toward the stairs.

“I have her already,” Odin called down to us through the monitor.

There used to be a picture window in Lesya's room that overlooked my bedroom. I had thought it would be a good way for us to see into her room while we were downstairs. Except you couldn't see her through the window since it was set so high. The only thing it was good for was looking downstairs while you were up there. That was fine until Lesya grew large enough to peer through the window too. Then it became awkward. The first time a bout of passionate sex was interrupted with cries of “Mommy!” and “Uncle Odin!” I knew the window had to go.

It was convenient that my territory was connected magically to me, and I could make architectural changes as easily as I swept a blanket over Odin's ass. So, the window was gone; replaced by a baby monitor. Sometimes human technology beats out magic.

“Thanks, dude,” Trevor mumbled as he trudged back to bed and fell face-first onto the mattress.

“He's had a long night,” I whispered to Nick as I filled his bowl with cat food. “He worked until 3 AM and then came home to a sexy wife. That's me, in case you were wondering who the sexy wife is.”

“Are you talking to the cat again?” Azrael asked as he swept into the room without his angel wings.

I don't know where those wings went when Azrael makes them disappear, but I was thankful he could do it. Sometimes, wings get in the way.

“He's an immortal cat, thanks to you,” I said before I kissed my angel good morning. “I think that makes him special enough to talk to.”

“You talked to him before I started feeding him manna,” Az pointed out as he began rooting around in the fridge.

“Yeah, all right,” I huffed. “I talk to animals; it's not exactly crazy in our world.”

“She fucks animals,” Trevor muttered into the pillow. “Talking is nothing.”

“Hey now!” I snapped. “First of all; watch your language. Second; I do not perform bestiality. You're only part wolf; with human reasoning even when in full-wolf form. And I have never had sex with you in that form, by the way.”

“Yeah; you have,” Trevor lifted his face to smirk at me. “But you happened to be in that form as well; so I guess that doesn't count.”

It was a subject that had been brought up a few times before. When you live in a shifter household, you end up talking about sex a lot. Shapeshifters tend to have less sexual hang-ups than most humans, and they're very open about their bodies. So, I wasn't surprised when some of the Intare had asked my opinion on intercourse when in animal form. Was it considered bestiality if you were the beast? Or was your partner engaging in it; even if they were a beast too? It was a fine line that tended to waver. In the end, I had declared that it was an opinion, not a fact.

When there was a man inside the beast, things changed, but—for my own preference—I wasn't comfortable having sex with one of my husbands in a purely animal form while I remained human. And it wasn't even about the bestiality question—though that was an issue—it was simply about attraction. I am not sexually attracted to a lion—or wolf—unless I am in my lioness—or wolf—form. Then, my beast takes over, and I can feel aroused. So, yes, I did have sex with Trevor in his wolf form, but only when I was a wolf too. The only exception I made was for half-forms; when either I or one of my men were half-shifted into an animal. Then I could still see the man, and I could still feel attraction for him.

“Go back to sleep, Wolf.” Azrael shook his head and laughed. “It's too early to be getting into this again.”

Then a stranger walked into the kitchen carrying Lesya.

“Hell's bells!” Azrael shouted.

Trevor and I both looked up at Azrael's exclamation, and then we gaped at Odin.

“Huh,” Trevor said. “You got a face.” Then he went back to sleep.

“Uncle Odin is smooth!” Lesya declared as she rubbed her little hand down Odin's sleek jaw. “Pretty.”

Odin was smiling until the P word. Then he turned an annoyed look at Lesya.

“You shaved,” I whispered as I walked over to Odin in a daze.

You may not think that a man shaving off his beard was such a big deal, but I had never seen Odin clean-shaven. And I had known him in a past life—hundreds of years ago.

“I thought it was time for a change,” Odin said with a worried look my way. “What do you think?”

I stared at the striking jawline Odin had been covering up; my gaze wandering down to it from the intriguing hollows below his cheekbones. Without the dark hair on his face, Odin looked fifteen years younger; and he'd only appeared to be late thirties to begin with. Now, he looked younger than Thor; which was probably why Odin had grown his beard in the first place. But the hair had hid more than his youthful face; it had concealed his chiseled masculinity and the sexy curve of his lips. Odin's hotness level had just skyrocketed.

“Very pretty indeed,” I teased Odin as I tried to control the urge to jump him in front of my daughter. I settled for purring, “You have a jawline for days.”

“Nice one, Lady Gaga.” Azrael seemed to be the only one who got my American Horror Story reference.

Odin rolled his peacock-colored eyes—they were more green than blue this morning—and grimaced. But I ran a hand down his smooth cheek and then rubbed my thumb lightly over his sensual lips. My breath was quickening, and my heart was starting to race; Odin was exciting my

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