get it.”

“I guess I’ll just have to enjoy the pursuit.”

“Oh, you will.” Hilary wiggled her eyebrows.


Hilary jumped.

David Corbin called her name as he walked toward Nash and Hilary.

How does she know David? David was his boss and appeared to be a decent guy, but he wasn’t going to be pleased that there was a distraction on his construction site. Just what Nash was trying to avoid – a reason to get fired.

“Hey, David.”

“Hilary, you know better than to bug the help.”

“Sorry. What are you doing working for Phillip’s Construction?”

“Just took over as lead man for the crew.” David put his hands on his hips.

“I see. What does Jeff think of that?” Hilary brushed a strand of her short hair behind her ear.

Nash frowned. Who the hell is Jeff? Never mind. That was not his business. He needed to get back to work. It had been stupid to think for a second that he could have a relationship with Hilary. It was not in the cards.

“He got me the job.” David’s eyes narrowed as he glanced at Nash. “You need to get back to work.”

“Sure thing.” Nash turned without giving Hilary a second glance, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation. God, I’m an idiot. Shaking his head, Nash returned to building the fireplace and blocked out their voices.

When Hilary finished talking with David, she walked up to him. Nash felt his skin tingle as she neared.Where had this magnetic attraction come from? He’d fucked other women before, but Nash couldn’t say that he’d ever wanted one for more than a roll in the sheets.

Way to go on his part for finding the one – at the totally wrong time. That was Nash’s story – wrong place at the wrong time. Not that he would change his past because he wouldn’t.

When Nash faced her, he said, “Listen, Hilary, you’re a beautiful lady, and I’m not going to deny that I would like nothing better than to drill you six ways to Sunday.”


“But, now’s not a good time. I can’t afford to get fired. There’s too much at stake right now, and you shouldn’t be hanging out on construction sites messing around with someone like me. Go find a nice accountant to play with.”

Hilary’s eyes flared. “Screw you. I don’t want to fuck an accountant.”

“You need to go before your friend cans my ass.”

“Fine.” Hilary waved her hand dismissively. “But you’re going to regret turning me down.”

“Honey, I already do, but it’s got to be done.” Nash picked up a stone and placed it on the fireplace. Why did doing the right thing always bite him in the ass?

Chapter Three

Several days later, Nash knocked on Hilary’s door. When she looked up from her desk, he steeled his nerves. Nash wasn’t there to flirt with her.

“What can I help you with?”

“I need a different job.”

“What’s wrong with this one?”

Nash stepped inside her office. “Can I have a seat?”

“Of course.”

After Nash sat down, he said, “They want to pay me under the table.”

“They aren’t supposed to do that. I’ll call David.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t want to make waves with them. I’m sure they’re used to it not being a big deal.”

“They shouldn’t advertise the position as legitimate if it’s not. I’ll let my boss know because he doesn’t like to list places that are shady.”

Nash dragged a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry I’m being a pest. I’m sure most people who come in here are happy to get a job and get paid.”

“It’s fine.”

“You asked me the other day what the deal is, and I didn’t answer.” Would she think he was full of shit? Nash was sure that some of her other clients claimed innocence or told her their sob stories, so he wasn’t expecting much.

“Yes?” Hilary picked up a pen off her desk and twirled it in her fingers.

“You know I was charged with assault?”

“Yes, it was in your packet.”

“I’m not going to deny that I did it, but there is more to it than a simple beat down.” Although, the dude did deserve to get the crap kicked out of him, and he’d do it again. To hell with the consequences.


Nash’s jaw clenched. “The dude was trying to rape my sister outside of a club.”


“I saw them leave and had a weird vibe about it. When I found them, the guy had my sister pinned against the building with her skirt torn off.”

“Oh my God, Nash, that’s awful.”

“I saw red.” He rubbed his temple. “When I got done with him, he had a broken nose and cheekbone.”

“Did he get time for attempted rape?”


“What the fuck?”

“He has money and comes from a prominent family. We both got arrested, but I’m the only one with a conviction. Although, the Judge said he didn’t feel I was a risk and would have probably done the same thing.”

Hilary dropped her pen. “I don’t understand. How could he find you guilty?”

“He gave me jail time and suspended probation. I did weekends in jail for months, now I’ve been crime free and compliant with my field probation officer for the last two years. The only stipulation I have now is to get a job that pays taxes. If I get that done, in six months’ time, my record will be closed. The conviction will be gone.”

“Wow.” Hilary sat back and leaned against the headrest of her chair. “I see now the motivation to get an up and up job.”

“When you asked the first time, I didn’t want to sound like I was full of shit.”

“No.” Hilary shook her head. “I believe your whole story.”

The relief Nash felt at hearing Hilary say that she accepted his explanation was more than he’d hoped for. And he believed her. Hilary didn’t seem to have a conniving bone in her body. She was open, honest, and too damn good for him.

“I’m sorry that Phillip’s Construction was a dead end, but I know the perfect company. It’s also a construction job.”

“Thank God.”

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