back of Sue's head and exerted a gentle but insistent downward pressure. Sue felt weak and trembly. She couldn't think straight. Not as yet comprehending what he wanted of her, she resisted only slightly as he pushed her head slowly but surely down toward his lap. The bulging head of his turgid organ loomed obscenely up at her, smelling stronger and stronger the closer it came to her fascinated visage.

Finally the message of his puzzling action penetrated the layer of foglike passion surrounding Sue's benumbed brain. Feebly she struggled to free her head and lift it back up. 'No, Hub. Oh, nooh,' she whined.

'Surely you d-don't… expect me to-'

'Kiss it,' he husked, finishing the sentence for her. 'Yeah, Suzy baby, that's exactly what I expect you to do.'

'Oh, God,' she wailed piteously, shaking her head, trying with all her strength to keep him from pushing it on down. 'I can't. Hub, no, no!

It's too nasty! You mustn't make me do such a… such a filthy, awful thing! I've never done that! Not even for my own husband!'

He wouldn't be denied. Sue thought she would faint when she felt the bluntly rounded tip of his feverish, secretion-slick dickhead pressing demandingly against her pure and untainted lips. His powerful fingers squeezed the back of her skull until she feared he would crush it.

There was nothing to do except obey him, so she pursed her lips and, closing her eyes in dread, kissed the head of his stinking pecker, hoping that would satisfy him.

It didn't. He made her kiss the horrid thing again and again. The awful part of it was, she wasn't nearly as disgusted by the vile and perverted act being forced upon her as she knew she should be. Sue wished she could get sick to her stomach and throw up all over his lap but, much to her dismay, kissing his smelly dick didn't make her stomach feel the least bit queasy.

Sue's head spun luridly when she discovered that his hand had lifted, but that she was still planting passionate wet kisses all over the sleek crown even though he was no longer forcing her to do it.

Once Sue realized she was holding his exposed penis and kissing the head of it of her own volition, something inside her snapped. Her wifely will to remain proper and true drained from her. She guessed what was coming next. She didn't want to let it happen, yet her strength of resistance had been sapped from her and she felt powerless to prevent the unspeakably demented act.

Hub pinched the nape of her neck, making her open her mouth to gasp in pain and, when she did, he pushed her head down and force-fed her the head of his fat dick.

'Noom!' Sue moaned muffledly around her mouthful of sweaty, saltytasting manmeat. But he'd broken down her moral defenses. There was no fight in her. He was treating her worse than a whore. This was something no respectable married woman should have forced upon her, especially by her husband's stepfather. It was sordid and depraved, and that's exactly why it gave her such a tremendous illicit thrill to wrap her previously pure lips around the top of his dick-shaft and suck down on its musky, juice-dribbling knob.

'Mmm,' she pulled, examining the flavor of him as she testingly licked at the slitted tip and got a drop of heady male precoital liquid on her tongue.

'That's it, Suzy baby, suck it, lick it. You like it, don't you, you little cocksucker?'

His words rang degradingly in her ears, and the horrible part of it was, he was right. She did like it! God help her, but she did. Nothing had ever excited her the way this did. Her senses reeled. Her heart hammered wildly against her rib cage.

Cocksucker! Cocksucker! came the strident scream from her outraged conscience, echoing the filthy name he'd called her, and the carnal creature coming alive within her yelled back, Yes, yes it's true!

That's what I am now!

Not only did Sue accept the debasing name tag, she actually embraced it in the heat of this insanely lustful moment of truth. Sue had wanted none of this, not consciously, at least. Hub was forcing her into it.

She felt horribly humiliated and put-upon, yet she couldn't help responding with feminine submissiveness to the dominating male brute who was so callously mistreating her.

She ran her tongue exploringly over the smooth convexity of the feverish bulb of musky manmeat. She didn't want to admit it, not even to herself, but there was no denying it – she liked the tangy taste of his stinking pecker! Having a fat dick in her mouth made Sue feel wicked and wanton.

Could anything in the entire world be more nasty and perverted than this? the confused young wife wondered dimly as she sucked down harder on her stepfather-in-law's cockhead and simultaneously began curling her sinful tongue over, under and around the flavorful knob. How can I do such a terrible thing as this, and with my own dear husband in the very next room?!

Instinctively Sue started bobbing her head. This was the first time she'd ever performed fellatio. She went at it awkwardly but eagerly.

Eating his prick made her feel cheap and dirty, but deliciously so because Hub had awakened a part of her that Sue's conscious mind had never known existed. It was as if he'd set free some evil demon that's been imprisoned within her until this terrible/wonderful afternoon. Now that demon was taking her over and Sue's wifely will was powerless against it.

In a matter of seconds Sue's head was rising and falling with smooth rapidity. Her puffy pink lips clung salaciously to the tubular turgidity, skimming flutteringly up and down the top three inches or so of the thick stalk. With each downward motion of her head, her oral petals folded in against her teeth, only to spring out in obscene distention around the saliva-glistening rod once more when she raised her head back up.

She didn't have to think about what she was doing. Having given herself over to the sordid act of oral perversion, carnal nature provided the necessary knowledge and her fit of mind-blanking passion spurred her on. The blatantly exposed male sex organ was the only thing in the world that mattered to her at the moment. She was oblivious to everything else. Sucking that hotly throbbing dong was her very reason for existence.

'Mmm, mmm, mmm,' she chanted moaningly, her soft blond curls fanning the sex-scented air as her head pumped furiously at his loins.

The moist heat of Sue's hungry hot mouth was more than Hub could long endure. He had no doubt this was her first time going down on a man, and the knowledge that he was taking her oral cherry only added to his lewd pleasure. He'd given Sue her first taste of cock and now he was ready to give her her first taste of something else – the big rusty load of jizz he'd carried home with him from last night's date. She had him primed. His horn was ready to blow.

Hub's prick gave an urgent jerk that caused the top of its swollen glans to slap against the inside of Sue's suction-indented cheek. This was all the warning she got. Before she realized what was happening, he had his hand on the back of her head and was shooting off in her virginal mouth.

Frantically she tried to raise her head and back her mouth off the obscenely spurting thing. But his strength was greater than hers. She couldn't sit up. He was holding her head down in his lap with the twitching head of his cock still remaining inside her shocked oral chamber.

The stuff was gushing out of him, slimy and slick, thick and ropy. It gave her a rich blast of bitter-almond flavor as it splashed luridly over her stunned tongue. This was potent semen from the huge hairy testicles of a

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