when I know what I’m fighting for. Meeting you again in battle like this, it makes me wonder what we’re really daeing. There’s nae honor in fighting an empty war, and that’s what this is. Can ye honestly say ye’d feel good if ye took my head home with ye?”

Bryn shifted uncomfortably and licked his lips.

“I cannae say I hae ever thought of ye dying. The conflict between our clans has gone on for generations.”

“That’s just my point! What’s the point in a war that never ends? We’re leading our men tae death, and one day it’s gaeing tae be our own flesh and blood. Bryn, I think it’s time we changed things,” he said.

Bryn almost laughed because it was so incongruous that the most feared warrior in the land would ever suggest that peace was the only solution to war, but it was something he had considered.

“I suppose I agree with ye tae some extent. As a man who has considered all options I hae thought about peace, but it needs tae be a peace that lasts. We cannae just repeat the mistakes of the past,” Bryn warned.

“Aye,” Malcolm said. He stroked his beard and gave the impression that he was thinking on the spot, although he had been considering this matter for some time. Bryn had always been the better thinker of the two, but Malcolm knew the other man underestimated him. He had to hide his smile as this had all been considered before this battle had even begun. “It haes tae be something that lasts, but the solution tae me is obvious. We both hae firstborn children at an age they could both marry. Since it’s time they wed anyway, why nae tae each other? We can bring the clans together and never hae tae worry about gaeing tae war with each other again.”

Bryn considered the matter. It was, of course, a plan he had thought about before. He had never suggested it because he hadn’t believed that Malcolm would go for it. The fact that Malcolm had suggested it was surprising, considering his reputation for being a brute, but perhaps it showed that he was getting wiser in his old age. Losing all their men is something no wise leader desired.

Bryn thought about all the lives that had been lost because of the conflict with the Frasiers. Because of the history shared between the families, it was difficult to trust Malcolm, but Bryn thought the risk was worth it as they stood to gain peace, and peace meant that they could flourish. He wasn’t sure that Caitlin would enjoy the prospect of marrying Rhys, but he would make her understand that she had a duty to do for the clan.

The only question was whether he trusted Malcolm or not. He looked at him for a few moments and made his decision.

“I agree, Malcolm,” Bryn said. They clasped arms and nodded at each other, sealing their agreement, and soon the air was peaceful again. Generations of warfare and hostility had made tensions rife, but something as monumental as marriage was perhaps the only thing that could save them.

But if this failed then there could never be peace, and neither family would stop until the other was vanquished.


Caitlin was sitting in the hall of the McClearey home as her mother, Violet, and her aunt, Iris, attended to her. Violet was twining flowers in Caitlin’s auburn hair, while Iris was rushing about making sure that everything was in order. Caitlin pouted and her muscles twitched, for she was restless. Three months had passed since her father had returned from battle in a good mood. At the time she thought he had won and the war would be over for the time being. After all, if there was anything that was certain it was that the Frasiers and the McCleareys would attack each other. That was the saying around these parts. Peace was just a break between the conflict. It seemed inevitable that it would start up again, so when Bryn had sat his family down and explained what had happened, they were all unconvinced.

Violet seemed to be thrilled, while Caitlin’s siblings had mixed feelings. The four brothers were all younger than her and were eager to become warriors. They ranged from nine to sixteen. Caitlin herself was eighteen and had left the flush of youth behind as she entered womanhood. Her skin glowed with a virtuous bloom and the distance between her brothers had never been greater. They were all rough. Mark, her eldest brother, had started to grow a beard. Dominic and Pip would not be too far behind in that regard, while Callum was still just a baby compared to the rest. They raised a ruckus as they disagreed with Bryn’s decision, while Caitlin remained quiet. She glared at the boys to try and get them to be quiet as Bryn explained everything that happened.

“Why would Malcolm agree tae such a thing?” Violet asked.

Bryn pursed his lips. “It seems that when we were fighting his mind was taken back tae our childhood, when we dueled as boys. We looked around and saw all our men dying. The clans hae lost sae much. Eventually, there will be naething left. He speaks sense. This is needed sae we can grow again and flourish.”

“It’ll just last a few years and then one of ye will find a reason tae gae tae war or one of ye lads will,” Iris said, jerking her heads towards the boys. Mark puffed out his chest and nodded, as though it was a thing to be proud of. Caitlin let out a tittering laugh.

“Oh Mark, ye act sae brave at the dinner table, but I dinnae ken what chance ye would hae in a war. Ye cannae even beat me with a sword!”

Mark glared. “I just gae easy on ye because ye are my sister.” His cheeks turned red and the way he spat out his words showed that he had been

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