harder. “She’s got dirty blond hair, pretty eyes, and a decent body.”

Ali scoffs. “So do you.”

I sober up, sitting straighter and wondering if I heard what I thought I heard. Did he compliment me? My body? “What?”

His eyes are wide when he looks at me, then he starts laughing. “I’m just saying. . .that doesn’t automatically mean someone’s attractive.”

It takes a minute before my heart rate slows down. “Oh. Well, she asked me out.”

“She asked you out?”

“Why do you sound so surprised? I am attractive.”

Ali rolls his eyes as he laughs. “Whatever, man. That girl asks out everybody. She’s just a slut.”


He shrugs, then takes a sip of his beer while I puff on the joint. “Why do you like her anyway?”

I blow out the smoke as I answer. “She likes me.”

He shakes his head. “That’s not a good reason.”

“Whatever, bro. Who do you like? I saw you with Stephanie the other day. What’s up with that?”

“Nothing is up. She’s just a friend.”

“Have you dated anybody lately? I can’t remember you ever having a girlfriend.”

Ali tenses up a bit. “Girls suck.”

“What are you? Eight?” I laugh.

“You haven’t dated anyone either.”

I think back as I finish the beer. “I went out with Jess.”

“Dude. I was there with you guys at the movies. That was not a date.”

“Okay, well, I made out with Rochelle.”

“Making out is not dating.”

“Why are you giving me shit?”

“You’re the one who brought it up.” He laughs and chokes at the same time, sputtering out smoke.

I finish another beer and he smokes the rest of the joint. We’re both feeling pretty good, laughing at stupid shit, and making plans for the summer.

“You’re right, girls do suck,” I say after a couple minutes of silence, leaning back against the railing.

He chuckles. “I know, but why do you say that now? I thought you were gonna go out with Mindy.”

I watch him until he finally looks up at me. Our eyes stay connected for several seconds, and I start having those feelings again. I want to lean over and plant my lips on his. I want to taste his tongue and run my hands under his shirt and feel his body. I want to tangle my fingers in his long, wavy brown hair.

“I don’t want to date Mindy.”

Stuck in this staring contest, the air around us becomes charged with electricity. His head tilts just slightly, like he’s asking me a question without words. I figure now’s a good time to try to drop hints. If it doesn’t go the way I hope, I can blame it on the alcohol and weed.

My eyes roam his handsome face. His skin is flawless and mocha tinted, and his eyes are like honey. I finally land on his lips. They look soft and plump, and they’re perfectly proportioned. His tongue swipes across the bottom one as I continue to stare.


The use of my first name feels different and instantly pulls me out of my daze. “Yeah?”

“What’s goin’ on?”

“Nothing. What do you mean?”

“You’re looking at me like. . .”

“Like what?” I ask, arching a brow.

Once again he glances at my lips, and there’s nothing about the way he’s looking at me that gives off a friend vibe. He’s looking at me like he wants me.

“Like. . .” he trails off again.

“Like you’re looking at me?”

We don’t say anything else. Instead, we slowly lean toward one another, each waiting for the other to pull away or ask what the hell is going on. Neither of us stops it.

My lips brush against his. We’re cautious, taking our time. One peck leads to two. And then I put my hand on the side of his face and keep him in place as I slip my tongue into his mouth.

He moans which gives me the confidence to keep going. Our kiss turns passionate, and both my hands cradle his face as he fists the sides of my shirt and yanks me into him.

After a good thirty seconds, I ease away just slightly, but my hands are still on his face and his hands are still on my body.

“Ali,” I whisper.

The back door swings open, and the creaking sound sends me and Ali flying apart.

“Merrick.” Elijah’s stern voice steals my attention.

My heart hammers in my chest. Did he see? He looks surprised. Angry. He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me.

“Are you kidding me? You’re smoking weed? I could smell that shit as soon as I got out of the car.” He looks past me and Ali and finds the empty beer bottles. “And you’re drinking?” Elijah huffs, his jaw clenching. “Alejandro, I think you need to go home.”

Ali quickly stands up. “Sorry, Elijah.”

My brother doesn’t say anything, he just steps to the side and lets Ali walk through the house.

I wait for him to start yelling and listing my punishments, but he just stands there and watches me. His anger quickly settles into something else. Disappointment? Concern?

“Go to your room, Merrick,” he says with a sigh.

I stand up and slowly lift my head to meet his gaze. He puts his hand on my shoulder, and I suddenly want to break down and cry and tell him everything. But I don’t. I just walk past him and go to my room.



Present Day

It’s been almost five years since I transitioned from unknown to world renowned. Music has been a huge part of my life for so long.

I remember my parents listening to music, but I couldn’t tell you the names of the artists. I just know my mom liked having music on in the kitchen when she was cooking, and my dad played music both in the car and in his den. I was only eleven when they died, and I wish I remembered more of what they were into.

After their deaths, and as I grew into a teenager, I would lock myself in my room and blast a mix of heavy metal, punk rock, and alternative rock. I taught myself how to play

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