He couldn’t remember. Nash wasn’t into the women that sought out ex-cons, and he’d known all the women in his neighborhood since junior high. As a result, it had been a long time since he’d been intimate with anyone. Hilary was crossing off all his checkmarks, but it wasn’t a good time.


“Does the job pay over or under the counter?”

“They should report their pay but let me see what they say.” Hilary studied the job description. “It looks above board. Do you want me to submit your information?”

“Sure. I’ve got all my personal data in this envelope.” Nash leaned over and struggled to get the envelope out of the back pocket of his jeans. They needed to get bigger chairs. “I’ve got to get back to work.”

Hilary watched as he retrieved his information.

Nash saw the flash of desire flare into her eyes. He wanted to shove his hard cock into her throbbing, wet pussy. Something about Hilary was screaming at him to forget everything that he’d been working for and take what he wanted. Her.

Nash tilted his head. “Do you mind putting it in?”

“No, I don’t mind putting it in.” Hilary bit her bottom lip as she took the package from his outstretched hand. His fingers stroked over the back of her hand causing her to shiver.

“Thanks.” Nash gave her a wolfish grin and stood. “I assume you were talking about my information and not my –“ He raised his eyebrows and pointed to the bulge in his crotch.

“I can’t say that I’m opposed to either.”

Nash laughed again. Damn, she’s a feisty one. Who knew he could be so turned on by a short-haired blonde woman in a button-up top with nerdy glasses? “You’re funny. I expected a middle-aged woman with gray hair in a bun, who looked like she’d sucked on a pickle.”

“But you got me instead.” Hilary frowned.

“Yep, thanks again, Hilary. You’re awesome.” Nash stood. “When will I hear something?”

Hilary looked at the screen. “The job closes in two days. You should hear something from us by Friday at the latest.”

“Sounds great.” Nash stopped when he reached the door. “Have a great day, Hilary. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

As Nash exited the door, he shook his head. Another time, another place. He would have loved to take Hilary out on the town and then back to his place for naked Twister and some soul-burning kisses.

Chapter Two

One week later, Nash glanced up to see Hilary getting out of her car. He felt a jolt of electricity shoot through his body. Damn it. She was going to make it hard as hell to do the right thing. She was adorable in her white dress pants and silk shirt. Who wore white to a dusty, dirty construction site? He closed his eyes. Get to work.

Nash turned back to the stone fireplace he was building. There were a couple of other workers in the backyard working on the pool, but they were off to the side. When he could no longer ignore her presence, Nash stood and put his hands on his narrow hips. “What are you doing here?”

“C-checking to see if the job is working out for you.” She walked closer to him but stopped with a few feet between them.

“Do you do that for all your clients?”


“What makes me so special?”

Hilary licked her lips. “Well, you look pretty good in a pair of jeans.”

“Do I?” Nash stepped forward and put a finger under her chin. Fuck. He wanted to kiss, nibble, and suck on her plump lips as he slipped inside her slick twat. He hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind since the day they’d met.

“I don’t think you know what you’re getting into messing with me.”

“Yeah, I do.”

Nash frowned as he dropped his hand and stepped back. He couldn’t drag her into his chaos. “No, you don’t. I have too much baggage for a sweet girl like you.”

“What kind of baggage?”

“Jail. Bad guys. Sister drama. Just a bunch of shit I’m trying to work through.” Nash went back to the bricks he was laying. “You should get back to work before you get in trouble.”

“I won’t.”

“Does your boss know that you’re here?”


“Then, how do you know you won’t get in trouble.”

“I don’t care.” Hilary stepped toward him.

Nash sighed. “Hilary, I’m not in a good place right now.”

“Tell me about it. Maybe I can help.” Hilary placed a hand on Nash’s arm.

His arm tingled at the contact. Why isn’t life simple? Years ago, he had thought that it was. Now, Nash knew that there were consequences for every action. Even those deeds that were done with the most noble of intentions.

“No one can help me. It’s something I have to do on my own.” Nash placed a hand on her cheek and stroked his skin. “You are like a tall glass of iced tea. Refreshing and sweet.”

“And, you’re more than just a criminal record.”

Damn her. Hilary made him want things that he couldn’t have. At least until his past was permanently behind him, Nash didn’t have anything to offer this sexy, determined, spitfire of a woman.

“Not right now, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“Damn it.” Nash’s eyes flashed with desire as Hilary’s fingers trailed along his chest. “You shouldn’t be here.”

Hilary stood on her tiptoes to meet Nash’s mouth as his descended upon hers. His tongue slipped between her lips as he explored. She arched closer and pressed her body to his. Nash knew he should care about getting her dirty, but he couldn’t find the resolve to push her away.

“You taste sweet,” Nash said against her lips.

“And, you taste sweaty.” Hilary’s eyes twinkled as she stepped back.

Nash laughed and shook his head. God, he liked being around her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed and meant it.

“Can I see you some time?” Hilary asked.

“I shouldn’t, but you are kind of a hard lady to get away from.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. When I see something I want, I plan to

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