a nightmare.

“Checking in,” I say, to the average woman behind the counter.

She starts to punch something in on the screen. “Name, please?”

“Bliss Meyer.” My attention is drawn away from her as a loud laugh comes from the doorway. A tall, muscular man walks in. Board shorts, sunglasses, and an incredibly sexy smile. Maybe this won’t be a bust after all.

I straighten my posture as he comes farther into the lobby. One flick of my hair has him noticing me. His smile deepens as he makes his way over.

Sun-tousled hair with blond streaks makes me think of a surfer or some type of sports nut. His feet are slipped into flip-flops, and my internal fashionista cringes.

But that smile.

“Hey,” he says, leaning up against the front desk.

He’s taller than me, around six foot two with chocolate-brown eyes and a cleft in his chin. I want to reach out and bite it.

“Hey, yourself.” I don’t care if I sound cliché at this moment. If I have to attend this event and be in this shithole of a town for two weeks, I have to find a way to entertain myself. There is no way I’m going to be bored on top of all the other family drama.

“Ms. Meyer, here’s your room key. Would you like the bellman to take up your bags?”

I was so engrossed in cute surfer boy that I completely forgot about the woman behind the counter.

“Sure, I think it’s time for an afternoon drink, anyway. Want to join me?” I ask, watching his face for any sort of response to my invitation.

“A drink sounds like a good time. I know a spot on the beach that makes amazing daiquiris.”

I take the keycard from the woman with a curt smile and follow Mister Sexy farther out into the lobby.

“What makes you think I drink daiquiris?” I glance up at him through my lashes. His face lights up with the knowledge that I won’t be like other girls. I’m not a ditzy sun worshipper. I’ve got more to me than people know.

“My apologies. Is there a particular drink you do like? I know their menu inside and out.”

“Piña coladas.”

His laugh echoes around the marble columns and stained-glass ceiling. The hotel is impressive, which I didn’t expect from a town like this.

“I’m glad I wasn’t too far off.”

“I think you’re closer than you think. Where is this place of yours?” I bite my lip and wait for his answer. I’m not normally this forward when it comes to men, but if life has taught me anything, it’s that we don’t have forever. Take what you want now, make your own waves, and keep swimming. It’s over before you even get to take another breath.

“What’s your name?” he asks, taking my hand and leading me out onto the beach.

The air hits me, and I’m sure the humidity is doing some funky things to my hair, but I enjoy the sea air. It’s much better than the smog back home.

“Bliss.” I purr the s out, trying to seem as seductive as possible, even though I’m anything but. If this was me two years ago, I’d be laughing my ass off. Bliss Meyer—original faker.

“It suits you. I could probably make a bunch of sexual jokes, but I’m guessing you’re not that kind of girl.”

“And why is that?” A pang of embarrassment goes right through me. Did I come on too strong?

“You seem more than what you are. I’m Ashton, by the way.” He raises my hand to his lips and brushes a sweet kiss on my knuckles.

I don’t know whether to be shocked or turned on.

We head down a boardwalk to the beach itself. Everything seems too perfect—the weather, the people. Umbrellas dot the sand in a rainbow of colors. The sounds of gulls and flip-flops marches in tune with each step.

My hand is still clutched in his, and for a moment, with this complete stranger, I pretend I could be happy again.

The sand is hot, but I bend and take my sandals off, anyway. I’ve always loved the beach, and there is nothing like digging your toes in the sand.

“How far is it?” I ask when I’ve straightened.

“Just beyond that cove. The boardwalk runs along the beach, but I figured you’d want a tour from the sand. Bordentown is my home, and I’d love to be your guide for however long you’re here.”

Now who’s laying it on? I can’t help but smile. Meeting someone who reminds me of nothing from my past is exactly what I needed.

“I accept, with one condition.” I wiggle my eyebrows a bit, trying to make myself seem playful when really, I’m just broken inside.

“Anything.” He smirks like he’s made this proposition a hundred times before.

“We stay busy. I’m here for two weeks for a wedding, and I need a distraction. Keep my mind off all the heavy.”

Having to admit that I’m lonely is taking all of me. Coming here and celebrating Royce’s wedding is making me ill. The entire family together again. I haven’t seen them since we lost Tilly, and if my parents didn’t threaten to cut me off, I wouldn’t be here.

“I can do that. Our town has a lot to offer. Especially in the way of fun.”

“On to Piña Colada’s, then. I want to forget my morning flight.”

“As you wish, princess.”

FOUR COLADAS later have me stumbling through the lobby and feeling so much better than before. Alcohol is the best medicine, at least, it has been since I lost her.

“Are you going to be okay? I don’t feel comfortable leaving you all alone.”

I wink at him. “Trying to get into my hotel room?”

He presses the elevator button, and the door dings behind me. I push off from the wall that’s holding me up and stumble into the elevator.

“I don’t take advantage of intoxicated women. I like them fully clear-headed when they scream my name.”

Heat suddenly rushes through me, but it’s not really for the man in front of me. It’s for the escape he’ll provide.

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