kept going until all I could do was scream as my orgasm wracked my body. All of my muscles went tight at once, and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to breathe through the pleasure.

When he finally pulled away, it was all I could do to suck in deep lungfuls of air. My heart continued to race, and I was surprised I hadn't had a heart attack yet. He didn't give me a chance to compose myself either. I opened my eyes at the sound of him undoing his pants, just in time to see his slacks and boxers fall, forming a puddle around his ankles.

I wanted to give him the same pleasure he'd given me, but I didn't get a chance before he had his hands on my hips, his cock lined right up with my entrance. So much for some extended foreplay, I thought as I bit my bottom lip, his large manhood pushing into me without any preamble.

My already sensitive body shivered as a new wave of pleasure went through me. I had no idea how much more of this I could take, but if Mr. Frost noticed, he didn't say anything. He just started fucking me like a jackhammer.

The world around me swirled and blurred as I struggled to maintain a hold on myself. It was futile though; nothing I did helped me stay sane. All I could do was close my eyes and wonder just how much more my body could take.

It was probably only another five minutes, but it felt like an hour had gone by. Then, that pressure in the pit of my stomach exploded. I locked my legs and arms around Mr. Frost as my pussy tightened around his cock, the rest of my body shaking. The dark room turned bright white as the pleasure blinded all of my senses.

Then, he slammed into me, letting out a primal moan. I was just barely conscious enough to feel his cock throb inside me as he filled me with his seed, sending aftershocks through me.

By the time we split apart, I could barely stand on my own, and it wasn't because of the alcohol. All of my muscles ached as if I'd just run a marathon. It took all of my strength just to be able to dress myself without falling flat on my face. Then, Mr. Frost escorted me back downstairs, and I slipped back into the ball. My cheeks were hot, knowing what I'd just done.

I'd slept with my boss.



Running my hands through my hair, I glared down at the stack of paperwork piling up on my desk. It was amazing how much was still done in physical paper form these days. I could have handled all of them digitally without even a second thought, but for some reason, seeing the massive stack of paperwork just made my brain disconnect.

It'd been like that a lot lately, ever since the Halloween party. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was that smoking hot woman. Even a week later, I could still clearly remember how that sleek black dress had fit perfectly over her dark skin. And it showed a lot of skin! All the other women at the party had been glaring at her the entire time since their men couldn't do anything but ogle the gorgeous woman.

Her skin had been silky smooth beneath my fingers, hot to the touch. When I'd taken her up to my office, this very room, it was all I could do to control myself. Even now, just remembering that time we spent together was enough to give me a hard-on. Maybe bringing her back up to my office hadn't been such a good idea.

Now it was near impossible to work without imagining her naked on my desk again.

And I didn't even know her name.

The party had been open to investors and other socialites, and there had been plenty of people there I hadn't recognized. But when I made subtle inquiries about the mystery woman, no one seemed to recognize her. It was like she'd stepped out of some fairy tale, shown up just to tease us, then vanished back to her own world.

A sharp rapping at my door jarred me out of my thoughts. Jade stood there, and when I nodded, she walked in. She didn't even wait for me to greet her before she started. "Mr. Marcroft wants to know if you've finished going over the paperwork he sent up."

Frowning, I stared at the stack of papers on my desk. I remembered Marcus Marcoft, our CFO, sending up a bundle of papers yesterday, but I couldn't for the life of me remember which ones were his. I normally didn't get this far behind, but with everything going on, combined with my split attention, it was nearly impossible for me to keep up with everything this week.

Jade must have noticed my dilemma. She stalked over to the desk, stared down at the papers for a moment, then shuffled through a stack before handing me a folio. "Buzz me when you're finished with it," she said before turning and walking back toward the door.

I stared at her as she went, suddenly noticing the curves she had. Had Jade always been such a gorgeous woman? She always wore such conservative outfits compared to the rest of the secretaries that I hadn't really noticed before. But as I watched her go, my eyes were drawn right to her plump backside, thoroughly appreciating the view.

Then, I wanted to kick myself. She was my employee. Obviously, she wasn't there to be ogled, otherwise, she'd dress like some of the other secretaries. They all seemed to take pride in who was showing the most cleavage each day. Not Jade though. She was here to work, not flash her boss.

Besides, there was no way in Hell I was going to sleep with one of my employees. Even if Jade did like to flaunt her body to everyone, sleeping with her

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