Maddie’s hand.

Christine’s perked at that.

“A gift?” Without hesitation, she walked up to Maddie and reached for the basket.

“It’s some of our late harvest apples, some apple cider, and an apple pie that I baked earlier today.” Maddie showed a bit more confidence, handing the basket to Christine with a small smile.

“Wow!” Christine’s eyes lit up. “Thank you! That’s so nice of you.” Her brilliant smile was so infectious that Maddie’s smile grew to match it.

Maddie turned back to Joe. “My family wanted to give this to you because we appreciate your skills with animals. We feel that you have an important role.”

Joe smiled back at Maddie. One could see where Christine got that smile. “I love October apples,” he stated with enthusiasm. “They are always super sweet.”

Maddie seemed pleased with the response. “Yes, these will be very sweet. I hope your family enjoys them.”

“We’ll have the pie tonight, for dessert.” Christine looked at her dad, who nodded in agreement.

“Okay, I have to get back home. Y’all have a nice evening.” With a small, hesitant wave, Maddie retreated to her truck.

JOE AND CHRISTINE SAID goodbye, but Maddie was hardly listening anymore. She got into her truck and waited for a few seconds, taking a deep breath before starting it up.

She watched Joe and Christine lock up their clinic and walk to their own car. She could hear Christine’s excited voice above the idling truck. It brought a small smile to Maddie’s face. She put the gear into drive and steered her vehicle towards the exit of the parking lot, returning Joe’s wave. Her eyes never left the man and his daughter, watching them get into their car. She continued to watch them through her rear-view mirror until she turned onto the street and lost sight of them.

She nodded to herself. That had gone well.

At the next stoplight, she looked over her shoulder. Two baskets, similar to the one she had just given to Joe Collins, lay on the back seat.

Two more baskets to deliver this evening. Just two. Maddie wished that she had more.

Although her own people would disagree.

If the Order found out what she was doing, they would punish her. They might even kill her. But she’d already gone through all the rationalizations in her head. She feared getting caught, but her decision was made.

The light turned green, the glare of the color reflecting off the miniscule scratches on her windscreen. Maddie lifted her foot off the brake and pressed the gas pedal. The truck’s forward movement felt like a confirmation to Maddie.

I’m doing the right thing. I’ve got to keep moving forward.

She drove in silence, thinking about what was going to happen to the world. To the people. It utterly terrified her.

I can’t save them all. But I can save a few...

Chapter 2


November 3, 9:00 A.M., Undisclosed location.

There was a knock at the door.


Huh. When did my voice get so gruff? Theodore cleared his throat

A young aide entered the small office. Theodore observed the young man as he approached. He possessed a slender build, dark, wavy hair that tended to look messy, and oversized black-rimmed glasses with large brown eyes staring through them. He looked like he should be behind a computer somewhere, writing the code for the latest video game. Or playing it.

“Sir, I have the latest reports for your review.”

Theodore indicated an empty portion of his desk. The young man stepped forward quickly.

“This one is an after-action report from Operation Deliverance. These ones are communiques received from other organized assets. And this last report contains communiques received from unofficial entities.” He stacked the reports on Theodore’s desk.

The old general nodded.

“Please note that some of the reports are several days old. The intelligence contained in these reports may already be obsolete.”

Theodore nodded again and let his gaze fall on the first report. He was about to reach for it when the aide spoke again.

“Can I get you anything, sir?”

Look at him, Theodore.

The general met the younger man’s eyes. The aide looked back expectantly. Theodore could sense the young man’s desperate need to be of some use.

The kid is probably not used to dealing with my old-fashioned ways. Hmm. I guess nobody around here is. I’m sticking out like a sore, crusty old thumb. Thanks a lot, Dave.

“Coffee,” Theodore blurted out. He added, “Um, can you get me some coffee... Please. Winston.”

The aide exited the small office with a curt nod, leaving Theodore alone with his own thoughts.

The kid probably doesn’t understand why I haven’t moved into the president’s office.

Theodore considered that for a moment.

Because I’m not the president. Because by moving in there I’d be admitting to taking on all of Dave’s duties, which scares the crap out of me. Because I like my little office, tucked away in the corner. Take your pick.

But it didn’t matter. He might be hiding out in his tiny office, but he had some massive shoes to fill, nevertheless.

He’d argued with Dave about the appointment.

What was it, only a week ago? Theodore thought back to that fateful day.

THEODORE SHOWED UP at the president’s quarters as requested. He walked up to the ornate door, considering how out of place the oak looked in their concrete-and-steel world.

He didn’t get a lot of time to admire the door, as it swung open the moment he stepped up to it. A stern-looking secret-service agent checked his ID and immediately motioned him into the dwelling. Theodore was surprised to be led past the meeting area and through the living quarters, straight into Dave’s bedroom.

Hesitantly, Theodore entered and stood at the door as it shut behind him, not wanting to intrude into the president’s privacy any further. The president, who also happened to be a long-time friend, cussed him out and told him, “Get your wrinkly ass over here.”

That’s when the president — Dave — came right out and said it. Theodore was so shocked that he took several steps closer, just about touching the foot of Dave’s bed with his

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