the Wolf, Gypsy Moon, and Taming the Beast


*Have Yourself a Sexy Little Christmas

Contains Kidnapped for Christmas, Cougar Christmas, and Seasons's Spankings


*Bound and Determined

Contains The Punishment of Nicolett and His Ward


Stand Alone Novels

(Sci-fi OR Paranormal Action-Adventure/Romance)

Purity (Now available in Audio)

Stress Relief

The Last Man on Earth

Anyone U Want

Shadow Dreams

Hunger Moon Rising

Cougar Christmas

Planet X (Also available in Audio)

Deal with the Devil (Also available in Audio)

The Sacrifice (Also available in Audio)

Blood Kiss

The Pleasure Palace

The Last Man on Earth

Blind Date with a Vampire

Eyes Like a Wolf (Foster Brother romance)


*Ceremony of Three

*Str8te Boys (M/M romance)

* Forever Broken (M/M romance)

* Red and the Wolf

*Gypsy Moon

*The Last Bite (M/M romance)

*The Assignment (M/M romance)

*Sex with Strangers

*A Spanking for Valentine

*The Covenant

*Tandem Unit

* denotes books that are only available at Evangeline's Aliens and Alphas Bookstore

Naughty Tales (Short Reads to get you Hot and Bothered)

*Sin Eater

Confessions of a Lingerie Model

When Mr. Black Comes Home

Speeding Ticket

*Putting on a Show

YA Novels

The Academy(Now available in Audio)

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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six


Fang and Claw: Book 2 of the Nocturne Academy Series Sneak Peek

Bonus Content: Deleted Chapter from Guarding the Goddess

Give a Hot Kindred Warrior to a Friend!

Also by Evangeline Anderson

About the Author

Newsletter Sign Up

Chapter One


Victoria Erickson sat at the Last Call Bar nursing her third strawberry daiquiri and looking down at the rip in the skirt of her expensive Teri Jon dress. She had no idea how she had gotten it, but there it was, staring at her like a bad omen.

The Teri Jon was a sexy red wrap dress and Vicky had gotten it at Saks especially for tonight—for her Valentine’s date. It hadn’t been on sale, either. In fact, it had cost an ungodly amount—almost five hundred dollars—which she could ill afford on her high school teacher’s salary. But it had looked so good and made her feel so sexy, she’d decided to do something she normally wouldn’t—get the dress, wear it once, and then return it the next day.

No returning it now, whispered a little voice in the back of her head as she examined the rip. Nope, no way—absolutely not. You just blew your savings on something you couldn’t afford in the first place. Now what are you going to do the next time the Civic breaks down or the AC goes out?

Vicky didn’t have answers for those questions—all she knew was that she’d paid an awful lot to look nice and the effort had been completely wasted. Her date hadn’t even showed.

“Stupid app,” she muttered, staring resentfully down at her phone. “Should have known trying to start dating again at my age wouldn’t work.” Not after over twenty years of being with the same man, anyway.

It had been her older daughter Jodi’s idea to get her an account on Second Time Around, the premier dating app for divorced people in their forties and fifties.

“Dad’s moving on, Mom—you should too,” she’d said when Vicky had admitted to being lonely.

It had seemed like a good idea at the time. It had been almost a year since her youngest daughter, Melinda, had gone off to college and Vicky’s husband of twenty-six years had announced that he was leaving.

In fact, both events had happened on the very same day. Vicky had still had tears in her eyes from seeing her baby off to USF when Kevin had announced that he’d “had enough of this shit” and he was leaving immediately.

“He already had his bags packed,” Vicky murmured to herself, taking another sip of her daiquiri. “Couldn’t wait to get away.”

As it turned out, her ex had only been waiting until both kids were gone so he couldn’t be forced to pay any kind of child support. And it further turned out that he’d been having an affair with his secretary for the past three years. And to cap off the sad, stereotypical story of her husband’s infidelity, his secretary—who was now his new wife—was pregnant.

So Kevin was starting all over again while Vicky was just left there in the dust, middle aged and alone with no one to love her and no one left to love—at least, no one at home, since all her chicks had flown the nest.

Oh, stop being so maudlin, Vicky scolded herself mentally. You’re not usually like this—it must be the alcohol talking.

Well, that and the fact that she’d been stood up on Valentine’s Day. Which sucked—honestly, there was no way around it.

The worst thing was, Vicky was fairly certain she’d spotted Ted—the man she was supposed to meet—earlier in the crowded front of the bar. She’d seen a man who seemed to match his picture—well, sort of, since he was a lot shorter than the 6’2 he’d listed and had a beer belly and was balding. But all the same, he’d looked like the photo on the app.

Vicky had seen him looking—scanning the bar for the woman in the red dress. She’d felt so sexy earlier, messaging him with that little bit of information. “I’ll be the one with a silver streak in

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