important things are here in this truck."

"And, you know, your truck is here, too," Allan added his tone worried but carrying a hint of amusement.

"Yes, everything but you four, is easier to replace than my truck," Doc agreed tightly.

"Why?" Nikolai asked. "Surely it only takes money?"

Doc shook his head. "They don't make diesels the way they used to. I could replace it, but it wouldn't be as good as this one is. Still, all of you are far more important than anything we left there. Whatever they've done, we'll survive it."

"Damn the Andersons," I growled.

Ed pulled me into a tight hug, his light blond hair tickling my cheek. It was getting a little shaggy. He usually kept it reasonably short. Now that I had noticed Ed's longer hair, I noticed that Allan's sandy blond hair was also getting a little shaggy, as if they hadn't gotten a haircut since I'd been possessed. Maybe they hadn't? Another piece of their lives I had disrupted. They swore they wouldn't have it any other way, but I still felt bad about it.

"At least there isn't any traffic?" Allan forced a laugh.

Doc snorted. "It is the middle of the night on a holiday, not to mention most of the roads are actually still closed. And covered in ice. Or snow. Or both."

I leaned forward and massaged his shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension, though I suspected it had been there longer than just the last few hours of what had to be a stressful drive.

Nikolai had provided us with traction spells for the truck and a measure of invisibility so we wouldn't attract the attention of any law enforcement that might be out on the treacherous roads. The whole area had been hit with a couple of massive snowstorms over the last few days and not much was actually open. Nikolai had made it from Colorado to Nebraska with Ed and Allan in a stolen Mustang. Alex Anderson's Mustang, in fact. Fortunately, Nikolai had been able to practice all of his spells on the Mustang, so we and the truck were fairly safe. The Mustang had not fared so well.

I doubted the Andersons were that upset about Alex's car. They were probably upset about losing their demon. One of the mages who had cast the spells to bind the demon to me had probably felt the spell break, much like Nikolai was feeling his wards come crashing down even though we weren't home yet.

Thanking whatever gods and goddesses were listening that I hadn't actually ended up dating Alex, I reflected that I probably wouldn't have survived if I had. The chance meeting with Ed and Allan had saved my life. And while it had turned theirs upside down, they seemed pretty happy about it.

Doc groaned as my fingers dug into his shoulders and neck.

"I'm sorry," I said as I continued to try and ease his tension.

"For what, Sofia?" Doc said.

"This is all my fault."

"No, it's not," Allan insisted. "We didn't have to try and date you. We didn't have to protect you."

"Yes, we did," Ed interrupted, laughing. "I was gone the moment I laid eyes on you. But, what Allan really means is, it was our choice, too. It's not any of our faults. It's the Andersons' fault. They're the ones that tried to enslave you. They're the ones who work for this magic black market. They're completely the bad guys here. And as we've said many times, the truce we worked out with them would only have lasted so long anyway."

"I am grateful that the Andersons were interested in Sofia," Nikolai added. "Otherwise, I might still be trapped in that magical prison."

I had accidently rescued Nikolai from a magical trap his student had locked him in many centuries prior. Though it sucked for Nikolai, I was quietly grateful to Roza. Without her actions, I wouldn't have Nikolai in my life, and I'd be effectively dead. We had saved each other.

Doc took his hand from the steering wheel and put it over mine, gently taking it in his and pulling me forward so he could kiss my wrist, right over my magical pack tattoo. Five pawprints that represented each of us. It was the physical manifestation of the bond we had formed between all five of us. The bond that, along with Nikolai's magic and Doc's vampiric ability to transfer the demon's power to Nikolai, had saved my life.

"I'll stop apologizing, but I still feel bad." All I had wanted was a quiet college experience in a beautiful mountain setting. I hadn't even decided what I was going to major in, or what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Now I really didn't know, though I did hope it would continue to include my four boyfriends. I had only known them for a few months, but already I couldn't imagine my life without them.

"Hmm, maybe we need to distract Sofia," Allan said, pulling me back into his arms and nibbling on my neck.

I moaned. "Not fair. Doc's driving and Nikolai is making sure we don't die."

Ed groaned in mock distress. He and Allan hadn't been sure they would survive the trip from Colorado to Nebraska with Nikolai, who didn't know how to drive at all, behind the wheel. Even being werewolves and virtually indestructible by conventional standards, they had feared for their lives.

"Did not die," Nikolai said hotly.

I laughed, though it ended in a gurgle as Allan bit down on my neck.

"Cheater," I groaned.

"Works every time," Allan replied.

Doc sighed softly, just barely loud enough for me to hear, and Allan muttered an apology before releasing me.

Despite his assurances, Doc had to be worried about whatever was going on back at his cabin. As the Andersons were involved, it couldn't be good. I wondered what we'd find when we got back. I was starting to think of Doc's cabin as home, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to it. None of us did. The guys were

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