Lust magic to a dangerous level.

“Azrael,” I whispered, “take Lesya, please.”

Azrael chuckled as he scooped Lesya out of Odin's arms. “Come here, little lion-girl,” he said. “Mommy and Uncle need some alone time.”

“Do we?” Odin's eyes began to sparkle.

“Well, I don't usually sleep with strange men I've just met,” I continued with the Gaga drawl. “But for you, handsome, I'll make an exception.”

“It is a big difference, isn't it?” Odin asked in concern.

“It is,” I said as I slid into his arms. “And I like it. You look like a Calvin Klein model, except with more muscles”—I ran my hands appreciatively over his huge biceps—“and ten times more attractive.”

I pulled his face down to mine and gloried in the tickle-free kiss. Odin wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off my feet with a growl. I hooked my legs around his waist and deepened our kiss.

“Mommy likes pretty Uncle,” Lesya said.

And that's why the window was gone.

“Yes, she does,” Azrael said. “Now, what shall we have for breakfast?”

“Creole!” Lesya declared as Odin carried me toward his tower bedroom.

“It's pronounced; cereal,” Azrael patiently corrected her.

“That's what I said,” Lesya growled menacingly.

“Fuck the bedroom,” Odin muttered as he shifted direction. “I'm taking you to Asgard. I have a feeling that my new face will take hours for you to adjust to.”

“And I have a feeling that I need you to rub that smooth face against,” I whispered in his ear, “and it's right between my legs.”

Odin started to run.

Chapter Three

I cried out as Odin's talented tongue and chiseled chin brought me to another climax. As he rolled that smooth face between my thighs, his magic produced the sensation of several hands kneading my flesh, several mouths sucking on my skin, and one, hard phallus surging into me. Odin was like an entire bed full of lovers rolled into one man. I trembled into ecstasy, and Odin lifted up to replace a member made of magic with his physical one. My orgasm multiplied as Odin grabbed my knees and pushed them up to my ears. I looked down the planes of his wide chest, to the clenching muscles of his tapered waist, and then to that perfect piece of flesh pounding into me.

“Clench yourself around me again,” Odin moaned into my ear.

“I got you, baby.” I did as he asked.

“Yes; you do,” Odin groaned as he surged into me.

I was about to get really nasty when the door opened and Re strode in. He took one look at us and started to smile; then he glanced again at Odin.

“Get off my woman, you filthy Viking!” Re roared as he slammed into Odin.

The men rolled across the floor as Re started to glow with Sun magic. I screamed for them to stop, and finally climbed on Re's back and tried to pry him off Odin.

“Re, it's Odin!” I screamed.

“What?” Re froze and stared at Odin. “Holy fuck, man; you look like a... a...”

“Yes?” Odin lifted a dark brow as he pushed the shocked Re off his chest.

“You're too fucking pretty!” Re snarled angrily as he stood and waved a hand at Odin's face. “This is bullshit! You need to grow that damn beard back right now. I'm the most handsome of Vervain's men; not you. Trevor is the Alpha, Kirill is the sensitive one, Azrael is the bad-ass angel, Arach is the fire-breathing dragon, you're the smart one, and I am the gloriously gorgeous one. That's how it works!”

“What's Toby?” Odin asked as he went to fetch robes for us.

“What?” Re scowled.

“You forgot Toby,” Odin said. “So, which one is he?”

“Um,” Re fumbled, “the stoic one.”

“I think Kirill could be the stoic one,” I mused as I slipped into my robe.

“And the pretty one.” Odin chuckled.

“No!” Re pointed angrily at us. “I am the pretty one! Now, put that beard back on, Odin.”

“Re, relax.” I went over to hug him. “You're still the fairest of them all.”

“I am?” He asked anxiously.

“You have gold skin, honey; that's hard to beat,” I assured him.

Re hugged me tightly in relief. I looked at Odin over Re's shoulder and mouthed the words, “He's not.” Odin's body shook with repressed laughter.

“Now, why are you here?” I asked as I pulled away from Re.

“What?” Re's golden eyes widened.

“Why did you just interrupt an intimate moment between my wife and me?” Odin growled.

“Oh!” Re exclaimed. “I forgot. Yes... uh... we have a problem.”

“Yeah; a big, golden, pretty one,” Odin drawled.

Re grimaced. “This is serious, Allfather... ugh, I can't even call you that anymore; it's ridiculous to say it to that boyish face.”

“Re,” I urged.

“Dvārakā,” Re blurted.

“What?” I frowned in confusion.

“What about Dvārakā?” Odin narrowed his stare at Re.

“Someone is trying to raise it!” Re declared.

“What is Dvārakā?” I asked.

“An ancient Hindu city,” Odin said pensively. “Krishna wanted to share some of our technological advances with the humans. He created Dvārakā to do so.”

“And it failed horribly.” Re rolled his eyes. “He ended up sinking it.”

“Why?” I asked.

“The humans did what humans always do with power,” Odin said sadly. “They abused it.”

“And now, someone wants to give it back,” Re set a grim stare on us both.

Chapter Four

“How did you find out about this?” Odin asked after we had dressed and taken the conversation down to the main hall of Valaskjalf.

“Sekhmet,” Re said with a glance my way. “She's living in Dwarka.”

“I thought you just said that it was a sunken city?” I asked.

“Dvārakā—with a V and an extra A—is below water,” Odin explained. “The modern city of Dwarka—with a W—was built on the nearby shore.”

“Well, that's not at all confusing.” I rolled my eyes.

“Most people

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