confide in this woman? How could she believe there would be any help from a mother who encouraged beating and abuse? Understanding wouldn’t come from this woman who denied the essence of who she was. “Okay,” Lilly whispered and turned away as her mother lit another cigarette.

Opening the screen door to the house, Lilly stopped and called out to her mama, “Where are daddy’s wood carvings?”

Her mother gave an exaggerated shrug, “Gone. They were stolen while Rex and I were on our honeymoon.”

‘Those carvings probably paid for your honeymoon,’ Lilly thought as the screen door slammed behind her.

Chapter 2

I Will Not Always Hold You in

My Heart

Scenes of that Thanksgiving trip, the hugs and tepid goodbyes from her mother drifted into her equinox dream.

She and Alex left early the day after Thanksgiving. Determined not to ride the two hours back to New Orleans in tense silence, Lilly turned the radio on as soon as Alex started the car. It was tuned to her favorite radio station. “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child,” Richie Haven’s voice proclaimed through the radio speakers. “Freedom, freedom, freedom,” the refrain of the song filled Lilly’s mind. Tears crept out of the corners of her eyes.

Alex switched off the music. “Enough nonsense!”

Lilly’s hands curled into fists. She stared out of the car window and remained silent. The question she couldn’t answer played over and over in her mind, “What has happened to Alex, to our marriage, how have I failed?”

The happiest day of her life, her wedding day, came vividly to mind. She remembered the vows she and Alex had spoken, surprising the magistrate, who offered a sterile civil service.

Lilly had spoken vows from her heart, “I will always think well of you, I will speak well of you, and I will always hold you in my heart. I will love you forever.” Alex had repeated the same vows as he looked lovingly into her eyes.

Their honeymoon in New York was thrilling. Lilly, raised in the little bayou town of LaPoint Louisiana, was excited by everything in New York. Alex took her to the theater. He introduced her to fine dining and showed her the city from the top of the Empire State Building.

One night, after dinner at Tavern on the Green, they cuddled under a blanket as a horse-drawn carriage drove them through Central Park under the full moon. The carriage was gently rocking through the park when Alex pulled her onto his lap. She straddled him, and they made love slowly and deeply. It was the first time she experienced an intense orgasm.

Her memory was so vivid there was moistness between her stiffened legs.

“Stop!” Alex yelled.

Lilly jumped, “Stop what?”

“Stop the finger jiggling, finger rubbing, whatever it is you do. I’ve told you before, it is beyond irritating.”

A sob caught in her throat as she whispered an apology, “I am not aware I’m doing it, my hand’s tingle and I...”

“OK, stop doing it,” Alex growled and resumed his stony silence.

Lilly headed straight to the shower when they arrived home. The hot water relaxed her muscles. She felt the tension washing away, as a deep breath turned into a yawn. She wrapped herself in a towel and walked into the bedroom. She wanted to take a nap before she had to cook a big dinner for Alex’s mother and sister that evening.

She slid under the sheets and laid her head on the pillow when Alex walked into the bedroom. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“I want to take a short nap before your family comes over for dinner.” she said.

Before she could take a breath, Alex lifted her head up by her hair.

“No, no, you’re not going to take a nap” he growled. “You need to look in the refrigerator and see what you need to prepare a full course meal tonight.”

Lilly’s head ached with weariness, as she climbed out of bed. Wrapped in her bathrobe, she stood in front of the open refrigerator. There was a shriveled andouille sausage rolling around in the meat tray, wilted lettuce and a block of dry cheese. “I don’t have anything to cook for dinner, why don’t we order something from Becnel’s Deli?”

Alex’s jaw tightened, his eyes bulged from his head. His voice was as hard as nails as he spoke, “I would never disrespect my mother by serving her deli food. You get your lazy ass to the supermarket and put together a home cooked meal for my family!”

Lilly struggled to calm herself. She turned her back on Alex and bit back an acidic remark. Alex’s hand darted quickly from behind her, popping her hard on the ear. The assault threw her into a spin, she grabbed her ear and screamed.

Alex caught her long silvery hair, again, and stuck a $50 bill in her hand. “Get your scrawny Cajun ass dressed,” he yelled in her throbbing ear. The minute he released his hold on her hair, Lilly rushed into the bedroom and dressed. She walked quickly to the front door, but not fast enough. Alex grabbed her arm and drew her to him. Kissing her neck gently, he cooed in her ear, “You know I love you. I want my family to love you as much as I do.”

Lilly nodded her head, “I know, I want them to love me too.”

Alex squeezed her arm as she slipped from his embrace. As soon as he unlocked the front door, she ran to the car. “Hurry back” he called after her.

Her ear was throbbing, and she screamed with rage, as she sped out of the driveway. Different scenarios for escape played in her head. She always arrived at the same question, ‘How far can I get in thirty minutes with $50 dollars?’ Hot tears of frustration blinded her.


Later that evening, Alex’s mother, Fatima, his sister, Angelina and her husband, Vince, sat around the dining room table as Lilly placed a gourmet feast before them. Lilly watched Fatima look adoringly at Alex, admiring his fine

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