high forehead, thick wavy brown hair, deep-set hazel eyes and the beautiful smile he was beaming in her direction.

Fatima never hesitated to sing her son’s praises. Lilly could still hear her bragging, “My son was raised well, bred for success. He is a fine upstanding man with great potential. Everyone knows Alex is a hero. He survived three tours of duty flying missions over Vietnam. He finished his career in the service as a decorated officer and came home to be the private pilot of a powerful international businessman. There is nothing he cannot achieve in his life.”

Her mother-in-law’s gaze fell on Lilly once or twice during dinner. Her thick mouth puckered when she looked at her. Lilly could read her thoughts by the sour look on her face, “This pitiful creature has tied herself to my Alex. She is so pale and sickly looking. What does he see in this weird girl?”

Lilly and Alex were married at the courthouse in New Orleans before she met his mother. This was an ongoing sore point with Fatima and the whole family.

Not long after their marriage, Lilly overheard his mother berating Alex, “You’ve only known her for four months! She is a nobody, some sort of Cajun half-breed from the bayou. She wasn’t a guest at the Gambino wedding, but part of the hired help. Furthermore, she is not one of us. She is not Italian and...is she Catholic?”

The thought that Alex’s wife was not a believer in the Holy Mother Church distressed Fatima even more. I thought you were smarter than this, Alex. I’m terribly disappointed.”

Alex had tried to defend her, “She wasn’t hired help, she was a musician at the Gambino wedding. You have to get to know her mother, she is a sweet girl and of course she’s Catholic.”

Lilly gasped as Alex lied to his mother. She wasn’t a Catholic. That was the reason they eloped to the court house. Lilly didn’t want to become a Catholic or promise to raise any children they may have as Catholics. Fatima’s next words proved she knew the truth.

“You are lying. A good Catholic girl would demand a wedding before the priest.” Striding to the door, Fatima made a rude noise with her mouth and slammed out of the house. Lilly overheard the interchange from the hallway. She knew it would take a lot to win over her new mother-in-law. She soon discovered there was no chance of winning her over, Fatima’s mind was made-up and her heart was closed.


Fatima rode home in the back seat of the Mercury. She shook her head back and forth as she spoke in low tones to her daughter, Angelina, “I hope this Lilly girl is not now and never will get pregnant. I think there is something wrong with her. It is so sad my heart is breaking for Alex.”

“Momma I thought you spent a lot of time with her. You two barely spoke tonight.”

Fatima heaved a sigh, “Speak? You think I want to speak to her? I spend time watching over her while Alex is away on his flights. I am telling you she is not right in the head. She mopes about the house, never even brushes her hair. I try to talk to her. I have invited her to watch my afternoon stories on TV with me. She mumbles incoherently and locks herself in the bedroom. Thank God Alex had the doors removed, at least I can keep an eye on her. I was afraid she would lock herself in a room and intentionally harm herself.”

Angelina looked thoughtful, “What do you mean you watch over her, she is a grown woman. Are you babysitting her?”

“Angelina, Alex is worried about his little Cajun nincompoop. I have to sit with her every time he is flying out of town overnight. Sometimes he is gone for several days. It is awful, I’m telling you!”

“Does she want you to be there?”

“I don’t know, she mostly snivels around, doesn’t say much, doesn’t do much.”

“You’re right Momma, there could be something wrong with her. I hope Alex doesn’t have any children with her. You will end up raising them.”

Staring out of the window for a minute, Angelina took a deep breath and spoke quietly, “Is there any way we can have her taken care of?”

Fatima inhaled sharply, “I’ve told you that life is over. Remember where revenge, secrets, and underhanded business got your father? He thought he was respected, the big important head of the Cosa Nostra. In the end, it made no difference. A gun to the back of his head blew his brains all over his birthday cake.

Alex was a child when we left the families. I walked away with you and my baby boy and I never looked back. I raised Alex to live a legitimate and safe life. I know Giuseppe’s boys taunted him and tried to pull him into thievery and God knows what else. I always took a stand and made sure my Alex did not get involved with the thugs Giuseppe raised.”

Angelina’s eye’s widened, “But momma, he did…”

Fatima cut her off in mid-sentence, “What you and your husband do in New Jersey is your business. Don’t bring your dirty business here.”

Angelina clasped her hands in her lap, shrugged her shoulders and reluctantly agreed.

Fatima made the sign of the cross, “I pray to the Blessed Virgin to protect Alex and send me no grandchildren from my retarded daughter-in-law. I hope the Virgin understands and it is not a sin.”

Chapter 3

Red High Tops

Lilly jolted awake when the closet door slammed. She peeked through one eye and saw Alex putting on his pilot uniform. For a moment, a swirl of muddy color surrounded him. Sighing, Lilly closed her eyes. Alex walked over to the bed and shook her shoulder. She kept her eyes closed as he explained, “I’ve had a call and I’ve got to fly. My momma will be here by 8 o’clock. You make damn sure you make my momma

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