somewhere. Everyone knew all of his dates were one-offs, so I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd already finished with his girl of the evening.

The way he looked at me though... He'd never once looked at me with that kind of hunger in his eyes. Even when I was new and wore skirts or low cut tops, he'd never given me more than a passing glance before ordering me to do something for him. Now though... There definitely wasn't work on his mind tonight. Not by a longshot.

"Hello there," he said with that deep baritone voice of his. At work, I was so used to that voice booming out from his office. He was a man who was very obviously used to getting what he wanted and not taking no for an answer. That was what made his company a powerhouse in the industry. He expected nothing less than perfection from all of his employees, and if you weren't giving it your all, he was on your ass about it.

Tonight, that normal commanding tone was absent. Tonight, it was smooth as silk as he licked his lips, not being subtle in the least about his desire for me. I just stood there, staring up into his eyes, not daring to speak. If I said anything, I thought for sure he'd see right through my disguise. It was better to let him do all the talking. A man like him never seemed to mind.

"I've seen you out there," he said, nodding his head toward the dance floor. He smirked at me, hands on his hips, back straight. He stood more than a foot taller than me, with muscles barely contained beneath the expensive suit he wore. "You've been fluttering about, flirting with all of my employees. Last I checked, I was the boss. When do I get my dance?"

My heart had started beating again, a rapid pace that could not have been healthy. But I ignored it and reached out, fighting to steady my shaking hand as I took his and pulled him toward the dance floor. I didn't even need to say anything before he took charge and guided me into position, pulling our bodies tight as we danced along with the rhythm.

I'd always know just how attractive Mr. Frost was. You'd have had to be blind not to. But after working for him for so long, knowing just how much of a dick he was, I'd always pushed away any thoughts about him. Besides, I wasn't interested in sleeping with the man, even if he wasn't a major dick. I wanted to be respected for my mind, not my body, and actually sleeping with the boss was not the way to go about that.

But as we danced together, the few martinis I'd had already made my brain a bit fuzzy, I really noticed just how freaking hot the man was. I could feel his muscles as we danced. How the guy had the time to maintain a body like that, I wasn't sure. But I also wasn't going to complain. Even when his hands slipped from my waist to my ass, I didn't complain as he pulled me tighter against his body.

He showed no signs of knowing who I was beneath my mask, so I figured just to go with it. Adrenaline was coursing through my body, and I was curious to see just what might come out of the night. While I'd have never once considered sleeping with my boss, tonight he wasn't my boss. He was just another man at the party, and I was just another woman.

And I couldn't deny how long it'd been since I'd felt like this about a man. Focusing on my career didn't leave me much time for dating, and the few dates I had gone on over the last two years had been major flops, to say the least. Men seemed to be intimidated by women who were serious about their careers and weren't just floating along until they found a man to pump out some kids with.

Which was fine with me. I didn't need a man to make my life complete. I had plenty of friends, and I enjoyed my work, even if my boss was a dick most of the time. But at least he was an asshole to everyone and not just me.

Tonight, that asshole wasn't anywhere to be found. Was this the side of himself he showed to all those pretty women he brought to these events? Was he all smooth and charming until he kicked them out at the end of the night? I thought bitterly. No doubt he would do that to me, once he got his thrill.

But still, I didn't pull away from him, even when one song ended and another one began. It wasn't like I wanted a relationship with him. But I was curious what kept all those pretty women constantly buzzing around him all the time. Was it just because he was rich and handsome? Or was there more to Christian Frost than I'd seen in the office?

I lost track of how many songs we danced through. It was like my brain was put into the dry on a spin cycle. Everything around me seemed to float and drift away, like none of it mattered. The only thing I could focus on was the sexy man whose arms were tight around me like he never wanted to let go. And if I was being honest with myself, I didn't want him to let go either.

"What do you say we slip out for a bit? Get some fresh air?" Mr. Frost suggested, his breath hot on my ear as he whispered to me. His voice was barely audible above the sounds of the party, but I heard him loud and clear.

All I could do was nod as he led me through one of the side doors. Once it was closed behind us, the world was suddenly silent. When we'd been dancing, my

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